injured chick

  1. T

    2 week old guinea chick fell from high place

    One of my 2 week old guinea keets fell from about 2 to 3 feet while I was transferring them to a warmer spot. He landed on his belly and was initially fine, but had trouble standing. He was on his side kicking his legs, but I picked him up and he's now sitting under my hand. I'm worried that he...
  2. C

    HELP! chick scalped & skull exposed (GRAPHIC)

    My hen hatched some chicks the other day without us knowing. When we saw her with them we started scanning the yard for any that might have gotten stuck anywhere and we found a little one standing on top of a wood pile super still and barely chirping. I nudged them a little and they gave some...
  3. missdelia


    Hi. One of my 3 mo old chicks was pecked badly by one of our adult chickens and her head is a mess! I didn't actually take any pics of the first day - I was too upset and just read on here what to do and got her through the first few days (this happened Saturday 7/17 - 6 days ago). We kept her...
  4. K

    Pecking wound

    Ive got a month old chick that was so severely pecked i didn't think she would live. Its been 9 days and somehow she is 100%. Completely normal. Wound seems to be healing up but there's this protruding mass that im concerned about. I was afraid to disturb it given how well she is doing but also...
  5. N

    2week old chick failing to thrive?

    Hey guys, So I’ve raised abandoned chicks before, ones that the hen has pushed out or left behind, including one with a leg injury last year. So when I found my hen had left behind one of her chicks and it had trouble standing/walking (it seemed weak on one side, but it was cold when I found it...
  6. chickenchicklady

    Day old chick can’t walk

    Hi friends! I got day old chicks today from my local farm store. All of the chickens but one is fine. They’re all active, eating and drinking, but I have one light Brahma who cannot walk, and won’t eat or drink. She chirps, but nothing else. When I first put her in the brooder, she would kind of...
  7. T

    Gosling injured during hatching

    I had already made a post about this in rhe emergency section and I was suggested to try posting here too to see if anyone has advice. So I am just going yo post exactly what I said before. Hello this is my first time posting here. I have been around this site before looking at tips and advice...
  8. T

    Gosling injured during hatching

    Hello this is my first time posting here. I have been around this site before looking at tips and advice, but right now I need some immediate help. Some time very late last night while one of my goslings was hatching this one got pretty injured. When I checked on it it was bleeding from...
  9. Birdie mom

    Chick " belly button " is bleeding!

    So this chick hatched about a couple hours ago so he is very young and still not quite fluffed out yet. I had opened up the incubator to fix the humidity leve and I noticed blood on his navel and blood on the nearby eggs, which makes me think that this may have been going on for a hour or so...
  10. Mal_03

    Completely skinned newborn chick (neck to eyes)!!

    Hi guys! I need help pleasee. I went to my coop and checked on the chicks that were supposed to hatch overnight, I found 3 which were perfectly healthy and fine but one which was under the small food tray without any skin on its head and multiple deep wounds to its skull, it was all bloody...
  11. nataliepthorne

    Help!! Baby chick can't walk or hold up shaky head

    Help! This baby chick cant walk and all it can do is sleep. My dog knocked my incubator over right before it began pipping. It was already a small egg and I was worried but persisted. It can open its eyes but can't eat or drink yet as it's only been hatched for 8 or so hours. Please does anyone...
  12. B

    Chick with hurt leg

    Hello, so I have a chick that is I think a runt (shes growing slowly and isn't nearly as active as the other chicks) and she has been limping for about 2 weeks now. I noticed one day she was limping and ever since she has been limping and struggling to walk/balance (about 2 weeks later still)...
  13. JamminCats

    Injured Baby Chick!

    Hi all! I have a 2 week old ISA Brown who has some dried blood above her eye, it looks like the others were pecking at her. I don't see much of an open wound. I have separated her but do not have any saline or rubbing alcohol to cleanse it with. I read the area should be cleaned before applying...
  14. JamminCats

    Injured by cat URGENT

    Hi all! A freak accident happen today, the cat got into the room where the chicks were, stuck his paw through the cage, and dragged one of the little chicks by the shoulder/ wing area about an inch before I reached him. The chick could waddle for a while and there’s only a little bit of blood...
  15. K

    Injured chick

    Tonight we went to put our chicks away for the night and we have an injured chick. She has a large bump on her chest and won’t walk or drink. It’s about the size of a golf ball.
  16. T

    Baby chick with crooked leg

    I recently adopted a little chick with an injured leg. She walks like she's off balance and tends to either hold it up, or lean against a wall for support. I couldn't find any sores when I examined her, so I'm not sure what the problem is, or if it's fixable. Her leg tends to stick out to the...
  17. Filthybeastsden

    Unusual yolk sac issue

    Hey there everyone! This is my 3rd hatch, first hatch with my silkie mix chicks. They are hybrid. Of my 10 ferilized banty eggs 8 hatched, 1 passed away .. it was the runt unfortunately. One of the chicks I had to do an assisted hatch on has a weird issue I've yet to read about though! I've...
  18. emmsx3

    Baby Chick Drinking Water But Not Eating

    Hello, This will be long but I hope you all will bare with me. I have a one month old chick (just made one month on November 13th) and she's been doing really well during her first weeks til now since we have been raising her. Just recently she had an injury when my mom was bringing her in the...
  19. LeggyLeghorn

    cockerel mounted 9 week old chick

    Silkie Polish cross 2 hens, mothers-10 months 1 cockerel-11 months and 7 chicks-9 weeks old they all get along, cockerel is doing his job well, all three collectively mind the chicks. two days ago one chick began to lag behind. today i took chick to vet, as this morning it did not want to...
  20. Degg1121

    Baby Chick head trauma/internal bleeding??

    HELP!! I got 8 baby chickens a few days ago from good old Tractor Supply (5 Sapphire Gem, 1 Easter Egger, and 2 Brahmas) my mother has had chickens before but these were my first very own babies. We had them in our house as they are so small and need a heat lamp still, and one of our very old...
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