2 male Pekins trying to mate?


Apr 9, 2023
I’ve recently discovered that the two Pekins I’ve got are males (raspy voices vs quacks, the telltale curled drake feather, etc) and they’re about 16 weeks old and hormones are raging. I noticed when in their pool or when very excited they will start head bobbling, nuzzling and then grab each other by the neck- it never escalates further than that but I suspect this is mating behavior as they get along so well otherwise / it doesn’t look like fighting. As they get a little older will they chill out or anything I can do? Getting females isn’t an option as I don’t have the space. I read up on success stories of 2 drakes living together well if they are set up right so any tips and tricks for a newbie are much appreciated! They don’t free range- but their run is 65 SF and they share it with 5 chickens. They have their own space with a smaller pool inside the run and a duck house for shelter, and so supervised free range every afternoon.
I’ve recently discovered that the two Pekins I’ve got are males (raspy voices vs quacks, the telltale curled drake feather, etc) and they’re about 16 weeks old and hormones are raging. I noticed when in their pool or when very excited they will start head bobbling, nuzzling and then grab each other by the neck- it never escalates further than that but I suspect this is mating behavior as they get along so well otherwise / it doesn’t look like fighting. As they get a little older will they chill out or anything I can do? Getting females isn’t an option as I don’t have the space. I read up on success stories of 2 drakes living together well if they are set up right so any tips and tricks for a newbie are much appreciated! They don’t free range- but their run is 65 SF and they share it with 5 chickens. They have their own space with a smaller pool inside the run and a duck house for shelter, and so supervised free range every afternoon.
Ok so I have all girl ducks and they pretend to do it and play around every time they get in water. Its a duck thing. I once read that the male mallard duck is the number one most sex crazed animal in the entire animal kingdom, I am not surprized. Pekins are number 2...
I also read that the drakes in a "bachelor flock" need minimum 60 sq ft each.
Ok so I have all girl ducks and they pretend to do it and play around every time they get in water. Its a duck thing. I once read that the male mallard duck is the number one most sex crazed animal in the entire animal kingdom, I am not surprized. Pekins are number 2...
I also read that the drakes in a "bachelor flock" need minimum 60 sq ft each.
Looks like I may need double the space… thank you!! :) I love my little bachelor flock so want them to be as comfy as possible!
I have 4 ducks (separated into 2 different houses/areas. 3 makes and 1 female 🤦🏽‍♀️(horrible I know). One group is a male:female and they’re bonded. The other is male:male. One of the males has neuro issues, the other areas acting like a support duck and helping him around. In recent months the “support drake” has been ‘mating’ with the other drake. It is not a constant thing and mostly if they cross paths with the other pair and a show of who’s the manlier drake. Sometimes it’s a dominance thing. But also duck sex is 🙈
I’ve recently discovered that the two Pekins I’ve got are males (raspy voices vs quacks, the telltale curled drake feather, etc) and they’re about 16 weeks old and hormones are raging. I noticed when in their pool or when very excited they will start head bobbling, nuzzling and then grab each other by the neck- it never escalates further than that but I suspect this is mating behavior as they get along so well otherwise / it doesn’t look like fighting. As they get a little older will they chill out or anything I can do? Getting females isn’t an option as I don’t have the space. I read up on success stories of 2 drakes living together well if they are set up right so any tips and tricks for a newbie are much appreciated! They don’t free range- but their run is 65 SF and they share it with 5 chickens. They have their own space with a smaller pool inside the run and a duck house for shelter, and so supervised free range every afternoon.
Please keep your male ducks away from your chickens. They can try and mate with the hens and really hurt them/even kill them. Ducks are best seperated from chickens
I have all drakes. They can get a little feisty when their hormones are raging in the spring, but they are good friends and do accept others joining them. I find it helpful to have separate compartments in their duck house so that they are safe from bullying at night. I currently have a drake in a dogcrate in the coop at night, longterm: it is his little palace; and another in a sectioned off corner. Two share the rest of the space. Peace generally reigns during the day when they are free ranging in the backyard. Last year, I had 2 rescued pekin drakes. They were tightly bonded, but one kept pulling out the feathers along the side of the others head and neck. He also excluded the other from the wading pool. I only managed to break that behavior by moving the bully to my son's pekin flock, swapping him for my son's drake. After 3 months the bully came back. He and his bonded friend instantly recognized eachother and were two very happy duckies. There was no further bullying and three months later, in January this year, the two went off to their forever home still tightly bonded. I think your two can be very happy together.
I have 4 ducks (separated into 2 different houses/areas. 3 makes and 1 female 🤦🏽‍♀️(horrible I know). One group is a male:female and they’re bonded. The other is male:male. One of the males has neuro issues, the other areas acting like a support duck and helping him around. In recent months the “support drake” has been ‘mating’ with the other drake. It is not a constant thing and mostly if they cross paths with the other pair and a show of who’s the manlier drake. Sometimes it’s a dominance thing. But also duck sex is 🙈
Sooo you’re saying that the one male duck is raping the other one.??!

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