14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

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Candled the eggs one last time and put them into lockdown! But surprise! They’ve already started internally pipping. I was drawing around the air cell when one of them started chirping at me.
We unfortunately had a late quitter this time. He was almost fully developed :hmm
I was going to wait until tomorrow to put my Easter eggs in lockdown but all the chatter on here about early chirps & pips got me nervous so I went ahead and moved them to the hatch tray.

I am still going to wait to bump the humidity because I have other eggs in that have already been through 2 humidity blasts for other hatches and I don’t really want to give them a 3rd!

Anyway I think I miss posted earlier that there were 17 still going. I set 18. 17 shipped buckeye eggs plus one of my own mixed. I pulled 2 clears early on then the rest we’re going strong so it’s 16 going into lockdown. A few saddled air cells and one with the air cell looking smaller than in should be but hoping for a decent hatch 🤞🏼
Day 17: the little eggs went in lockdown yesterday. These are bantams, so I’m expecting a hatch on Thursday. Out of the dozen I had shipped to me, I’ve had 5 get to this point. Thus far, I haven’t heard any peeps, which is hardly surprising given that I spent way too much of my youth with headphones on. No external pipping either.

I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how well the cheapo incubator I bought has maintained temp and humidity. Not much variation at all. Just check in every several hours and you’re pretty much good to go.

So, yeah, I’m probably way too excited for an old guy such as myself, but I’m really looking forward to welcoming the little critters.
Really don't want to enter as my eggs aren't due to hatch till the week after Easter. But I put 12 bantam eggs in my Brinsea Mini Eco on March 31.

Swore I was done hatching and would never never never ever hatch any more chicks given the number of birds I have now but Thank God since I spent three to four years fighting Marek's, I look at my flock of old and young birds and they whisper to me...never never never EVER say Never!

So I wanted to add my eggs to the count and here it the scene on my kitchen counter on March 31st:
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Temp was just coming up and the humidity stabilizing when I took the pic.
*HUGS* I hate Marek's Disease. I also swore I would never ever hatch eggs again, because I've also been losing birds to F'ing Mareks. Usually my favorite-estest ones. But I've had sneaky broodies the past two years, so I loosened it to, "when there are less birds" and I've been good for TWO years.
I lost my absolute favorite (the friendliest bird I've ever had) from the last sneaky hatch to Marek's not too long ago. I have her sibling in the shell right now, whom I hope will be more robust.
I hope I get some lines that are more resistant to the strain in my flock.
Lockdown day for mine, too! Though I have four bantam eggs, and I am pretty sure one was a day ahead in growth("Headstart").
I candled them, and all of them are still alive. I am moderately worried about the air cells. I recently bumped the humidity up for the one I'd left under a broody for the first two weeks, and that cell is really large, and didn't get any bigger. But the others that I expected to have larger air cells, don't. They do look close to some photos I saw on this thread, so I am going to keep an eye on them, but leave them be for now.
Patience is key... Patience is key... *chews fingernails*
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