
  1. C

    Coop roof

    I am building my coop, and we were trying to figure out a way to waterproof the roof. The guy at Home Depot said we could use roofing plastic cement. I have covered the plywood, but I’m afraid that it could be toxic to the birds. From what I read it doesn’t fully harden, it stays a little...
  2. C

    Raising birds on concrete roof?

    Hello everyone, First i would like to apologise if this is posted in the wrong section, i didnt know where else to post it. If you have any suggestions as to where i should move it, please do tell. Now onto the main topic. I raised about 8-10 chickens two years ago on my concrete roof. It didnt...
  3. Coopin Is a Habit

    Metal Roof In Wisconsin Winters - Insulation? Foam caps? Plywood? Or will just purlins do?

    Title pretty much says it all. Do I need to have vapor barrier on plywood, purlins, then foam closure strips, and then roof? Or will birds do just fine with just the metal roof on purlins. It will have very good insulation as it is a Woods Open air coop. Thanks in advance for any answers!
  4. S

    Covering chain link fenced roof ideas w/ odd layout

    Hello, I am looking for some cost efficient ways to cover the top of my chain link fenced in minimum time and with a weird set up. On the left of the coop the fence doesn’t have side to side fencing. Meaning the house is the third side. Same with the other end of the run. This allows maximum...
  5. Quacking ducks

    Building new duck house

    Hi I am in the middle of building a new duck house, what should I use for the roof for a cold winter climate? We were going to use sheet metal but now after doing some research I am not sure if that is a good idea. What would y’all do? We do have strong winds in the winter here. Thank you
  6. Quacking ducks

    building new duck house

    Hi I am it the middle of building a new duck house, what should I use for the roof for a cold winter climate? we were going to use sheet metal but now after doing some research we are not sure if that is a good idea. what would y'all do? We do have strong winds in the winter. Thank you
  7. J

    Metal roofs - black, white, need plywood underneath?

    So we have a great plan for a coop we're building. We're swapping out the shingles for a metal roof (way cheaper, and easier). We've mostly heard we DON'T need the plywood under metal roof, but that seems weird to me? Won't hte plywood kind of seal the roof? But no plywood would add...
  8. B

    Black jack 57 on roof

    I've decided to use the black jack on the floor and up the walls as I've seen recommended but I was curious could I use it to cover the roof without adding shingles? I'd gladly hear advice on the roof if something like that is not an option. Thanks!!
  9. F

    Chicken run roof or no roof

    Hello everyone! My question centers around coop runs and their need for a cover or roof to ensure a full enclosure and safety from predators. I currently have an indoor coop with an outdoor run both with roofs. It is fully enclosed and predator proof. I am considering an additional run to offer...
  10. M

    Pheasant roofing and predator proofing!?

    Hi everyone! I'm building a pheasant enclosure and am wondering what everybody uses as roofing material, and what predator proofing measures you have taken! I'm in the UK so there aren't as many predators as there are in places like the US but I'm definitely not taking any chances. I will be...
  11. E

    Hardware cloth roof

    Will a hardware cloth roof sag? Will obviously need to use a snow broom to clear it off in winter. Planning on using hardware cloth for the roof and attaching it to the peak of the coop and reinforcing the other pieces with 2 by 4s. The corner posts are level, so aside from the coop roof...
  12. EMMYTR0N

    OSB Coop Roofing Mistake

    Hi there, We recently decided to build our first coop- so exciting! However, we were a bit hasty in completing our roof and failed to put any kind of underlayment or drip edge between the OSB and asphalt shingles. Not even a layer of paint to protect the OSB- what were we thinking!? Now that...
  13. loracarroll

    Roof vents

    My husband installed two roof vents on our 8x6 coop (8 ft high). These roof vents are the kind you would find on a house. Is this sufficient venting for a coop? Or, do you need open grates at the top of the walls, to let air really flow/move? Thank you in advance for your insight. :)
  14. P

    Chickens sleeping ON the coop, not IN it

    I added 6 new chickens this year, they’re 8 months old. From the time I integrated them in with my older 4 chickens, they’ve chosen to sleep on top of the coop. There’s plenty of room for them inside & when they’re outside they all play together. I’m worried now that winter is coming that they...
  15. R

    Run Cover

    I apologize because this questions probably been asked before. What are your thoughts on roof vs netting or wire mesh to cover a run? Part of me wants the shade for them in summer but also it’s Wisconsin and there’s snow load.
  16. That_Chick

    EMERGENCY Baby chicks in Soffit

    Hello. One of my mini hens went missing a couple of weeks ago. I thought she had been gotten by a hawk. This morning, she showed up in the barn. At the same time I saw her, I heard newly-hatched chicks peeping! I searched around and discovered that she had been setting on eggs in the soffit of...
  17. Thechickentrainer1999


    I need advice fast please. I'm very limited on time. (MY QUESTION IS:) What do I do about nails sticking through my coop ceiling. Some people wouldn't worry about it but I am because I'm afraid my chickens might hit their head on the nails on the ceiling. Any advice? Should I cut the nails and...
  18. Thechickentrainer1999

    Help! Run roofing ideas?

    Any ideas on what type of roofing I use for my soon to be 50ft run? I want it to be totally predator proof. My idea was to just use hardware cloth and put a tarp on top to block the rain off of them but any better ideas? I don't have much time left to build it.
  19. C

    Attaching Ribbed Roof Panels

    Hello all. I've taken on the task of building my own chicken run, which you would find amazing if you knew me :D (no carpenter skills). I started last weekend. I have the foundation/walls all standing and I'm staring at the roof and thinking I would like to really predator-proof it, so...
  20. Pazzie123

    Duck nest on roof

    My Muscovy Duck made a nest on the roof over the garage. Eggs should hatch within the next few weeks. When hatchlings try to leave the roof they could land on a concrete driveway. Should I remove the eggs (I cannot incubate them) so they never hatch? Won’t this be traumatic to the duck? Or let...
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