
  1. PeaBee

    Crossing High Spalding Hen with Peach Pied Cock

    Hi Folk, i have a question to the Spalding Specialists among you! What color are the chicks when crossing a High Spalding Hen with a Peach Pied White Eye Cock? I can't solve it with the punnet Quadrat. What do you mean?
  2. PeaEggThief

    Peafowl in Eastern PA - IB, IB split Midnight, Purple, Cameo, White

    I have some 2022 and 2023 peafowl for sale! 2022 1 India Blue split Midnight peacock 1 India Blue Black Shoulder split Midnight peacock 1 Cameo peahen 1 White peahen 2023 1 India Blue peacock 1 low% spaulding white (unsexed)
  3. S

    Sick peachick, any tips?

    This one might be abandoned, but anyway. He was very cold when I found him and did not flock call. The adopted mother didn't seem to care that he was gone. He is perhaps three weeks old. There was some drama about his mother that I shared in another post, he's been doing fine otherwise. His...
  4. PeaBee

    Sexing 3 Peachicks-what do you think?

    Hi Everyone, so my Peachick now old enough, i think. Can you help me? What is the sex of there 3? Her parents are a Buford Bronze Hen and a Purple pied White Eye Cock. At first my pretty little 2 Months old one:love, i hope so it is a cock. It shaped me from egg on. It runs after me and live...
  5. bubbleberry

    Peafowl Living Outside

    Hi, I have a single peachick due to hatch (long story) next month and wanted to get some advice I know to keep it in a brooder for 6-8 weeks and what to feed it but I'm in two minds whether to rehome it. If I did keep it I would try my best to find another peachick of a similar age. We have...
  6. Micoylf

    Hiya folks!

    Hey, new to the forum wanted to say hi! Hopefully won’t have too many urgent queries to post but never know with baby chicks! This is my first time with birds! Although i confess this first batch isn’t chickens, its peacocks! (I got the eggs as a gift right after my divorce) a few have hatched...
  7. Louleybug


    Hello, I’m a fairly new peacock owner. I live on 20 acres with a lot of other farm animals. My peacock is about 12 months old. He’s been locked up in his adult cage for 3 months & did great. I wanted to free range him along with my chickens. about 2 months ago I let him out. He’s done great, up...
  8. dublinducks

    Peachick with Curled Toes -- Are these boots applied right?

    I posted this in Peafowl too but I forgot to add the tags, so I'm posting it here as well. About 30 minutes ago I hatched a single peachick (long story). I believe he was shrink-wrapped, I had to assist him in hatching after about a day and a half, but he's out now. The humidity during his...
  9. Aliwinch00

    Peachick feather plucking itself and others

    Ok y'all, I'm at a complete loss and need some other perspectives on this. I have (4) 4.5 week old peachicks and all has been fine until last night. One of the peachicks was screaming and we noticed she was pulling on her own wing feathers nearly constantly. She'd grab a wing feather and scream...
  10. M

    Help with peachicks that had to be pulled from mom

    Hello! Today I had to pull 2 peachicks from mom for their survival. They always end up missing so we pulled these guys. They haven’t stopped crying out all day, and I’m worried that they’ll stress themselves out too much. Is there anything I can do to ease this? They did fine when I had them in...
  11. goatsandpeacocks

    Selling babies

    I’m incubating IB peafowl eggs and not sure what to price them at. no crooked toes or any abnormalities and i’m in NE Oklahoma near grand lake so i’m not sure how much people will pay. currently i have 13 eggs but the peahens are cooking them up quickly so i might get more
  12. H

    Introducing peafowl chicks: Question

    Hello, all! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! I have two - four month old peachicks that I am trying to introduce to the rest of the flock. They will be green spaulding x india blue pied (whatever that is, hah!). My pen is 25x20x16(tall) . I am able to divide this pen with panels -- I...
  13. Barnyardgroupie

    Emergency hatch- 2 day old peafowl very weak

    Good morning all! Good news, my little guy/gal was still alive this morning! Yes, I did happy cry 😢 Question/concern: the baby CAN stand BUT falls over after a few steps (normal for new hatchlings). I’ve dipped it’s beak into the water, but it’s to weak to care. Is there something I could...
  14. B

    Not eating enough because picky? Food & Poo Questions. (attached photo!!)

    My peachick is about 4 days old, and likes cooked egg, but doesn't like starter feed. I can sometimes get it to eat if I moisten the egg and put starter feed on it but its not as effective. I feel it isn't eating enough. maybe a teaspoon a couple times a day. What can I do to get it to eat more...
  15. White Valley Acres

    How to tame a peachick/peahen/peacock

    Hiya, I'm currently looking for suggestions on how to tame my White Peahen (Hera) and my India blue Peacock (Hercules). They were both semi-tame when I let them loose to roam our farm, where I could pet them, but now they've become quite distant and reluctant for me to pet or hold. Does...
  16. CountrySoul

    Peafowl candling - duds?

    I haven’t hatched peafowl in years. I have 4 eggs in my still air incubator. Today is day 17. I’ve candled every few days since day 7 and I haven’t seen veins at all. The eggs are very hard to see through so I wasn’t too worried. But the development seems to have stopped. I can’t find any good...
  17. S

    Urgent! Very emaciated peacock chick, how to help

    I have a peafowl chick who is not eating and has steadily been getting worse over the last several hours. They have a heat lamp and clean water and game fowl starter. The other two are drinking and eating plenty, but this one is under half their weight and barley is able to stand. I have been...
  18. NatureGirl74

    Young peahen's toes turning white

    I have an 8 month old peahen. She did something to her toe and her nail fell off. It was a little swollen and a little white. A new nail started growing in immediately and the swelling went down after the old nail fell off. The white went away too. I noticed this morning that the toe is turning...
  19. S

    Peachick poops colour changed, she is very dull and not eating much

    My 7 month old peachick is now looks very tired and she is not eating much and her poos colour is white liquid ,it is for the 1st time like this.please help ,I don't know what to do
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