
  1. Ronie

    Pipping not hatching

    So 3 or 4 of my eggs started to pip last night around 9 PM. Non have hatched yet, should I spray them? Is there anything I can do? How long does it usually take?
  2. CrazyQuackLady

    36 hours since first pip... help

    I am very new so please forgive my mistakes. This is my first hatch. In Canada for reference. Backstory: This is going to sound a little crazy (At least to my social circle it does). I was coming home from town and there was a mallard duck on my driveway. She flew off and left a little present...
  3. Ducktown

    My first incubation of runner duck eggs

    I am trying to incubate 3 runner duck eggs. I started with 7, but the incubator I have bought is way too small and I couldn't place the eggs into laying position, so I could turn them. I tried turning them by tilting the whole incubator as much as I could for the first week. By then I started...
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