lethargic hen

  1. P

    Very nervous first winter hen owners

    Hi all, Wanted to first shout out you all all to thank you for your posts as we have read them religiously in raising our pullets from chicks to full egg laying hens. Thank you all and I will try to help where I can. Winter: We have 5 actively laying hens ( 3 golden comets and 2 barred rocks...
  2. tifaus

    Dying chicken!! Possible crop issue.

    Ok, this is my second flock and I swear they are a sickly flock. My hen is very lethargic, pale, runny but no blood in her poop, tail down, vomited once when picked up and when you pick her up she puts her wings out. She is a 7 month old Rhode island red. Any information would be very much...
  3. P

    Bertha is running a fever

    I noticed yesterday that one of my chickens was huddled in the corner by the deck, not acting right and very lethargic. I was unable to get to her because I recently had a hip replacement. My son noticed her doing the same thing today. We brought her in the house and have been giving her...
  4. Birb Mom

    Lethargic Young Hen, Please Help!

    I am new to chicken keeping, so I am rather stressed when it comes to any possibility my chickens are sick. They are all about 4 months and relatively new to laying. Today, I let my flock out to free range like usual and all was well, but one of my Easter egger gals has suddenly fallen...
  5. flvicki

    Help! EE 27 week old hen stopped eating, bloody poop

    A couple days ago I noticed my EE was lethargic. She also had runny poops that were green and sometimes yellow. I brought her inside yesterday along with her sister that never leaves her side. She wasn't eating but was drinking. During the night she would just cluck every once and a while...
  6. jenuinejumper

    Possible Fowl Pox? Lethargic and ruffled feathers. Please help!

    frankie, our 4 month old naked neck pullet starting being slightly solitary and lethargic a couple days ago, standing around with ruffled feathers. She seems to be eating and drinking and occasionally scratches at the ground with the others. But I noticed these bumps on her neck and one spot on...
  7. AccidentalChickenLady

    Chicken lethargic after beak-trimming

    I have four hens in my backyard coop; two Easter-Eggers, a Barred Rock, and a Rhode Island Red. All of them came from my local feed store, which sources their chicks from a local farmer. They are about to turn 6 months old. About a month ago, I noticed one of my EEs, Audre, had a crossed beak. I...
  8. AccidentalChickenLady

    Longtime lurker, first-time poster!

    I've been reading BYC for months, but I finally bit the bullet (or perhaps "bit the bug" is more appropriate in this context)! I have four hens in my backyard coop just outside Denver, Colorado. We've got two Easter-Eggers, a Barred Rock, and a Rhode Island Red. All of them came from my local...
  9. A

    Chicken was fine yesterday, won't move today!

    Hi! This is my first post here! I'm lost and need help I have a 3 year old amerucana that just got done molting and is just starting to look like herself again! Yesterday she was running around in my back yard eating and socializing. This morning I went out to feed and she was laying in the...
  10. MaryZoe

    Help! A soft crop after other illnesses. What now?

    My poor flock has been through so much during this wet, wet summer here in south Florida. I added some new hens to the flock and did not quarantine thoroughly enough. The new hens ended up showing respiratory distress, then lesions. After many of my flock were also infected, I sent the sickest...
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