heritage breeds

  1. N

    East Texas Turkey Breeders

    I know this is technically for chickens, but I figured I might as well reach out and see if anyone knew of some reputable turkey breeders. I have Blue Slate heritage breed turkeys and am looking for a tom. Our favorite (and only) tom got out and unfortunately got got by something. Our hens are...
  2. E

    Turkeys possibly attacked, no visible injuries, droopy and lethargic with closed eyes

    Hello all, We are first time turkey owners and have 8 heritage breed turkeys that are about 4 months old. We also have chickens, in case it matters. We keep them in electric netting that is regularly rotated on pasture. They have a tractor for food/water with roosts inside, plus a large...
  3. J

    How do I know if my birds are heritage or production barred rocks, and how much does it matter?

    In may I bought chicks from a local feed store. I was planning on creating a business advertised as heritage chickens. I also wanted to have chickens that would reproduce naturally. Is there a way to tell if they are heritage or production barred rocks? If I asked someone at thee feed store...
  4. T

    Looking for quiet black chicken to add to my flock

    I’m interested in adding a black pullet chick to my flock with our next round of raising chicks. We live in a neighborhood, on about a half acre, and thankfully, our neighbors are for the most part cool with it, but I want to make sure we’re looking at quieter breeds. We are of course going to...
  5. H

    WANTED: Sustainable Heritage Meat Breed Chicks | Alabama

    Any breeders looking to sell heritage meat breed chicks or hatching eggs? Looking to start a sustainable flock from good lines. Any recommendations?
  6. PioneerChicks

    Bantam heritage breeds

    Hi! I'm trying to find a list of all the bantam heritage breeds, but haven't had much luck. I am specifically wondering if bantam Plymouth Rocks can be considered heritage, but would like to know other breeds too. I have also been trying to find a list that contains all the heritage breeds...
  7. Grapeguy

    New to chickens after a 40 year absence.

    I'm new to chickens after a 40 year absence. Forty years ago I raised about 100 chickens in Mentor, Ohio. It began as a 4-H project. Now that I'm semi-retired from the grape business I decided I needed another expensive hobby! I currently live in Kingsville, Ohio. My focus is the Buckeye breed...
  8. cr8zychicnlady

    Old/New Member

    Hello, I've been using this site for some time but have never gotten around to posting anything. I live in north central Oregon at the north foot of Mt. Hood where the weather is one extreme or the other. I'm "back" to raising chickens after a long hiatus and swearing I would never have them...
  9. A

    Hi! Just stopped in to introduce myself.

    I have been keeping chickens for less than a year, but I have nearly an entirely new flock and focus. I buy, hatch, raise, and sell purebred stock and fertilized eggs as well as maintain a separate mixed flock of hybrid, sex-linked, and production layers for selling organic eating eggs and...
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