1000th egg should arrive today


7 Years
Jul 13, 2016
Southeast, MA
My Coop
My Coop
I remember when it seemed we would never get an egg. Our 7 chicks hatched on 4/24/2017. The first egg was laid on 9/23/2017. Our slacker, Becky the Easter Egger, finally starting paying the rent on 11/1/2017. I track the eggs every day. Well if we have a good day today, we will reach 1000 eggs. We need 5 to reach that milestone.

So for those newbies, before you know it you have more eggs than you might have imagined.

For those seasoned veterans. Have you ever thought about the number of eggs your girls have produced. Or how many chicks have been produced? No roosters here, so that is not going to happen. Unless we get some fertilized eggs. Which we could do as we have one hen that has twice become broody.
Taking a break from compost turning.


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For those seasoned veterans. Have you ever thought about the number of eggs your girls have produced.
OhYez.....have a spreadsheet and record daily
Yesterday I just hit 1000 eggs for this year.

I keep track of chicks hatched too.
42 this year, 4 under a broody and the rest incubated,
26 went to local farmette and they may want me to hatch them more here soon due to predation at their place.
OhYez.....have a spreadsheet and record daily
Yesterday I just hit 1000 eggs for this year.

I keep track of chicks hatched too.
42 this year, 4 under a broody and the rest incubated,
26 went to local farmette and they may want me to hatch them more here soon due to predation at their place.
Do you just let the hens brood when they are so inclined?
Do you just let the hens brood when they are so inclined?
Nope, sure don't. Have only let 2 go so far.
This last one I shouldn't have done as she keeps going broody. SMH.
Can't help but think if had broken her instead, she might not keep going broody.
Plus having 2 age groups of chicks(12wo and 7wo) is a bit of a chaotic PITA.
But it was good time of year for it and I was anxious to hatch some of my new cross, 3 of the 4 are males tho.
While I was looking for info on supplemental lighting, I came across this old thread. The years have flown by. We currently have just 4 hens. One 4 year old from the original flock and three from spring 2020. As of this morning, we have collected 3,343 eggs. We had to buy a dozen eggs today. Hence we are considering starting our supplemental lighting program a bit early this year. All four hens have started or almost finished their fall molt. And of course chicks in the spring, that will be protected better from predators.
While I was looking for info on supplemental lighting, I came across this old thread. The years have flown by. We currently have just 4 hens. One 4 year old from the original flock and three from spring 2020. As of this morning, we have collected 3,343 eggs. We had to buy a dozen eggs today. Hence we are considering starting our supplemental lighting program a bit early this year. All four hens have started or almost finished their fall molt. And of course chicks in the spring, that will be protected better from predators.
Today is 3/11/2024. We are just short of 7 years into our backyard chickens. over the years we have had between 3 - 12 hens. Just went over 6,000 eggs. Including building a $1,200 coop + feed and other expenses. We are now down to $5 per dozen. I have not sold a single egg. But, my family rarely buys eggs. I supply neighbors and friends with eggs most of the year. It has been fun. I hope all of you are also enjoying this adventure.


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