
  1. BirdRN

    Egg Bound AGAIN

    Hi, I have lost two of my hens within the last 3 months from being egg bound. One was a Buff Orpington and the other a Red Star. I researched this website and believe this is what happened to them. They eat normal chicken feed, for laying hens, bought from Tractor Supply. Plus I occasionally...
  2. C

    Clare Skelton; I'm pleased to join

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Had chickens forever (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Over 100 (3) What breeds do you have? Wyandottes, various colour, millefleur, mottled, chocolate-blue (mauve) partridge, spangled (4) How did you find out about...
  3. R

    A few things...

    Hi Very new to chickens but I rehomed 8 ex batts on Saturday. I'm keen to encourage feather growth and obviously strengthen their overall health. They don't seem keen to eat anything green or their own eggs. We don't eat eggs so there is plenty for them. . Ive already lost one as she had a...
  4. Thefamilyroom

    Back in the Saddle

    Hi I'm Denise. I've had chickens before, took a 3-4 year break in transition to moving and am getting ready to pick up a dozen to bring home Wednesday. I find them very enjoyable and love the eggs they produce. I DO have a few concerns about free ranging. I strongly believe in the benefit of...
  5. Yooperducker

    Feeding schedule for Ducks?

    I have six female ducks that are 12 weeks old. What is the progression for feed (protein) requirements as they get older and approach laying age? They were on a high protein chick starter than moved to an 16-18 % protein. I am using organic non GMO Mash. There seem to be several options...
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