1 Year Old Wyandotte Can't Hold her head up suddenly- UPDATED with happy ending 😍

So Penny's vet just called. She had been looking at locating the chelation therapy and was unable to find. At this point since Penny is progressing we both agreed that she probably does not need it. We both also agreed that since the vitamins e and b complex are working to continue with them. Penny is really reluctant to the poultry cel lately so we will stop doing that with the thought process of her body knowing what it needs. The vet believes the anemia was caused by lack of eating, and the zinc levels were not super high for toxicity. So since we continue to progress we will just keep doing the vitamins and monitoring feed and water intake and work on integration back to the flock once she is super strong. So I guess we won't know what this was, but the flock was not affected and she is ok for now so there's that :love

Will continue to keep you all posted on Penny's progress. Again thanks for all your help, concern and advice for getting Penny back to where she is today ❤️
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So we decided to start integrating Penny Marshall into the flock using our older hen Lo Bosworth. I am greatful that it is going well and it is actually increasing Penny's appetite! She is really eating and drinking normally with Lo being in the outdoor area together. Penny is at 5lbs. So slow and steady- but looking good!

Hi All!

Penny continues to integrate back into the flock- I took her off of the vitamin e and b complex this week as it has been 5 weeks since she first fell ill. She is remarkably better, almost 95% recovered, she is a little slower (like slightly) than before but is enjoying a great quality of life and really eating and drinking again. She is up to weighing a little over 5 lbs.

Do you think it is okay for her to be off the e and b vitamins now, or should I ween her off and do an every other day schedule.

Let me know your thoughts.


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