
  1. S

    Planning quail/greenhouse combination

    I ran into your great forum while planning a permaculture layout for my quarter acre in a subdivision. My land is too small to legally have chickens, but I think quail are okay. My city zoning laws are currently be reviewed so that could change. Right now I can only have one structure besides...
  2. Paula321

    Chicken Coop Build in a Permaculture Food Forest

    With a lot of help from Back Yard Chickens in the last two years, our flock is happily thriving. With your design help, we submitted plans for our coop and received extensive direction redesigning. Here is a video of the process and build, safety measures as well as an update on my little...
  3. T


    Hi All! Long time "listener", first time "Caller"..! I've been keeping chickens in my back yard, and then at a plot of land just outside Ore, Hastings for nearly 2 years now. I started with 6 rescue battery hens and had an uphill battle with suburban, and then country foxes, resulting in a set...
  4. Wyndsong

    Abundance Plus app

    Anyone else joining Justin Rhodes Abundance Plus app? He's one of my favorite YouTubers and he's got almost all of my other ones making exclusive content for his app! Lots of informative videos and classes on there plus all his normal videos without ads or censorship. So far I'm loving it!
  5. gardenerds

    New Chicken Parent Ahoy!

    Hello all! My husband and I took the plunge and ordered 10 Ameraucana (really Easter Egger) chicks from Mt. Healthy Hatcheries. We got 11 and the are all still with us today! (Which is only 4 weeks now). We are currently building a coop and are using permaculture methods for most of what we've...
  6. DoozyWombat

    Building a Woods Coop for DLM in the Shenandoah Valley

    I am just getting started building my first coop, in the northern Shenandoah Valley (Clarke County.) I will probably make lots of mistakes, but if more experienced folks want to help me spot mistakes before I make them, that would be fabulous. The plan is for an 8x12 coop using the Woods...
  7. NutrientDensePermaculture


    my wife and I recently bought 6 acres and immediately acquired ostriches, geese, ducks, guinea's and of course chickens. organic/sustainable permaculture is the name of the game! I am excited to banter with like minded people for better homesteads all around!
  8. growurfood

    Mama hen and baby chicks

  9. Heididi

    Hi! I'm Heidi!

    Hi, BYC! Let me introduce myself. Among other things, I'm a master gardener and composter, teaching in public schools and community gardens, and as such I'm a total nerd, researching everything to do with growing food sustainably. So of course, when I decided it was time to keep chickens, I...
  10. animalyodelers

    Show me UGLY coops- where my peeps at?

    I'm literally throwing together a makeshift coop, to be improved upon when weather gets better. I had a small playhouse I was modifying, but it got frustrating and wasn't big enough anyway (thanks chicken math, we have more than planned). I love to get inspiration for DIY projects from seeing...
  11. Palestinian Farmer

    Raised bed as a permanent residence!

    Hello everybody, I just had a crazy idea, and I wanted to run it through you guys:- Introduction: I have a large farm of mostly olive trees, fig trees, pomegranate trees, and guava trees. The trees are planted in rows, and there is a 6 m (20 ft) between each tree. I currently plant vegetables...
  12. DHutchins

    Hi There! I'm New Here.

    Hi there, my name is Dawn Hutchins, I wanted to introduce myself and answer the questions! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I've had chickens for almost two years. I rescued three from a neighbor that was moving and didn't want them any more. When we were...
  13. growurfood

    Free range chickens + pioneer plants

  14. aquila

    Our Farm ~ stories and pictures

    Hi there! My name's Rebecca and I live on a small farm in western Oregon. I've already made a thread about our growing flock of chickens, but I thought it might be nice to have somewhere to post other, less chicken-specific goings-on at our farm. Our place is something between a small family...
  15. MotherOfPeepPeeps


    I have been in love with the idea of Egg-Mobiles ever since I first saw a YouTube video of Joel Salatin's laying hen setup on Polyface Farm. I just discovered five acres of nice level but overgrazed pasture that is available on a reasonable rent-to-own option. I am trying to crunch the numbers...
  16. U

    Portland Oregon Urban Chiclets

    Hi there, My wife and I are raising our 3rd brood of laying hens on our 10,000 sq.ft 'farm' in the city of Portland, OR. We have 4 hens: Meri- our Americauna; Aussie - our Austrailulorpe; Dotty - our Wyndote; and Del-our Delaware. Dotty currently has a prolapsed vent and possibly gleet. Happy...
  17. candacemusarra

    Coop Placement

    Hi Everyone! Trying to place a coop for the long run. Has anyone watched Edible Acres on youtube? He has a really interesting chicken set up where they work all his composting material, in addition to the deep litter method. Anyway, I'd like to implement some permaculture practices and I...
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