Red Mangrove

Jan 25, 2023

I finally filmed some of my birds roosting last night. These moms always push their babies very hard. I've been watching this for almost two years now and it still surprises me seeing a three inch chick fly 15' into a tree


In the foreground, two Rhode Island Red chicks and an "Easter Egger" bought on a whim while publicly intoxicated. I'm manually placing them into the trees at night, hoping they'll figure it out by watching the others

This is their second night

In the background, a 1/2 Indio Gigante, 1/4th American Gamefowl, and 1/4th Rhode Island Red chick attempting to follow it's mother, the colloquially named "Half Red", 15 feet into an oak tree

Far background, a lavender Brahma and Orpington mix
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Eight chicks roost together now on yaupon branches. The three chicks previously mentioned (EE and 2 RIR) sit near a collection of five Indio Gigante and American Gamefowl mix chicks. I had to place the three into the tree again, but they don't fight me anymore

Wheaten Gamefowl mother and her chicks can be observed high in the background, and a very mixed and dark AGF hen goes to roost near her

Closer view of the two hens
These four Egyptian Fayoumi have spent their entire lives in a small coop and their wings are clipped

On their first ever night here they chose to roost in a red mangrove about 10 feet off the ground. They couldn't get any higher. It'll take at least a month for their feathers and flight ability to recover

Normally it takes many days or weeks for former coop birds to figure out natural roosting. It's a very good sign these caught on and did it on night one despite their artificial limitations
Unrelated but my Indio Gigante has been really hitting it off with this new Silkie my kids wanted

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