14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

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They must be smaller eggs then if you can stack them in a 360?

No. Up to 28 fit nicely but the extras and any they touch have to be hand turned.

Other than the 5 obvious pullet eggs (40 - 45g), none of these are under 54g and most 60 - 65g.

I hadn't planned to participate. I said "no more chicks" but I have a first time broody and it seems a shame to not let her hatch some babies.
She is a 7 month old bantam cochin, named Queenie, and I gave her eggs yesterday. I'll get pictures of her nest today.
Her coop mates are another mottled cochin, a sebright, and a full size black star. The males are a porcelain game hen and a bantam buff brahma. Should make for interesting chicks if any hatch.
None of my big girls are broody yet.
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