
  1. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Mid-June Molt?

    I have a flock of five hens who are all a little over 4 years old. Two of the five are starting to molt--a buff orpington and a RIR hybrid. The buff orpington had a light/mini-molt already in May, where she stopped laying for a couple of weeks and lost a small amount of feathers. This molt is...
  2. toppenheimer

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Missing Neck and Back Feathers

    Hello everyone! We have a small backyard flock and one of our girls “Endira” has never grown her adult feathers on her neck and back. She is roughly 8 weeks old. The rest of our flocks feathers grew in just fine except her. I imagine the bare skin is uncomfortable and am wondering if there is...
  3. A

    Mites or dusty/growing feathers ?

    Hi! This is a 2 week old silkie chick raised in an indoor brooder. I just took them off paper towels yesterday and noticed this as I was switching everything over. Is it mites or is it just dust and her (🤞🏻 ) feathers coming in? Also I brought them outside for the first time and noticed she...
  4. F

    Hen started puffing up, then was withdrawn, then lost most of her feathers, now has lame leg

    Sorry for the long post, but I’m trying to be as descriptive as possible. We have a Blue Ancona hen that is approx 8 months old that started developing symptoms about a month and a half ago. For the first week, she started getting loud and moody, then the second week she began to get poofy and...
  5. Mbh236

    Newly Aggressive Hen

    I have 4 hens in an enclosure that they’ve been in for almost 2 years and out of no where my smallest Ameraucana hen (who is at the lowest pecking order) has just started attacking my brown leg horn hen, holding her down, pecking her head, and drawing blood. It’s been a few days and she hasn’t...
  6. J

    Hard molt during cold winter

    One of my girls has been molting a couple weeks. It started with just her head, now her entire head and neck are bare, along with a spot on her back down near her tail. It gets pretty cold here, about 30 degrees F during the day and down to 20 degrees F or even colder at night. Should I be...
  7. WhitF

    Do ducks change color after molting??

    Okay. So I have ducks. 2 pekin drakes that are in a separate space, and then 1 khaki Campbell hen and 2…/unknowns. Well I know 1 is a hen and 1 is a drake but no idea on breed. I got them at Atwood’s, in a straight run duckling bin. I thought the gal was a blue Swedish but she doesn’t have a...
  8. K

    Chicken being bullied by flock after injury

    Hi all, One of our sweet chickens was attacked by a fox in November and survived, but most of her feathers were pulled out on her backside. This trauma sent her into a heavy molt and it has taken months for her to refeather. Unfortunately, in addition to this, the flock of 6 has been bullying...
  9. Evoa14

    Feathers loss and no growing back

    Hello, i would like your advice on feather loss. I have 2 hens, no rooster, and there is no pecking between them. One of my hens (she is 23 months) has been missing feathers on her belly, near her keel bone for 6 months. Her skin is a bit red and it looks like a brood patch. She has been...
  10. Lspears218

    Molting or Mites!? (Pics attached)

    Please help! This is my first time going through this so I am not sure what I am looking at. 1 hen is loosing a lot of feathers a lot in back/tail and neck area. Another one is fluffy above her tail. Is this mites or molting? Any advice would be great. Thank you.
  11. The chicken nurd

    Possible sick hen

    Possibly sick bird or maybe just molting any ideas i got her a couple days ago from someone who needed to rehome her with a couple of other hens the person I got her from said she was just molting which is probably right but I figured I’d ask people on here who have more experience with sick...
  12. Countryhippie

    Molting Hen in -10 degree weather (should I bring her in)

    Hello everyone, I am from Central Massachusetts and I have 4 hens that are about one and a half years old. I have my hens in a large over ez chicken coop, it’s been altered to have more ventilation at the top. The coop normally only stays about 5-10 degrees warmer than outside in the winter...
  13. L

    9 Mo old Buff Orpington loosing feathers

    Hi all. My 9 mo Buff Orpington is loosing feathers. Almost like prematurely molting. My understanding is that would be -18 mo usually. - Lots of pin feathers - I’ve separated her from the rest of the flock - Vent looks normal - Not as energetic as usual kinda staying by herself but does come...
  14. emmabellybutton

    Molting Issue?

    All the rest of my ducks and chickens completely molted this past fall, except my one duck Spinach. He molted all his feathers except his flight feathers, they’re just raggedy sticks now. Is this a health concern? He is a Muscovy/magpie duck mule, his sister was mentally and physically disabled...
  15. kanami

    bullying or molting?

    i’m so stressedddd, i’ve noticed some of my chooks are losing feathers and this is coming up on year one of me being a chicken tender and this is a first for me. i need the experts to look at all these photos and help me see if they are getting bullied or if some are molting or both! one day i...
  16. isabellajosie

    8 Month Old Hen Molting?

    Hello. I have an eight month old Partridge Plymouth Rock hen that I think may be molting. I’m a little concerned as to whether the reason for her loss of feathers is actually molting. Since she’s still young and it’s January, although I’ve read that some chickens will molt at any time during the...
  17. MissGreenJeans

    New aggression and reintroduction in winter

    Hi, folks. I’ve got a challenging situation and would love your advice. My hens are about a year and a half old. They grew up together as chicks and have lived in harmony. A few months ago, they stated to molt for the first time. They didn’t do it all at once. The later molters are almost done...
  18. G

    Molting chickens + -30 windchills…

    I am a new chicken mama, please don’t judge. I know a lot of people have been worried about the cold. I live in NW Georgia and it hasn’t gotten below 20 degrees yet, but tonight/tomorrow it’s supposed to be below 0 with -20 to -30 windchills. We built our coop, and it’s sturdy and well...
  19. R

    Raising chickens in Ecuador

    Hello everyone! We live in Ecuador. We have a coop for 5 hens, using deep litter method. Since the area I live in is 55 degrees to 75 degrees Fahrenheit all year long and the sun stays up for 12 hours a day every day of the year Will they lay eggs continuously or take a break and molt? The blue...
  20. J

    Is my chicken molting or impacted?

    Hello everyone! I've just joined the forum today to take some of the guess work out of caring for my chickens. One of my hens, who is a buff orpington named Queeny, started acting a bit strange but I don't know whether to be worried or not. Her symptoms are tail down SOMETIMES and also...
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