14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

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Finally hatch week for me..... But of course not till Fri/Sat so the whole week to go still. Lol

But candled tonight and got this cute foot picture
Same here (and for most of us, lol!). Banty eggs may start hatching early. Oh wait, those aren't due until NEXT week. I'd better go edit my post in the April HAL!

Ah, the things lack of sleep make us do...
Same here (and for most of us, lol!). Banty eggs may start hatching early. Oh wait, those aren't due until NEXT week. I'd better go edit my post in the April HAL!

Ah, the things lack of sleep make us do...
Lol. I was doing good most of this incubation since I have the other chicks but getting impatient.. lol

I have a broody that went broody right when I started my eggs. Thinking of giving her some of the eggs at lockdown then more of the chicks when they hatch.... It worked out well with the flock last year but some of my last years babies can be jerks so a bit nervous and she is a first time broody but so far has done well with her fake eggs and going back to her box has only been kicked out of her box once this whole time.
Set 14 duck eggs from my ducks Khaki Cambell drake over Khaki and Rouen hens. All were fertile and the first one hatched a few hours ago with 7 more pipped in hatcher with 2 more to pip in hatcher. 4 still in incubator that were set 2 days after others to probably go in hatcher tonight if they have internally pipped when I candle them tonight. Just love the Easter ducklings :thumbsup


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Set 14 duck eggs from my ducks Khaki Cambell drake over Khaki and Rouen hens. All were fertile and the first one hatched a few hours ago with 7 more pipped in hatcher with 2 more to pip in hatcher. 4 still in incubator that were set 2 days after others to probably go in hatcher tonight if they have internally pipped when I candle them tonight. Just love the Easter ducklings :thumbsup
Just candled and put the last 4 eggs in hatcher with others, 3 internally pipped one still hasn't yet but put it in hatcher anyways. This frees up incubator to start my turkey eggs have about 60 to incubate have 2 turkey hens that went broody a few days ago just waiting to make sure they are fully committed (looks like they are) before I gave them 12 eggs each and the rest will be set in incubator. Will set them all tomorrow, incubators been busy just hatched 2 separate sets of Jumbo Quail eggs before I set the Duck eggs and now onto Turkeys. Gotta love spring hatching :)
Did a candling tonight and, fingers crossed (ouch, the cramps!) all looks good apart from a couple of dubious ones. They don't stink though, so I left them in.

Should have my first little peeps this weekend! I, ah, may have slipped in an egg from one of my own hens between batch one and two. *whistles innocently* Don't tell my daughter! She'll claim it as her own!

Okay, I may be starting to get really excited now...
Going into lockdown on Tuesday! First eggs hatch date is Friday others are next Friday. And they’ll even have slightly older chicks to go in with 😂 I just bought a red laced blue Wyandotte and BSL chick, around 6 days old today
First three are the this weeks hatch, the others or next weeks(was hurrying so they didn’t get cold so not very good pictures)


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Well my experiment with 7 eggs under a bantam cochin and 7 in the incubator hasn't gone that well with the broody eggs. I won't be giving a broody hatching eggs in March again. We fluctuate between freezing and melting temperatures so the coop is muddy and so were all the eggs that she had. They were too dirty to see much in them. One got cracked beyond repair when I was feeding the broody hen and other hens tried to jump into the food tray which smashed the egg with a chick in it. I cleaned it w saline and put a bandaid on it and in the incubator which stunk so I eggtopsied it and threw it out. When she had 6 serama eggs left, one was left cold next to her since other chickens were laying in the one Eglu coop nest. There is also a small hole or two at the bottom of the nest...I had put shredded paper as bedding and it all disappeared, before I gave the hen the eggs. When I gave her the eggs I did put her on paper bedding that is made for chickens. But I tried harder to candle and found that out of the 6 eggs maybe 2 looked ok. I washed them with a cotton soaked with really warm water and put them in the incubator except 2 that I was sure were dead. I eggtopsied those and found that one looked like it had died a day or two before and the other's yoke was really runny so even before that. The one that had recently died looked fully formed without feathers but it's eyes were cloudy and veins very thin so it had been dead at least a day. Today I candled and eggtopsied another egg that should've gone out with those two eggs, looked like it quit around day 8 or 9. So I have 10 out of 14 eggs that will go into lockdown tomorrow with one of the broody's eggs being a bit questionable. These are serama eggs so if I can get at least 3 to hatch that would be nice.
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