14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

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Wow that’s early for rocking! What breeds are you hatching again?
I just wanted to add. I think my incubator was running a touch warmer than I thought. I had purchased extra thermometers when I got the incubator, then realized they can't be calibrated. After I lost 12. So at that point, I figured as long as there were veins and movement, it wasn't too messed up.

I'll be honest, I can't resist candling. I have them positioned so I can shine my light in and see even in the incubator. One of the eggs, the air cell is almost filled up with shadows and I can see the beak pressing against it and almost poking it.
Having a full blown panic attack. Power went out at 2:45 this afternoon. Ended up running my incubators to a friend’s house about 30 minutes in because power company had no eta for restoration. Power was back on after about an hour and a half. I went and got them after dinner, got them all situated again and was getting ready to put pajamas on and power went out AGAIN. Brought them back upstairs where it was quite warm because we had the pellet stove on (it requires electricity so it’s off now too). Put them on top the pellet stove with a blanket to trap residual heat. It’s now been 50 minutes of this power outage. It’s dark and cold out and I can’t really take them back to the friend’s cause they have gone to bed. Not sure how much actual temp fluctuation there was in the actual eggs but air temp certainly has fluctuated wildly today. This is not what I planned on. I really want to go to bed, but I have to stay up until the power comes back on.
Having a full blown panic attack. Power went out at 2:45 this afternoon. Ended up running my incubators to a friend’s house about 30 minutes in because power company had no eta for restoration. Power was back on after about an hour and a half. I went and got them after dinner, got them all situated again and was getting ready to put pajamas on and power went out AGAIN. Brought them back upstairs where it was quite warm because we had the pellet stove on (it requires electricity so it’s off now too). Put them on top the pellet stove with a blanket to trap residual heat. It’s now been 50 minutes of this power outage. It’s dark and cold out and I can’t really take them back to the friend’s cause they have gone to bed. Not sure how much actual temp fluctuation there was in the actual eggs but air temp certainly has fluctuated wildly today. This is not what I planned on. I really want to go to bed, but I have to stay up until the power comes back on.
Sorry your dealing with this. For what it’s worth I had a hatch like that about 3 years ago. Very similar situation… Power out with 2 full incubators running them to my moms getting them back then power out again. Miraculously The hatch rate was great as if nothing had happened. I’ll hope for the same for you🤞🏼
Sorry your dealing with this. For what it’s worth I had a hatch like that about 3 years ago. Very similar situation… Power out with 2 full incubators running them to my moms getting them back then power out again. Miraculously The hatch rate was great as if nothing had happened. I’ll hope for the same for you🤞🏼
We’ll, good news, power is back on. Let’s hope it stays that way. Getting them plugged back in in my basement. They stayed toasty warm with the residual heat from the pellet stove with a moving blanket over them for the past 90 minutes. Air temp according to my thermometer was 100 when I just moved them back to the basement. Here’s hoping power stays on, both for my babies and because I need to charge my phone or my alarm won’t go off in the morning.
So I planned to put mine in lockdown today. Well I have chicks in my office and my main incubator is in my dining room. I kept hearing a chick and thought my kids let one out but I couldn't find one anywhere.... so I went back to cooking. Next thing I know I hear it again. Well I decided to look into the incubator and there was a external pip chick!!! I hurried up and moved them into lock down in my office incubator. So exciting!
We’ll, good news, power is back on. Let’s hope it stays that way. Getting them plugged back in in my basement. They stayed toasty warm with the residual heat from the pellet stove with a moving blanket over them for the past 90 minutes. Air temp according to my thermometer was 100 when I just moved them back to the basement. Here’s hoping power stays on, both for my babies and because I need to charge my phone or my alarm won’t go off in the morning.
Hopefully your power stays on for you!!
I put my eggs into lockdown this afternoon. I was candling them one last time and heard peeping and the egg I was holding was pipped already!! I had a panic attack and quickly got everyone back inside without the turner, added my sponge and water and now my humidity is too high!! Hovering around 75% and a second one is pipped. I'm so nervous it's too wet, but I don't know what to do. I could take the sponge out and hope the water in the trough is enough, but then what if it's too low?! :duc
Start of day 18 here
One of my eggs is behind the other two, I put it under the broody for awhile, but it wasn’t warm enough and was developing more slowly, so I moved it back into the incubator.
How far behind, do you think?? Can I put all 3 eggs under the broody to hatch? Or should this one stay in the incubator?

The slow egg:


The two more developed eggs:

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