Bri's Goose

Sep 8, 2017
My goose is about seven months old. August 21st he was found in the coop during morning feed. He was unable to use his legs.
He was rushed to a regular pet vet. She gave him a dose of pain med. Seemed to do better for a day. Then he stopped eatting. For about 11 days he didn't eat.Gave him saveachick electolates and made him drink. Offered him all I could think of.
This past monday he started eating like he normally did- so thankfully for that, but he can't walk. When let out he trys to walk about but tumbles foward and is all disoriented.
Any thought what may be going on with him?
Any/All suggestions appreciated.
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Mareks is very rare with Waterfowl.Try feeling up and down his leg?Do you feel any hot spots?Does he have any sores on the bottom of his feet?What do you feed him?Can you post a video of him walking?If you have a Avian Vet near you it would be wise to take him there.
Welcome to BYC!

Mareks is very rare with Waterfowl.Try feeling up and down his leg?Do you feel any hot spots?Does he have any sores on the bottom of his feet?What do you feed him?Can you post a video of him walking?If you have a Avian Vet near you it would be wise to take him there.

I checked his feet and legs, they feel normal.
Still looking for a vet that deals with birds.
I will go get a video

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