14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

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I’m still in awe you had 100%!

Jennifer Lopez Applause GIF by NBC World Of Dance
ME TOO!!! LOL especially with shipped eggs! But I do have great hatch rates from this seller which is why I keep going back to her. good thing she has breeds I like and some cool colors! and I only got 1 clear out of 9 eggs (the ONE green egg since you know colored eggs hate me!) and 1 clear from my girls 7 eggs!!!! Not bad!
So my bantam/silkie eggs decided to make a fool of me and rather than hatching at 19-20 days as usual, they decided to go the full 21! One silkie came out a couple hours ago, pretty sure it'll be an all white fluff ball!! And I just popped out a black showgirl! I'm so excited for that little naked baby!!! The remaining 6 are all pipped and brewing, more updates to come!!
3 more out, 3 left to go!!

So far I have a black silkie of each fully fluffed and showgirl, a white fully fluffed silkie, a little bantam golden wyandotte and a little blondie bantam orp! I believe she will grow up to be white, but if im lucky, they will stay buff and be mini matches of my current orp ladies!

We've got one of each left; silkie (hoping for another showgirl!), wyandotte and orpington.

Wish me luck they hatch before 3am but who needs sleep on hatch day?!?!?!

I got some "props" at Michael's the other day, so I'll certainly be posting some adorable pics when they've all popped out!!
So, tonight I have several internally pipped. 👍🏻 should start having external pips tomorrow. Hopefully. I have plans for tomorrow so I hope they wait until I get back in the late afternoon. I’ve got my son watching them while we’re gone. Tomorrow is 20 days. These are chicks from the ones I hatched last year and also their mothers. Different rooster though. I’ve got a lot of eggs set. I will probably be a little over saturated if they all hatch! 🤣🐣
3 more out, 3 left to go!!

So far I have a black silkie of each fully fluffed and showgirl, a white fully fluffed silkie, a little bantam golden wyandotte and a little blondie bantam orp! I believe she will grow up to be white, but if im lucky, they will stay buff and be mini matches of my current orp ladies!

We've got one of each left; silkie (hoping for another showgirl!), wyandotte and orpington.

Wish me luck they hatch before 3am but who needs sleep on hatch day?!?!?!

I got some "props" at Michael's the other day, so I'll certainly be posting some adorable pics when they've all popped out!!
All of my babies are out!! Had another blonde bantam orp, another black silkie and another golden bantam wyandotte. So exciting!! Pics to come!!!
My broody hen goes into lockdown tomorrow. I was away for a week and apparently 3 more hens went broody while I was gone! They are all in the coop together. I don’t want to move the first hen before hatch so we will have to keep a close eye on things.
After the hatch I will probably move the hen and chicks to the shed and then figure out what to do with the other broodies. I guess I could give some chicks to the other hens too… have to think about this!
I took 22 chicks out of the incubator this morning!

3 eggs left that I'll candle later to see what's up with them.

The 3 pullet eggs hatched, and I clearly have chicks that are smaller but they're just as lively. One of them was the shrink-wrapped chick. If my theory about stacked eggs is right that makes sense because I had the pullet eggs up on the top layer the entire time since I wasn't really expecting them to hatch in the first place and put my more valuable eggs in the best turning areas.



Some baby pics!! Still in the "baby bubble" until the kids get home from school and can help me transport them to the brooder, so I'll get better pics later but I wanted to share these now. So cute!!!


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