hot weather

  1. ChickenVegetable

    White Turkey Get Sunburn?

    Hi everyone! I know this is a bit of a weird question but does turkeys need suncream? In particular the white turkey? I have a lovely girl and she is my first turkey so this will be out first summer together and I would like to make sure she is ok! Is there anything I can put on her head? Or...
  2. plexiglass

    Voice change and excessive fluffing of feathers

    My 6-year-old sex link hen looks to be the same weight and she is not missing feathers. We have recently lost her flock mates so she is alone for the time being (I am working on getting her a friend ASAP). I recently noticed that she will occasionally let out what sounds like a scream in a voice...
  3. Dani & Mikey

    The heat is here...

    Ok, it’s happened. The heat has hit Virginia. Just a few days after our super late last frost:rant...but that’s beside the point. It’s hot and I saw my chickens panting yesterday. I know this is a normal thing and have been sifting through the threads regarding hot chickens. Anyone who feels...
  4. Texas backyard chickens

    Water getting hot in summer

    Has anyone had any success with a idea like this....I live where it’s scortching hot with high humidity. Houston, Texas. I am preparing to get chickens and wanted to have everything set up. So with summer coming if I got a igloo water cooler and attached the chicken waterers or nipples... I...
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