white crested black polish

  1. A


    I have a question about my white crested polish. She is still very young right now and she is really skittish when I try to get her out from her cage I was wondering if she will outgrow being so skittish and if she will listen well when I call her and if she will be cuddly? Just trying to know...
  2. B

    First Time Chick Mom

    Hello.... We just began our adventure of raising chicks. We are currently are parents (3-adults), grandparents and dog lovers. Our kids have mostly 'flown the coop' and so we decided to add to our home flock, some chickens. My husband grew up on a farm and I'm a city girl. So, bear with me...
  3. Sassy-ChikN Mom

    Bloody feathers on Polish pullet

    Hi all! while doing my weekly cleaning of my brooder, I noticed one of my 4-5 week old crested polish has a little dried blood on her head feathers. Is this normal? Her sister is fine. They are in a brooder with 3 silkie chicks, 2 Russian Orloff chicks and 2 Black Langshan chicks. All are about...
  4. mybackyardhobbyfarm

    Polish Colour mixes

    Hi I have 2 separate Polish pens (white crested black and black crested white)but also hope to get a few other varieties and make some fun surprise mixes. What would I need to make candy corn Polish? I was told a goldlaced with cuckoo but I want to hear it from a few other people. Question...
  5. MeeMawsChicks

    Worried about my White Crested Black Polish chicken

    Hi everyone! I am new to chicken “wrangling”, LOL! My flock of ten chickens is doing well so far. Everyone looks healthy and happy, except one of my White Crested Black Polish chicken, Linny. Her “hair” feathers have always been growing in a bit lop-sided, kinda like a Cyndi Lauper’s hair style...
  6. 6E37A533-D3AE-4EC6-982E-B2556795A941.jpeg


    White Crested Black Polish Kramer Collage RIP After a hawk
  7. C

    White Crest Blue or Black? Polish?

    New member here! I bought a “polish” babes from my local feed store but having the hardest time figuring out if it’s a white crested black or white crested blue polish. Almost 100% it’s not a silver laced. But what do you think based on coloring? It was with a bunch of white crested blacks but...
  8. Jekisca

    Hen or Roo for this Pretty Polish?

    Considering adopting this pretty polish but torn on if it's a hen or roo.. current owner isn't sure, thinks hen but doesn't know. He/She is 4 months old..
  9. KikiDeAnime

    He tried to mate my hand! Hahaha

    Our 17 week old cockerel named Little Man walked over while I was cleaning stuff up on the ground of their yard and tried to mate with my hand :lau I immediately "pecked him" with my other hand and he let go before running over to his "mother", Mouse, who also pecked him :lol: Luckily he didn't...
  10. Patches18

    5 week old polish - girls or boys

    I have 2 5 week old polish chicks. The blue I believe is a pullet, but I'm not sure about the wc black. Their legs are the same size, no real difference in temperament or stance, I dont see any comb coming in. I really cant have anymore roos and I will be devastated if either of these turn out...
  11. 3clucks

    Please help!

    Hi, I recently ordered 32 bantam day old chicks from a hatchery online of various breeds, and when I recived then I noticed a few had pasty butt so I cleaned it off, I then noticed one of the chicks had a prolapsed vent. (I am unsure as to the sex of this bird and don’t know if this would lead...
  12. 3clucks

    Is my chicken okay?

    So I recently got this exhibition polish from a friend and have noticed her feet are multiple colors instead of that kind of slate bluish grey that is normal for her breed (she is a white crested black polish). I have attached some pictures below. Is this normal or is she peeling or something...
  13. C

    Baby Chick With Cross Beak

    I have a 4 week old White Crested Black Polish with a cross beak. She is the sweetest little thing and will always come to my hand when I put it in the brooder. We give her wet food mixed with Gerber baby food and we give her water with a dropper a few times per day. She acts pretty normal and...
  14. Katazynaa

    Polish boys or girls

    Ok I'm having a hard time trying to sex my silver laced polish as they don't seem to grow waddles (but a few pics do). I have been googling pictures but they mostly seem to be of full grown birds. From the pics it seems roos have white edges on their crest feathers and hend have white centers...
  15. ladyracheld

    Don't know a ton about my chicks..

    I got these for free from someone who knew nothing about them, other then the fact that they're chickens. hahaha. Through my googling I suspect their breeds are Plymouth Rock (3) and White Crest Black Polish (1). I'm ball parking their age upon arrival of between 1-2 weeks on 4/21/18. I have...
  16. Cklass90

    Male or female?!

    I'm totally new to chickens and got a this exotic chick in with my others. I think I've figured out it's a white crested black polish? But male or female?! How do I tell??
  17. Cklass90

    Pasty butt, tiny, uncoordinated

    So I got my 16 chicks in the mail this morning. They're all super healthy, moving around and eating etc except one. This one (I dunno if it's a boy or a girl) was very lethargic and so much smaller than the others and then I noticed pasty butt. I cleaned it off with warm olive oil and water and...
  18. Halevb

    2 months old and crowing

    I purchased a “sexed hen” from a hatchery, he/she/it is 2 months old and has just started call and redonse crowing with my 4 week old barred rock bantam rooster. She’s my first polish chick and I have no clue how to sex them. If she’s crowing does that definitely mean she’s a rooster??
  19. 20180410_154352


    "Buzz" White Crested Polish - 2 weeks old, again was told a pullet initially...
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