pullet or cockerel

  1. Lhynes1478

    Can anyone help sex my 6wk olds?

    I have some 6 week olds that are just now getting close to being able to sex, i think. (minus the silkies, probably) Let me know if you see anything obvious that points to pullet or cockerel. i'm still trying to learn. Thanks! 1. Bantam Buff Brahma 2. Silver Laced Polish 3. White Silkie...
  2. Lhynes1478

    Pullets or Cockerels?!

    I got 5 straight run chicks: -3 bantam mille fleur d'uccles are a little over 3 weeks old today. -2 bantam mottled cochins that are 6 weeks old today. only pictured 2 of my d'uccles out of the 3. one on left in both pics is what 2 look like and one on right seems to have a bigger and thicker...
  3. J

    Boys? Girls? Thoughts? :)

    Hi everyone! I'm a brand new chicken dad having just acquired my first flock (double silver laced Barnevelder large fowl...it's a mouthful), and my seven bouncing chicky-chunklets are coming up on two weeks of age. I know this is pretty early on to worry about their sex, but I'd read somewhere...
  4. Cels

    Orpingtons: Pullets or Cockerels?

    Hello All! I have two suspected Cockerels, and I'd really love all of your opinions. These chicks are a little over 5 weeks old (these pictures are from about 3 days ago), and I have two that I am definitely leaning towards rooster, but I have heard that Orpingtons are notoriously difficult...
  5. BridgettePardo

    I need help sexing Speckled Sussex and Easter Eggers!

    Hi everyone! I've been reading posts for the last 6 months to get ready for my first chickens and they're finally here! I got 3 Speckled Sussex, 3 Easter Egger, 2 Lavender Orpington, and 2 Black Copper Marans. I was told they're all ranging in age from 6 to 12 weeks, with the EE's being the...
  6. judevie

    4 week old Easter egger pullets or cockerals?

    Hi everyone, I have 4 chicks that were vent sexed as pullets and are 4 weeks old. I'm pretty confident that the buff Orpington and silver laced Wyandotte appear to be pullets, but I'm unsure about the 2 Easter eggers.... Behavior wise they are very fearful, flighty and spastic. The last time we...
  7. K

    Buff Orpington pullet with big wattles

    Hi! We have six 8.5 week old buff Orpington pullets (our first chickens!) One stands out as having much larger and redder wattles than the others. Posting some pics and would love some opinions. Normal for an 8.5 week pullet or maybe a rooster? Thanks!
  8. Sexing Pullets and cockerels.

    Sexing Pullets and cockerels.

    I always see threads of people asking if they have a pullet or a cockerel, so I thought I would start an article on the subject. Here is a very helpful pic. Barred Rock. Pullet on left with smaller comb and darker color. Cockerel on the right, with more white than pullet and larger comb and...
  9. B

    Barred Rock Cockerel or Pullet

    IMG_4675 by C&E_NaturalMeats posted Jun 3, 2017 at 7:13 AM Barred Rock Cockerel or Pullet? Probably close to 3 1/2 months? I'm not sure of exact age. I bought what was supposed to be 2 BR pullets. They looked identical up until about 2 weeks ago. This one's comb and waddle are now larger and...
  10. A

    Pullet or roo?

    new to the wonderful world of chickens and would love to hear what you guys think? This little one is about 7 weeks old, a blue laced red wyandotte and I'm not sure if it's a he or a she?!? Thanks in advance!
  11. ChickonLand

    Rooster vs Pullet?

    I have two Leghorn chicks which are two weeks old. Cleo and Tilda. I think Cleo may be a rooster, "she" has no tail feathers and a larger comb, but.... "her" wings look like pullet wings (all the different lengths). Tilda on the left, Cleo on the right. Tilda in the front, Cleo in the back...
  12. Jacquieh

    Pullet or Roo? Think breed is EE...?

    Hey, So I "thought" my chicken was a girl. I've never had chickens before, so this is new to me. I asked for help with figuring out what sex she was and thought I had it nailed down. Well, yesterday I got her a friend, cause everyone said she needed one. So I got a pretty little Araucana (so...
  13. MaryZoe

    Araucana/ Olive Egger pullets or cockerels?

    Any help with these little ones? They're 6-7 weeks. The two red are Araucana/Marans mixes, and the white one is Araucana. I suspect the red one with the dark head and tail is a roo, but wondering about the others. Any guesses?
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