
  1. C

    Sand in the coop?

    Hi! I live near Phoenix and am just starting my flock. I’ve read that river or construction sand is the best for runs but I’m concerned the sand will be too hot in the summer months for their little feet. Does any one have any experience or advice? I’d GREATLY appreciate it!!
  2. C

    Best bedding for Arizona chicken runs?

    Hi! I live near Phoenix and am just starting my flock. I’ve read that river or construction sand is the best for runs but I’m concerned the sand will be too hot in the summer months for their little feet. Does any one have any experience or advice? I’d GREATLY appreciate it!!
  3. Almarma

    Alternatives to wood shavings: beach sand maybe?

    Hi everybody, I live in the north of Norway, with cold and long winters so the chickens spend a lot of time indoors. I've used wood shavings since the beginning as I assumed it was the only option. I hated it since day one, and I even think I got some respiratory issues because of the dust it...
  4. T

    Sand bath for baby chicks?

    Hi! So I have two olive egger chicks, they both seem to be under 10days old. I was wondering, would putting a sand bath in their coop be good? And if so, can I use chinchilla dust sand for them? Or should I stay away from that?
  5. Daglebagel

    Flooring for run

    We are getting ducklings on Tuesday and I am building them a run as they grow indoors (too cold outside for ducklings right now). I have seen a few posts on here about run flooring choices, but nothing has shown me what would be ideal exactly. I've heard: Non slip Anti Fatigue mats (with...
  6. Kimky374

    Coop run flooring, NSW

    Hi everyone, Hoping I can get some help with my coop. The bottom of the run that sees all the elements is now dirt (mud when it rains) now theyve destroyed what usdd to be grass lol. It sees all weather here in Penrith, NSW, Aus. The dirts been fine up until recently when we’ve been hit with...
  7. BReeder!

    Show me your poop boards!

    I want to to see pictures of your poop boards! That's right, boards that catch poop under your roost. Pics and descriptions like measurements or comments on litter material (sand, shavings, clay litter, etc). I am looking for inspiration here.
  8. cluckkatie

    Keeping a Clean Coop in a Small Space

    Hi, I’m looking for a way to keep my coop clean with such a small space. There’s a gravel flooring, which I sprinkle some hay on top, but so much poop builds up that it becomes a mountain. How do you maintain the cleanliness of your coop? I’ve heard that some people use sand.. looking for any...
  9. drdvmd

    Never ending rain/muddy run/mulch vs sand?

    I am a relative chook newbie and live in PA, outside Philadelphia. Our hens have been outside since June and it has rained at least 50% of the time since our girls were big enough to be outside (rainiest year on record in our area). Their run is a mud pit and never dries out. My husband and I...
  10. Big Red Roosters

    Steel wool = coon deterrent?

    Went down to my chicken coop today and discovered a raccoon had attempted to dig in the sand to get to my roosters. From what I can see, the sucker took one chomp out of my steel wool I had underneath the sand(which I was using to keep mice out of a small hole...) and left empty handed. No...
  11. S

    Sand as Coop Bedding?

    I have read some articles recently about using sand as bedding inside our chicken coop and I'm looking for some feedback/more information/answers about this method. We are currently using the deep litter method with straw in our coop but it gets pretty smelly after a few weeks and its hard to...
  12. H

    Sand for Coturnix Quail

    Would this type of sand be ok to use in my Aviary for the Coturnix Quail?
  13. Tac01711

    Coop floor, flies, poop, and stank

    Hello BYC.. we have a new coop that is fairly large and a pain to scrape and completely replace all the bedding, we have been using pine shavings but the poop becomes so unreal within a week or 2 and I replace everything inside the coop. But recently it got a lottle wet because of the waterer...
  14. H

    How much cleaning is involved

    I'm getting close to raising just a few Coturnix quail for fun (and a few eggs). I think I'm going to put their pen on the ground on top of dirt, then packed with sand on top of that for them to roam around. My question is if I had 2-3 quail, how much clean up should I be expecting? Once a week...
  15. paigespeeps

    Under the run

    Hi all :frow So I've been dreaming about chickens for years, and am finally moving to a town that allows them! :celebrate I'm just now in the designing stage and could use some suggestions. We have a TON of predators. Our house is next to a cornfield and grain elevators so field mice are a huge...
  16. jaymean

    Sand or dust alternatives?

    Hi everyone! I need some recommendations on safe, cost effective sand alternatives. I have 7 quails (4 buttons, 3 coturnix) that live indoor. I've been using chinchilla sand in their dust boxes and they seem to love it. I first tried chinchilla dust and was appalled at how it got EVERYWHERE...
  17. TanisGirl

    Newbie Intro

    Hi! My name is Tanis. I’m new at raising chickens. I live in Central Oregon. We have 26 week old layers and we just got 32 recalls silkies one bath, one blue, and black. The two recalls have been a bit of a challenge. The blue doesn’t seem like she’s doing very well. I’m not sure if it’s just...
  18. DenverQuail

    Sand vs. Deep Litter - Mite Prevention

    I currently keep 15 coturnix quail in a 4x8 aviary, which sits on the ground (but the entire bottom is also covered in wire mesh to keep predators out, with a layer of bedding on top). I've been using the deep litter method for the past 8 months and have overall been very happy with it, but I...
  19. JPyers

    River sand in run, is this the right stuff?

    Hi everyone, I have done a lot of research about what to lay down for the base of the run/coop. I have decided to go with river sand, but after doing some local research, I have come across different types of river sand. I just have a few questions: 1.) Would anyone currently using river sand...
  20. HuskerHens18

    Sand for Chicken bedding?

    A friend of mine breeds chickens, she has a lot of coops and uses sand for bedding. It seems really cheap and simple to clean. I would like to do this also, but I want YOUR expertise. Do I need a specific type of Sand? Do I need to mix anything in the sand? If I scoop it like cat litter...
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