
  1. Kalifornsky

    Sick Emu Cured

    I recently had a sick emu, Kali, but through intervention his symptoms have cleared and he's happy again. I decided to share the details for posterity, in case anyone else has a sick emu with similar symptoms and needed a point of reference. Symptoms: He's always been a very small/skinny bird...
  2. CannedMonster

    Treating Multiple Ages for Lice

    I have LF adults and teenagers as well as 12 chicks at 3-4 weeks old. I have a product called Garden & Poultry Dust with 0.25% permethrin. Is this going to be safe and effective for all? Would a spray be better?
  3. SpinningJenny

    Tiny white flecks in poop?

    What am I looking at here? Very tiny white flecks, non-moving, about the size of the commas in this text. ( , ' ) This is a "night poop" from under the roost in the coop. Fresher poops from the day showed no signs of this. I don't know who made this poop. They bed on straw right now and I...
  4. jackiestephens


    I think my small flock has lice. I've treated, birds and coop and pen and given them a sand bath with some of that deciduous (sp?) earth stuff. Still scratching. I let them out in a large yard everyday. It's mowed grass/lawn but many wild birds congregate here. Must I treat that? How? It's huge...
  5. L


    Hi. I have a newer chicken and think she should be laying by now. But she is not. This morning I saw this in her stool. What is it???? And will it effect my other girls? And how do I fix it??
  6. Lyranonamous

    small white bugs on chicken-what are they?

    Hi Everyone I posted a few days ago about our hen that has egg yolk peritonitis. She's on antibiotics and pain killers and doing very well. Last week when we gave her a bath a few tiny white/flesh colored bugs crawled off of her and onto us. They were tiny, barely visible and round. We are...
  7. Imthe1whoquacks


    So I have worms. Pretty sure they’re roundworms (I’ll upload a picture if I can remember how to do that) I never knew chickens could get worms and I’ve had chickens for nearly ten years. I remember spotting them and saying “That’s a weird place for a pile of roots....wait...:eek: they’re...
  8. CSAchook

    What type of worms are these?

    Just found these two large white worms in the poop of my 7.5 week old cockerel. The poop was fresh and one worm was actively moving when I noticed it. Are they round worms? Or tape segments? Is it safe to worm such a young chicken? Any advice much appreciated!
  9. aaronhealy74

    Strange Parasites on young chicks

    So I have to problems to ask about, one of my chickens hatched 5 baby chicks last week and over the last three days they've been dying one by one. This morning there were two left that looked healthy to me but this afternoon I found them both dead in the chicken coop. On closer inspection I saw...
  10. Quacking Pigeon

    Permethrin Use on pigeons

    Hi, I’m just wondering if it’s safe to use permethrin on pigeons and how much to the amount of water to spray them with. Has anyone got any experience with it?
  11. DucksBySurprise

    Very abnormal duck eggs - No idea what it is!?!?!?

    Hi everyone! I must warn you, this is kind of a long story.... I have 2 Khaki Campbells, Lucy and Jane. (Mocha, the 3rd one was killed in February by a hawk :( ) In late November, I have a picture of the last time I know all 3 of them laid a normal egg, because I took a picture. For at least...
  12. ariella29

    Mites?? Eek!

    For the last two weeks, I've noticed that our most submissive hen, Clementine, was starting to look fluffy like she was losing her feathers on the end of her back, just in front of her tail. We got a chance to look underneath the fluff, and discovered some sore spots (see pics) and definitely a...
  13. Joeschooks

    Bald bottom and stopped laying!

    Around October my 10 month old Marans based hybrid stopped laying. Despite being a hybrid that is supposed to lay through winter, I just put this down to a reduction in daylight hours and thought no more of it. She did lay two unexpected eggs last week, meanwhile my other girls have carried on...
  14. Drother

    Pulling out own feathers?

    1 of my 7 quails is plucking out her own feathers. Is it possible that she is the only one infected with mites or parasites? They have plenty of space (4 sq feet per bird), fresh water, good quality layer feed, low stress. There are 6 hiding spots and 2 dust bath stations. I see her breaking off...
  15. SpaghettiJo

    How do i tell if my girls have lice or mites??

    I have 6 hens.. 2 of which have started to lose feathers on the tops of their heads.. Recently there have been an increasing amount of feathers around their coop and run area, and my original 6 eggs a day has dropped down to 3.. so i figured they might be molting, but they are only 7 months old...
  16. Sunshine Flock

    Rooster's stomach gurgles when drinking water

    Sometimes I hear his stomach when he's not eating or drinking water. But I often hear gurgles when he drinks water. He's healthy and he's done this before. I probably first noticed it six or seven weeks ago. It was a bit stronger today. Any suggestions as to why his stomach gurgles? Could he...
  17. Bri's Goose

    Stumbling goose

    My goose is about seven months old. August 21st he was found in the coop during morning feed. He was unable to use his legs. He was rushed to a regular pet vet. She gave him a dose of pain med. Seemed to do better for a day. Then he stopped eatting. For about 11 days he didn't eat.Gave him...
  18. H

    Help! Levamisole / CORID

    My vet has failed to help me with treatment as he doesn't typically treat chickens. I have to treat my flock for 3 parasites: Coccidiosis, Heterakis & Capillaria as the fecal came back showing them. I'm told to use CORID for the Coccidiosis and Levamisole for Heterakis and Capillaria. My...
  19. Livipedia

    Fleas? Depluming mite?

    I'm starting to get super frustrated as this issue is one I feel I have been battling for over a year and nothing has been effective. Two of my hens have bald patches with crusty skin, one on her neck and the other on her belly. I determined it was not cannibalism after lots of careful...
  20. barnsworth

    Lost feathers on back

    Hello all. I have this hen that has lost her feathers on her back. She's been this way for about a month now I'd say, maybe a little longer. I thought maybe she was molting at first but that doesn't seem the case. She seems in good health, she eats, acts fine and is still laying. She...
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