
  1. cluck queen

    Early spring madness

    Let's see everyone's gals (or guys) enjoying this prespring weather!
  2. N

    What's the limit of ducks when it comes to cold weather?

    Hi guys..I have two pet ducks and I built them a house inside of my garage..The garage has no heat transfer device and the weather here is around 30F(-1C) and it gets colder and colder when I was checking the weather forecast until 25F so I was wondering if my boys are going to be OK? They have...
  3. J

    I have a single duck (10 mos old khaki Campbell female) will she be too cold alone?

    *edited to add photo references* (Including a photo of her “condo” as I like to call it…) She is a singleton khaki campbell duck born in March of last year. Her companion unfortunately died of a fox attack this past summer. :( She has about 6 inches of pine shavings inside of a cardboard...
  4. Countryhippie

    Molting Hen in -10 degree weather (should I bring her in)

    Hello everyone, I am from Central Massachusetts and I have 4 hens that are about one and a half years old. I have my hens in a large over ez chicken coop, it’s been altered to have more ventilation at the top. The coop normally only stays about 5-10 degrees warmer than outside in the winter...
  5. Countryhippie


    Hello everyone, I am from Central Massachusetts and I have 4 hens that are about one and a half years old. I have my hens in a large over ez chicken coop, its been altered to have more ventilation at the top. The coop normally only stays about 5-10 degrees warmer than outside in the winter due...
  6. tingupinguu

    How cold is too cold to ducks?

    The temperatures are supposed to go down by about 19 degrees tomorrow, I would like to know how cold is too cold to ducks.
  7. JN_CO2022

    It’s about clucking time? :)

    Hubby finally relented to the whole we need chickens idea. He agreed to hire someone to build a coop since he did not have the time to do so. He then agreed to getting pullets vs chicks because the idea for ‘farm animals’ in the house did not appeal to him. I’m not one to wait for him to change...
  8. E

    Hoop coops in extreme climates?

    Hi! I posted about inheriting a coop at the house I bought a few months ago and ultimately have decided to scrap it* and start fresh with a totally new setup. I'm in Minnesota, so I'm thinking carefully about my designs, and I'm not intending to actually acquire chickens until the coop is done...
  9. Jaimes09

    Need advice

    I have 3 month old chickens. They are skinny not like the dunghill ones that are usually poofy. Can they still resist cold weather? It’s about 25F-40F throughout the day. They would be covered from any sort of wind. Only asking because I’ve been keeping them inside in a small brooder but i have...
  10. TheBirdBabe

    New chicks & leaving for a trip!

    Hello everyone, Recently one of my hens hatched some chicks. She's done a stupendous job with them lately & finally got them out & about today to eat & explore! They loved it so much that after I put them in the nesting box, a few hours later.. they're back out with mama. It's a nice day for...
  11. Gearhead846

    How cold is too cold for my ducklings??

    Hello, I have 3 khaki cambell ducklings that are seven weeks old and fully feathered and have been outside for a couple of days even when it drops down to 25🥶 but the weather forecast for where I'm at says that there is going to be a low of 0 degrees in the next few days and I need to know how...
  12. H

    How cold is too cold for outdoors?

    Hello! Beginner chick owner here. I've ordered some cold-hardy laying breeds specifically so that I could have my ladies out year round once they're fully grown (Buff Orpington, Barred Plymouth Rock, and Australorp). Before I get my cold is too cold for them to be outdoors? I have...
  13. RosyChickens

    Hot Weather

    I have free range chickens - should I be concerned about heat? it's 90 and even a bit over 100 here in Oregon lately. Being free range they have access to shade and my gardens are sprinkled and they seem to like that damp dirt. They are panting and have here wings out - but how can I tell if...
  14. KaliFox

    Rock Springs Wyoming new to chickens!

    Hi all! Been researching the whole of homesteading really for a while, (my boyfriend and I have a dream of buying land in Saratoga) I digress, chickens became a fascination for me and as it turns out, I’m perfectly in a spot where I live on the actual EDGE of town and have the coolest landlord...
  15. Artichoke Lover

    Anyone else noticed this?

    I’ve noticed that my flock lays lighter eggs in really hot weather and darker eggs in the cold. The eggs on the right were collected about two weeks ago when the weather was mild and the ones on the left are from today after the weather has been in the 90s for over a week. Not concerned just...
  16. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Do your chickens stay on the roost when cold?

    We've had a spate of cold and windy weather and I'm having quite the time of it getting some of my girls to emerge from the coop. Our coop isn't big enough to house food and water--it's mainly for sleeping and laying. And with the deep litter method I worry about spillage that may cause issues...
  17. L

    Hen pulling rooster’s feathers and eating!!!

    Hi all! Background: 3 chickens: one partridge Cochin hen (top of pecking order), a dark Brahma hen (probably bottom of order) and a handicapped dark Brahma rooster. They are going through their first molt (about a year and two months old, southeaster Wisconsin) with the rooster looking the...
  18. eve the chicken whisperer

    HELPPP!! How old do my chicks have to be to go outside?? Read below :)

    Hello, and thank you so incredibly much for reading this. I am wondering how old my chicks have to be to go into the big girls coop. They are already fine with each other (which is great!!!!) so I am just wondering about weather and temperatures. I live in Illinois, and this weekend, my chicks...
  19. J

    Cold weather and ducks

    I currently live in northern Iowa, it’s been known to get pretty chilly up here, it goes into the negatives every so often. So what can I do with my ducks? What is the coldest they can stand? I plan on having heated water bowls and a heater inside where the nest at night but how much can they...
  20. O

    Are my quail ready to be outside yet?

    My quail are 3 weeks old. I plan on keeping them outside in a rabbit hutch that’s completely sealed off with bubble wrap. It also has a large tarp over it for additional protection. I can’t put a heating lamp inside but I can use Christmas lights. There is also plenty of straw and old cloth for...
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