lethargic hen

  1. Chewbagawk

    Pale, Very Tired/Lethargic Chicken

    UPDATE: My hen has since passed. Feel free to post what you think it could have been, and any steps you think I should take for my other two hens (who aren't currently exhibiting any symptoms). This is the third member of my original flock (which I'll now probably add to; yay?) that's died in...
  2. AccidentalChickenLady

    Lethargic chicken w/ diarrhea, lost weight, small bugs (+photos)

    Apologies in advance for the long post, but my hope is to provide as much detail as possible, and get some suggestions for at-home remedies (or those that can be administered at home) to try and save my favorite bird! My 1.5-year-old Barred Rock, Raven, has had some runnier-than-normal poops...
  3. Equiem

    ADVICE PLEASE - soft, broken shell, lethargic hen!

    I've been keeping hens since March of this year. They're rescue ex-batts and I have already lost 2 of the 5 I started with, been to the vets with another and now one of the others is unwell. I've dealt with a lot since keeping them - the first prolapsed after one week so I had to learn things...
  4. Citychickengal

    Bright green runny poop & squishy crop - please help, desperate!

    If anyone can help I would so appreciate it - I’m desperate here, I have no idea what is wrong with my hen! She’s about 6.5 months old, and not yet started to lay eggs. She free ranges in my backyard with 10 other chickens, none of whom show any signs of illness. I first noticed that my one...
  5. Citychickengal

    6 1/2 month old lethargic hen - suggestions??

    Hi all, I have a 6 1/2 month old hen (my favorite, incidentally) that is acting very lethargic. She’s in a flock of 11 and all the others are acting normally. I’ve been out of town for a week and have only been back for two days, so I don’t know how long this has been going on. Last night I...
  6. mads+summer829

    Is my chicken sick or am I over-reacting?

    Hello! Over the last two days, I have noticed that our Blue-Splash Maran, Parmesan, has not been herself. She has become lethargic, she falls asleep standing up in the middle of the yard. She also does not run up to receive snacks, she just watches. I have not seen her drink a lot but she does...
  7. chick peeps

    Sick hen?

    I have a RIR that has been acting odd in the past couple days. Her eyes are clear and shes attentive but she has been quite lethargic. She fluffs her feathers up a bit away from her body. Her comb has gotten paler and is starting to droop. I also noticed she has green poop residue on her rear...
  8. Halevb


    Help! I'm about at my wit's end. Several months ago I went out to the coop and found my 1 year old barred rock hen acting sick. She was having trouble standing up, watery bright green poop, pale comb and wattles, and just generally lethargic. I did some searching on here and immediately...
  9. T

    Lethargic, not drinking, swollen hard abdomen, deep breathing

    Help!! My chicken hasn’t been feeling well the last week. She was chased into the neighbours on Sunday night and stayed in the bushes for the night( usually sleeps in the laundry) then come home and I noticed she was perched in the rain when I got home from work (unlike her to be out in the...
  10. ChickenMamaSarah

    Lethargic hen with squishy crop and blood in poop

    Agnes is one of my first chickens and I’m so worried about her! About three days ago I noticed her not eating as much and drinking more water than usual. She didn’t want to leave the coop and has white/yellow diarrhea on her vent feathers. She’s been increasingly lethargic and now isn’t...
  11. M

    Chicken walking gingerly with legs close together...

    Hi, I'm a longtime lurker here, and decided to post when i couldn't figure out a chicken's problem. We have around 30 hens, and one of our polish started acting up last night. She's around 2 years old, she's on the lighter side. The problem seems to be her walking. She walks at a slight crouch...
  12. kikiri

    Lethargic Pekkin Chicken, Sleeps while standing

    Hello! I've been worried about my year old hen, starting today I've noticed she's been really sluggish! Her comb seems paler than usual, I had found her in the morning by the door of the coop just sitting there. I picked her up, found a fresh egg but noticed her vent is a bit dirty. The egg...
  13. KatsGotChicks

    Pale, lethargic chicken

    Help! I went outside this morning to find one of my hens laying on her side in the yard. She is very weak and barely even moves her head or opens her eyes. Her comb and wattles are pale and shriveled/flopped over. Her body temp seems low. She had some dried poop on her butt. I have washed her...
  14. Chloe8243

    What’s going on with my Buff Orphington?

    The other day I noticed my buff Orpington hen was huddled by herself while the rest of the flock foraged around. I went over to investigate and noticed she had a pale comb. She won’t eat, she won’t drink and she’s barely moves. She is separated from the rest of the flock until I can figure out...
  15. W

    Chicken very lethargic, breathing heavy, not eating or drinking

    One of my approx 2 year old hens has become very lethargic in the past couple of hours. She seemed fine earlier today, running, eating, drinking,etc. In the past couple of hours she has become very lethargic, just sitting, not eating or drinking, barely enthused or strong enough to even eat a...
  16. Leihamarie

    Lash egg???

    Hi all, My 1.5 year old EE who has been laying thin-shelled eggs (but otherwise in excellent health) started walking oddly, tail pumping about a week and a half ago. Noticed it right away, took her inside and gave her an epsom soak + 2tsp olive oil and she popped out a small rubber egg. had...
  17. Goldnmine

    Ruffled feathers and diarrhea

    My 3 year old hen started yesterday ruffling her feathers and just kinda sitting there. She just got done molting last month. She has poop on her feathers. Her abdomen feels not hard or extra soft and squishy. She did eat some yogurt but doesn’t seem to want feed. I brought her in and gave her a...
  18. I

    Sick 6 to 7 months year old hen

    Hi I have no prior knowledge at raising chicken I have got a hen from my cousin som 2 3 months ago just begun it's white coat at that time. any ways it's is home indoor raised. becouse we're traveling next week we tried to get her with the neighbors chicken outdoor coop it was som 5 10 degrees c...
  19. Carrie Irwin

    Suspected Clostridium in my chicken

    Hi, I have noticed for about a week a lot of soupy looking chicken poo on the poop board in the morning, and for the last couple of days the same poop had undigested food in it. I have pinpointed which chicken it is, my Ameraucauna, and she while she is eating she doesn't seem herself. I have...
  20. E

    Sick Speckled Sussexes

    Hello, everyone! I joined this site because I'm seeking advice on what to do about our sick Speckled Sussex hen Loretta. For the past couple weeks she has been lethargic, standing in penguin stance in one spot for long periods of time, feathers puffed up with her tail drooping. She is however...
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