
  1. K

    My blind chicken has taught her sisters to eat sand! Help!

    Okay first of all: yes, I understand the concept of grit. And how chickens scrummage through dirt looking for bugs. This is not that. So we have a blind chicken, and instead of being at the bottom of the pecking order, she’s actually quite popular. She’s taught her sisters a LOT of bad habits—...
  2. Jessie Marie

    At a loss about run floor material

    Hi! I'm really frustrated at the moment trying to figure out what to do. I switched my run flooring to river sand this spring after reading a number of posts and articles touting it, but two of my hens got sick with coccidiosis since and after reading some critiques of sand I'm thinking I should...
  3. Moonspeckle

    Sand for coop floor?

    I was wanting to use sand in the bottom of my coop and wasn’t sure if this was too fine to use. This is just local sand by the creek near my home.
  4. Girls taking a dust bath in the sand floor indoor coop

    Girls taking a dust bath in the sand floor indoor coop

  5. Zombrit

    Need help finding washed construction sand

    We want to use sand for the coop and run here in the desert. Ive already read the pros and cons so this post is not here to talk about other options. I was wondering if anyone in the Henderson or Las Vegas valley has had any luck finding either Washed construction sand, river sand or bank run...
  6. A

    Run material help! Sand? Wood chips?

    We are planning to use sand in the coop for ease of cleaning but I’m concerned that the girls will get bored in the run with just sand. Thoughts? Add a raised bed with something else for variety? Small composting pile/bin? We are planning to do at least one grazing box. We need something...
  7. charleston

    Creek Sand

    I am hoping to use sand in our coop. There is a local company that has Creek Sand available. This is what they said and pictures they sent. Do you think this sand is the correct kind to use? “In regards to it containing silica, we are honestly not sure if the creek sand has that in it. We do...
  8. charleston

    Has any had trouble with sand in their coop?

    I am hoping to use sand in our new coop that will have guineas and chickens. I understand sand with silica is not a good idea. Has anyone used sand in your coop and regretted it? If so, why?
  9. H

    Baby Chicks Eating Sand Dustbath

    Hello, I was wondering if I should be worried about my chicks eating sand. I saw a few of the chicks (they are 12-14 days old) appearing to try to bathe in their pine shavings. So I went down to the stream, and got some of the sand that is on the edges, sanitized it in the oven, and gave it to...
  10. HippieAtHeart

    Sand and Composting?

    So far from other posts and many Pinterest articles I have determined I want to use construction sand in my coop. I am just curious from those who use it, can you compost the chicken poop that is covered in the sand? I really would like to add it into my compost, but don’t want to mess up my...
  11. rascal66

    Best material for drainage in the run?

    Husband and I are getting prepared to redo the run and extend our coop. Its really rainy and wet sometimes out here in WA. Sometimes the run gets so muddy and stinky, I really get concerned for the health risks it brings as well. So our goal is to also prep it for better drainage and to better...
  12. AstraChick

    Brooder floor sugestions

    I'm after some comments on brooder flooring. I'm using puppy pads with paper towels on top but in a few days i need to upgrade. I have tried straw/hay not a big fan of this but i have seen hay cut up into tiny pieces, that maybe an option. I have also tried fine and chunky sawdust, not a big...
  13. R

    Pros and Cons of Sand on run with plywood flooring

    I'm new to this and have been trying to figure out the best material to put down in the run I'm finishing up which will have a plywood bottom. I've heard conflicting opinions of sand and am curious on everyone's experience with it. Thanks ahead of time!
  14. Eelantha

    Sand for poop board: what type?

    I want to try using sand for the poop board of one of the roosting perches in my chicken shed... but the brands suggested in other posts seem to be unavailable in my country. Or at least not available in the same brands, which leaves me unsure of the quality offered by the brands that are...
  15. ValerieJ

    sand in chick brooder

    I have heard several BYCers say they use sand in their brooder. It sounds like such a good idea that I bought some and set up a brooder with it. I haven't moved my chicks from the tiny brooder they are in yet, and I'm having second thoughts. I bought regular ordinary sand. What happens if...
  16. kristeninprogress

    Best Sand for Coop

    So I started with Pine Shavings in the brooder for my 8 chicks, but I was having a huge issue with them tracking cecal poops everywhere, regardless of how many times I was cleaning the brooder. I finally had enough when I had to bathe one of my poor EEs covered in poop. :( So now they have...
  17. G

    Sand in coop

    So purchased contractors sand and have been using it in the coop for 4 no the now this was the sand that was recommended by so many even threw these feeds but my chickens seem to kick up so much dust in there at night when they are all trying to get situated and when I rake out the sand it gets...
  18. nicoleee

    Bathing recommendations

    Im looking to add better sand/dirt to my girls coop (around at least half of it to be exact) . I do have a few things though, it has to be something that wont get damaged by rain or become icky (the coop is opened all around so water gets in very easily) . I would like something that wont harm...
  19. grettasurfergirl

    Is Infill sand okay for the run?

    Hi we are just finalizing our coop and run before we move the chicks in there next week! I was going to use sand in the run and shavings (deep litter) in the coop area but wondered about kind of sand that’s okay. We have leftover infill sand from some artificial turf projects and it’s pretty...
  20. alcstreetman

    Clueless first timer with a lot of coop/run questions! Rain barrel, sand, etc.

    Hello! Our chicks are ready to move to the coop and my husband is currently finishing everything up. I have multiple questions and have already found good information from previous posters but I wanted to see if there were any recent opinions that could be helpful. If anyone has input on ANY of...
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