pullet or cockerel

  1. bikosblackmeat

    2 month old chinese silkie x ayam cemani, girl or boy?

    Can you help me guys confirm if she is a "she"? I have trouble sexing chinese silkies.
  2. F

    Straight Runs - Turned Out To Be Roosters

    Hello! It seems to be that out of the 5 RIR straight run chicks I got, 4 are most likely male, and possibly even the 5th but still hoping the 5th is a she. They are 5 weeks old. Its my first time with chickens and was hoping the ratio would have turned out to be better. Does anyone have any...
  3. F

    Hen or Rooster?

    Got 5 straight run RIR chicks! They are about 5 almost 6 weeks old. Wanted to see if anyone could help me figure out which ones are male vs female. They have colored bands on their legs and one has no band. So far I believe purple is a rooster and green is a hen. Does anyone have any advice as...
  4. F

    Hen or Rooster?

    Got 5 straight run RIR chicks! They are about 5 almost 6 weeks old. Wanted to see if anyone could help me figure out which ones are male vs female. They have colored bands on their legs and one has no band. So far I believe purple is a rooster and green is a hen. Thanks!
  5. C


    Theyre supposed to be sexed. She acts skittish around me and her feathers look pretty round, but she’s also pretty big compared to her sisters. Her name is Jean Jacket. Theyre 5 weeks.
  6. C

    Blue Plymouth Rock pullet or roo? 5-6 weeks old

    New chicken owner here! Please help me identify if this blue Plymouth chicken is a pullet or roo. Supposed to be a pullet! Age: between 5-6 weeks old. I’ve gotten mixed answers everywhere half say hen half say roo. This is a mix between blue Andalusian roo and barred rock hen. On one of the tail...
  7. oliviajean

    Brown leghorn chick pullet or cockerel?

    We have two 3 week old brown leghorn chicks (supposedly both pullets), and were wondering if one might be a cockerel. The one on the left’s comb has grown much bigger and faster than the other. Help would be greatly appreciated!
  8. Cloverr39

    Guessing the gender for silkie chicks

    Yes, I know they're way too young to sex. This is more just fun guesses while we wait for them to be old enough. The pictures are labeled by name in the top left corner. There are 4 chicks in total and each chick is a different color. June and Rain are sexlinked, so I'm pretty sure I know what...
  9. B

    Are my 6 week old buff Orpington “pullets” actually pullets?

    I got 3 buff Orpington pullets at rural king 6 weeks ago, but I’m wondering if some or all of them are actually cockerels. What do you think? The first 3 pictures are my first pullet, Comet. The next 3 pictures are my second pullet, Angel. The last 3 pictures are my third pullet, Lovey. I’m...
  10. Cloverr39

    25 week old silkie. Pullet or cockerel?

    This one has me stumped. For the longest time I was convinced it was a pullet. Now I'm starting to question that. The body is more tall, long and less fluffy. It's sister from the same batch is shorter and fluffier with a rounder body and crest. This chick's voice has gotten a little deeper...
  11. POD

    Easter Eggers, pullets or late bloomers?

    I’ve got two suspicious looking 15 week old birds here and I’d love to hear your thoughts. These birds were raised by a hen, I am not sure what breeds they are mixed with. I got them at 12 weeks and they are now nearly 16 weeks. There has been no fighting or crowing but they are both at the...
  12. Cloverr39

    She's not a cockerel, right? (15 week old silkie)

    I was gone a week and now my sweet pullet Rosie looks a bit off. She has more tail feathers than before. Her brothers have pretty chunky tail feathers that drop at the tip. Hers are pretty thin. Her crest is a bit more messy and her comb has grown a bit. I really hope that those aren't...
  13. Z

    9 Week Pullet or Roo Easter Egger

    Hi there everyone, I have a question about one of my Easter Eggers. I have become quite attatched to her and am now starting to suspect she might be a he. Her tail feathers are not very uniform and are arching. She’s always been the biggest chicken out of the bunch, but we though she was just...
  14. M

    19 week EE & BA - pullet or cockerel?

    We have 2 chickens that I was convinced were both pullets but now that they are 19 weeks old, one has started to act a bit roosterish and the other one looks somewhat roosterish.😩 I already have 2 Roos that were meant to be hens (I’m deciding who has to go right now) but now I’m afraid Bellatrix...
  15. E

    GLW Pullets and/or Cockerels?

    I have 2 gold laced wyandottes. I purchased them as Pullets from a local feed store. They are 8 weeks old. I have labeled them M and D.
  16. E

    Buff Orpingtons- Pullets and/or Cockerels

    I have 2 Buff Orpingtons that are 8 weeks old. They were sold as Pullets at a local feed store.
  17. Justbackyardcrazy

    GOODMORNING everyone! What do you think?

    Hi guys, Can someone give me your opinions on my babies 😍🥰 first chick At 1 Day old AT 1 week old At 1 week and 3 days old
  18. A

    My mystery chicken

    I saved a young chicken from a cat in my front garden two weeks ago and no one seems to be missing it. I have no idea what breed, sex or age it is. I have 5 hens that are 2 years old but other than my 5 girls I have no other chicken experience. I can’t have a rooster in my neighborhood so...
  19. Jlmiller5289


    Gender? I got this little bantam Cochin out of an assorted bantam bin. I’m really hoping it’s a girl because I only have one other little bantam to go with him/her. The other one I’m pretty positive is a girl. (I have full size chickens that I’ve decided to keep separate because I have a full...
  20. Fallenone05

    Pullet or Cockerel

    As per my usual with some chicks i bounce back and forth on the fence if it's a girl or a boy. This one had me thinking male at first but now I'm not so sure. It has the same comb and wattle growth rate as my leghorn mix. It just grew its feathers out VERY slowly. Sorry it looks so possessed in...
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