
  1. E

    Fairy eggs with only yolks no whites

    We've got a nice little flock of 20 mixed breed chickens that have the same father and 2 different mothers, the older brood is now a year old and been doing very well. Started laying at about 24 weeks. The younger brood just recently started laying about 6 - 8 weeks ago and I seem to have 3-4...
  2. D

    Call duck duckling, prem, obsorbed yolk, but now has grown a new!?!

    Hi guy's. Hopefully someone can help me. 29 days ago I set 6 call duck eggs in my shite Incy. Unfortunately at around day 18 I had a incy failure, long and short lost 5 of the 6 eggs. Sorted incy and thought "well let's see how we go" On day 24 my remaining egg pipped internally, by day 26...
  3. jjunge08

    Odd Yolk?

    Cracked one of our newest pullets egg this morning. The egg had two yolks. The one on the left appeared normal but the one on the right had a different appearance I’ve never seen before. Any ideas? Is it safe to eat? She has only been laying for maybe two weeks.
  4. J

    Double Egg

    So our chickens have only been laying eggs since May 23rd and only 4 of our hens are laying so far but today we got a double egg? I went to crack and cook a very large egg that my wife was sure was our first double yolk. I was very surprised to find another whole egg shell in the egg! Is this...
  5. DuckDuckJuice

    Patch on Yolk

    Hi, all. I got a strange egg today. Well, technically an egg from a couple days ago that I cracked open this morning. It had a strange, whitish, pretty large patch on the yolk. I looked up all the common egg problems and causes and couldn’t find anything that matched. There was no smell to the...
  6. Mcmchick

    Laying yolk & white

    Hi - One of my hens has been laying yolks and whites. Its been cold here with winter and snow, her laying slowed down. But then I noticed what looked like someone had literally cracked an egg on my porch. I don't have a picture at the moment, one of animals cleans it up before I can get to it...
  7. TundraFang

    Zipping egg leaking

    So I have an egg that pipped yesterday and has now started zipping. I wasn't home when it started zipping but I came home to it lying in a pool of yellow liquid. It's still alive, I can see it breathing. Anyone know what happened?
  8. robbyvg

    What a duckling looks like when its still absorbing the yolk! Not ready yet!

    Here is a video I took tonight of a Blue Swedish duckling in the incubator on Day 29. It externally pipped and 36 hours later started to zip. We lightly helped clean some loose shell away and used a q-tip to lightly coat the membrane/chick with bacitracin because we noticed it appeared to be...
  9. ChickenLeg

    BIG bantam ameraucana egg! Double yolker!

    One of my black bantam ameraucanas laid a big ole double yolker, it was the size of a Grade A Large store bought egg (the white egg is store egg for comparison). It came from either either a 2.5 or 1 year old hen. Couldnt have been fun laying 😬😬😵
  10. A

    Callducks assisted hatching too early?

    My call ducks recently passed the 28th mark of incubation. I researched a lot on the internet about call duck hatching, and I have read on multiple sites that you should always assist call ducks because if their difficulties to break the egg. And today i decided to help them with assisted...
  11. amynw

    Chicken is just dropping out soft eggs?

    Hello, I have a 21 week old Midnight Majesty Maran along with 12 other assorted chickens. Theyve been laying for a few weeks now. Recently, I have watched her have 3 soft eggs. When I say she has them, she just drops them out. Whatever shes doing, they just drop out. She doesnt squak and make...
  12. A

    Winter Feed Options

    So. I’ve had my chickens since March. I had 4 egg laying females and now I’m down to 2. Fox got my big girl and my favorite blonde girl 😭. And now I’m stuck with 2 who just aren’t doing a great job. I’m lucky if I get 2 eggs a day and when I do the yolks taste a bit like dirt. Now I’m just gonna...
  13. Suburban-nite

    First Egg Ever!

    We got our first chicken egg today. It’s a blue color egg from one our our Azure Egger from Alchemist Farms. We got a double yolk! Twins?
  14. M

    Is my egg Fertile??

    Here is my hen egg and im not sure if the rooster has fertilized the eggs does someone know
  15. C


    Has anyone seen this in their eggs? No idea what it is??
  16. P

    Chick Broke Egg Yolk Inside Egg

    I'm curious about the survival rate of one of our chicks. He pipped on day 21 and partially zipped later that day. The egg then started leaking white foaming liquid and then later, it started turning more yellow coloured. I know I shouldn't help them hatch, so I left it for two days. It was...
  17. tielie135

    chick with unabsorbed yolk emergency

    hey, i just had a chick hatch with a yolk sack attached and dangling. it is not really full, not really empty, just dangling there. maybe about 1 and a half cms out. blood vessels are black now. hatched out around 10 am this morning. normal hatch except the air cell was on the side whitch caused...
  18. C

    Bad Behaviors/possible calcium deficiency?

    I'm just going to lay it all out there, and I appreciate in advance any responses. There have been a number of issues with our flock that we have been dealing with for a few years now, but to no avail. In dealing with the issues, I think we're just putting "bandages" over the outcomes but not...
  19. H

    Chicks hatched with unabsorbed yolk!

    It appears that my broody hen "helped" two chicks hatch today by pecking their shells away after they creating the first external pip. This resulted in both having a partially unabsorbed yolk, one is a little bloody, and one has a head injury (probably from an accidental peck). They are...
  20. EnnieM

    3 questions!

    1. 46/89 of my shipped eggs have detached air cells.. I put them into the incubator in cardboard cartons with holes in the bottom (don’t have a turner) pointy end down. Any chance they’ll reattach..? Should I wait a few days to turn (well, till) rather than 1 day? 2. One of my incubators went...
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