incubation advice

  1. Luckyhen006

    Help!! Incubator stopped working WHILE chicks were hatching!!!

    Hey guys!! So Its day 22, and we just had one egg hatch. We have a couple zipping as well, but our incubator just quit working!! It shut off and on multiple times then just quit.😰 We thought maybe it was just the wall socket so we moved the incubator somewhere else, NOTHING. We thought it might...
  2. fangedknight

    When to call my hatch done?

    Hey all, It's my first hatch in a while and thankfully I'm remembering things as I go. So far it's been pretty successful. I set 24 Eggs on March 21st. Day 7 candling was March 28th, had 4 duds which brought it down to 20 eggs. Day 14 candling on April 4th confirmed 2 more duds which brought...
  3. N

    Is this egg ok

    I candle my eggs today and I'm not sure if this one is ok ? It's day 7 and this is what it looks like should I wait Intel day 10 to see ?
  4. M

    First time Hatcher needing Help!

    Hello! I have had a heck of a first hatch. There are currently 11 eggs in my incubator, which was at 71% humidity when the first chick hatched yesterday. All was well, but her hatching bumped humidity up to 85% very suddenly. Shortly after, the next chick hatched but was not fully developed...
  5. Jojociita

    I 💛 Silkies.. But Bless Their Hearts They’re Not Too Bright- Wrong End Pip Help

    Because I’m always here every Hatch Time, and after Oatmeal was the only hatch from my last clutch months ago, I’ve wholly reassessed and made changes. Still Not getting hatches even with ample circulation, temperature, humidity, AND separating the Silkies from Olive Eggers and BCMs into their...
  6. R

    Question about temperature and egg turning

    So im incubating emu eggs and my incubator is set to 97°F (36.1°C) but the egg shells are around 98°F (36.9°C) is this normal? Also should the eggs be turned for example right 180° then left and then right again or left? Thanks
  7. G

    Shipped eggs… Oops!

    A friend of mine ordered me hatching eggs for Christmas. I’m currently on day 7 for the first batch and day 5 for the second. In batch #1, there were 8 eggs, so far three have not made it and 2 seem suspicious. In batch #2, there were 3 eggs and so far I can see growth in 1 but I’m going to...
  8. O

    Broken shells-help!!

    My cat knocked the incubator off the counter this afternoon. Chicks were due to hatch tomorrow or the next day. At least 2 of them are still alive. Their shells are completely broken but the membranes are intact. I have them back in the incubator but I’m not sure if I should just monitor them or...
  9. M

    Accidentally set to 38.5C for 48 hours on day 17 of incubation

    Hey! So I’m hoping for some reassurance. On day 17, the incubator went up to 38.5C for 48 hours. Now on day 19, I’ve brought the temps back down to 37.5 exactly. I’m just looking to make sure that this is okay? I’m sure a one degree difference for 48 hours won’t make a difference, but wanted to...
  10. B

    Recovered Call Duck Eggs

    Hello, I hope you’re all well. Sadly early morning of yesterday my call duck Hope was killed by a predator in the garden. She was doing very well nesting on her eggs, Luckily all eight eggs were safely recovered and I checked that four of them are fully developed but I have lost track in days of...
  11. basiljowii

    Embryos/Ducklings Dying late in incubation

    Ive already made a similar post to this and tried the feedback I got from there with unfortunately no success. We've been trying to hatch a duckling for nearly 3 months now and haven't managed to hatch one. The Ducklings/Embryos develop well and always look healthy inside of the egg. Yet, when...
  12. basiljowii

    Duck Embryos Dying late in Incubation

    we’ve been trying to incubate duck eggs for about two and a half months now with no success. We have gotten to day 26 and then the ducklings would just die. The temperature we’ve tried incubating them at is 37.5 degrees Celsius and the humidity is 50%. We’ve had about 15 fertilised eggs that...
  13. BekahHah

    Please give me advice

    Hello. I found Canadian goose eggs scattered around a nest with the parent birds killed by a predator of some sort and I collected the eggs. I want to save them since I saw embryos in there(a blue lil dot). However, which side do I place them on in my incubator? Please give me any advice. Temp...
  14. A

    Help! My incubator got switched off for about an hour on day 28!

    This morning, on day 28 of my runner duck eggs incubation the power was off for around an hour. When I noticed, they felt cold (its not an insulated incubator so there was no heat in there). Have they died? :( Or do I still have hope? :) No pips seen yet either. Thank you (can't believe I got...
  15. R

    Approaching the end of day 20 and… nothing

    My last hatch began to hatch day 20, I did the exact same thing this time and there is nothing! No pips and not peeping. Day 21 is starting in a few hours, I’m not positive what time I set these. These dang eggs are going to give me grey hairs -_-
  16. R

    Blood Ring, Possibly Still Alive?

    It’s day 17 and I have three eggs with a blood ring. The first one I saw when I checked goes all the way around the egg in the middle. When I checked it the next day the blood ring is like it’s not attached to the shell and moved around when I turned the egg unlike the day before where it...
  17. Cocohens

    Is this a spoilt egg?

    Hello, This is an olive egger egg in my incubation? It’s the only clear one right now? Is it a dead one I can’t tell? It’s day 6 of incubation? Thanks
  18. Jester57

    My rant

    Let me start off by saying I am far from an expert; I've been keeping chickens for about a year and a half. I've been a reading BackYard Chickens during almost all of that time. I've learned a few things along the way, mostly enough to be dangerous. But it's that learning curve that I really...
  19. Drex Chick

    Incubating eggs lid off for idk how long!!!

    HELP! This is my first time incubating eggs, well long story short I tried to have a humidity thermometer in there with them and the egg turner knocked it over it jammed up and the lid popped off sometime in the night, the eggs still felt warmer than room temperature and this was within the...
  20. Cnjecker

    Incubator Help!

    Hello! On day 14 of our attempt to hatch eggs in a borrowed incubator. We started with 6 eggs and are down to 4 that are alive and showing very promising signs (air cell growth, movement, etc.). The incubator that I have doesnt have a humidity setting so I’ve been guessing. As hatch day was...
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