11 (turning 12) week old Barred rock .... Roo or hen...

The reason I think it's a rooster is it has double barring so that it's more grey and the comb is already red.
: Angelique
Can you please describe how? How accurate is it? Thanks!

Pretty accurate. Boys look more gray (white mixed in the black) at hatch with a messy headspot. Females look black with a defined headspot. Once you know what to look for, it's pretty easy. Then when the feathers start coming in on the wings, you can tell for sure.
Maybe since we are on the topic, someone can tell me if both of these 12 week old Barred Rocks are roosters? I'm curious because one is SO much more advanced than the others? The rooster in the top photo is twice the size, crowing and chasing the hens. He's a little scary. I have two like the bottom photo and they are not yet crowing and both still seem like young birds. I received them all as day old chicks so they are the same age, but the difference is staggering. Is this kind of development difference common in poultry? I haven't seen it before.

I also have 5 grown BR hens and they developed much more along the lines of the bottom bird.

LA Chickens, the one on the bottom is not a Barred Rock. It's a Barred Rock cross, but not a pure BR. It's a cockerel, though.

Both are males. NO pullet has that huge honking comb at 12 weeks of age.

This is a 2 year old thread. Best to always start your own thread when you are asking for sexing help.
BUT, don't do it now since I've answered your question.
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Yep, all three are roos (there are two like the bottom photo)...the top roo continues to grow by leaps and bounds and is easily twice the size of the others. He's a decent roo and keeps his flock in line. All three are barred looking but have patches that are oddly patterned...they came to me from Ideal Hatcherty as "warmth" so likely were not intended to be long for this world :) Anyone interested in at least two of these guys...I'm in Los Angeles...
I guess I'm late to the party but.. "sent as warmth" lol.. I like that about ideal... it's always a suprise when you open the box. The smaller ones are ideals cookcoo old english .. see how far forward that crown sits apon his head. and the other one seems off too but I haven't seen ideals plymouths.. maybe a Dominique. would love to see his picture now that he's grown

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