
  1. PioneerChicks

    Helpful Links about Feeding Your Flock

    Feeding Chickens - An Introductory Guide Chicken Treat Chart—the Best Treats for Backyard Chickens Topic/Question of the week - Feeding table scraps to your flock (thread) Fermenting Chicken Feed: A Straightforward Method FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them? (thread) Guess what season it is...
  2. S

    Encephalomalacia in an adult rooster / Vitamin E deficiency?

    My rooster seems to be showing all the signs of a vitamin E deficiency -- waving his head (earliest symptom), slightly wry neck (especially when moving his head down, i.e. to drink or eat), moving in an uncoordinated way (going in circles somewhat), getting lost from the others (not bullied at...
  3. graypes

    Grit Availability Question

    Hi there! So I have two 12-week old runners, one drake one duck**, and I am having a tough time giving them grit. I have tried to keep it out and available to them, but they either get food and water mixed up in it OR when I separate it from their food, they poop in it. I will probably end up...
  4. S

    How much fat is too much?

    I want to formulate my own chicken feed. I've been looking into and reading about chicken nutrition, mainly the publication "Nutrient Requirements of Poultry: Ninth Revised Edition, 1994", chapter 2: Nutrient Requirements of Chickens. This seems to be the most easily available to the public...
  5. Store Eggs vs. Farm Eggs

    Store Eggs vs. Farm Eggs

    This article was originally a poster I made for 4H, but then I decided to make it into an article so others can enjoy it. It took a long time, but I finally finished, so here it is. I added in more information, and kept most of the old ideas too. In this article I will be referring to eggs from...
  6. MaeIstrom

    The Annual Eggy Awards Are Here!

    Inspired by a conversation on another thread and finding a box of expired food I thought a competition for the most elaborate chicken dinner was in order. Please note this means a dinner prepared FOR your chickens not from them. Please post recipes and photos of the best meal you've ever...
  7. MarthaTheRooster

    Homemade Chicken Feed?

    Hey Y'all! I recently scrolling through Pinterest and found a post about making your own chicken feed. I have a lot of questions regarding this subject, as I have never heard of anyone doing this before. How do I go about making sure the feed is nutritionally balanced? What is considered...
  8. DarkWater1929

    Q Mereks symptoms, and Polish Chickens. NOT urgent but relevant to my pullets all the same...

    Hi! I bought six pullets from TSC (our feed/equipment, greedy corporate, but convenient and seductive, store) about eight weeks ago. Two Wyandottes, two Marans, one Americauna and one Polish. They have lived alone, together, since. They were mostly in a brooder area inside, as our winter...
  9. Urban Waddler

    How to Feed Ducks with Different Nutritional Needs?

    Ok. I know I ask a lot on here, but just when I had duck raising down, we changed our duck dynamic and everything is new and confusing again. I was fortunate that I used to have two girls hatched together, always on the same nutritional regiment. But now I have one adult laying duck, and one...
  10. Gooseypoo

    My geese look awful!

    We have two Embden geese. This is their first year, they started laying in February or March. They look awful. Their feathers are tattered and constantly dirty looking (last year they always looked clean, even when they got into dirty water), their breasts are plucked with a big "V" of down...
  11. Rachmaginger

    Anyone feed kombucha to chickens?

    I have read a little bit about fermented feed and the benefits of raw apple cider vinegar, so would kombucha give the chickens the same benefits? I make my own kombucha and drink it daily and have wondered about giving some to the girls. Should it just be added to the feed or give them their own...
  12. Taunya

    Do Roosters have any specific feed needs

    That are different from hens? I just got my first rooster (a tiny little Japanese bantam or Serama someone threw over my fence) and I want to give him the best chance possible with my big girls. I know hens need oyster shell and such, but do roosters have any differing nutrition needs?
  13. Tuna Treat For The Chickens

    Tuna Treat For The Chickens

    Skipjack Tuna, Sweet Peppers, Cilantro, and Garlic
  14. tayjamieson

    Silkie & Bantam Silkie - Strange behavior

    Hello, My boyfriend came home about a month ago with a 1 week old silkie and a day old bantam silkie. We have 12 chickens but the behavior is so different in these two breeds that I needed to reach out to you guys for some help. First question I have is about the older Silkie (the orange-is...
  15. Major Factors Affecting Egg Production

    Major Factors Affecting Egg Production

    Egg production governed by many factors and these are grouped under three main categories: Nutritional Factors Environmental Factors Pathological Factors (Diseases) Lets take a closer look at these factors and how they can affect egg production in both backyard chickens and commercial breed as...
  16. Scotty from BI

    Do I supplement with treats or not?

    I have had chickens for about 9 years now and it is an ongoing and continuos learning experience for me. There is no shortage of advice by "experts". But in reality, most of what I have learned about chickens, my chickens have taught me. My flock consists of 8 large breed mixed chickens...
  17. S

    Avi-vital vitamins as a preventative

    hey guys I bought Avi-vital vitamin booster for my flock with the intention of giving it to them occasionally as a vitamin booster in their diet. My girls eat a 15% protein seed mix, plus free range and food scraps. Usually plenty of leafy greens when I have them. I have no reason to...
  18. StephanieRose44

    Running out of time! Identifying Gender 11-12 wks

    I’m going to just post pictures (the latest) of each bird I have and would appreciate it greatly if I can get all of “my ducks in a row I guess”. I know hens need extra source of calcium for laying and I’m at the point where I need to know the genders ( I’m not sure what the actual percentage...
  19. Scotty from BI

    do dark yellow or orange yolks mean they are healthier.

    I have been raising chickens for about 8 years. I have 10 hens now about 1.5 years old. They are confined to a partially covered dirt run and very spacious coop. The run is quite large about 90 feet by about 6-8 feet with plenty of perches and ladders for them to move around in and on. I...
  20. Table4Six

    Your Chickens' Diet- Do you supplement with greens?

    This thread is for sharing and learning the best ways to add variation to your chickens' diet by supplementing greens, especially when free-ranging is not an option. Share your expertise and what works best for you: how often you provide greens and what do the chickens like best.
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