hatching ducks

  1. D

    Duckling pip but hasn’t broken through egg

    So I have a few questions.. We are hatching ducklings for the first time- 4 of the eggs have pipped but only one has made any real progress and they all pipped on Friday, it’s now Sunday… and then we have an egg that pipped upside down, his beak is out but should I turn him over?
  2. aliciaplus3

    Acres Poultry hatching thread with aliciaplus3!

    Howdy folks! I have been having trouble keeping track of where I have posted and where I have not in response to hatch a longs, so I have decided to create a thread where I can (hopefully) keep a running dialog going about what is currently hatching. I have 4 (or 5?) incubators going for the...
  3. I keep asking myself. How did this happen? The cost of ducks.

    I keep asking myself. How did this happen? The cost of ducks.

    I keep asking myself. How did this happen? Well, I guess it started earlier this spring when a pair of wild Muscovy ducks built a nest and laid eggs in our oak tree. A feral cat kept harassing the mamma duck and eventually she abandoned the nest. After two days with no sign of her returning, I...
  4. Chassmarie83

    2 Clutches In Incubator???

    So, long story as short as possible, I had a broody hen and wanted her to hatch some duck eggs. She was doing great but I also wanted to try some in the incubator for a little extra insurance. Well the other day she decided she was not interested in sitting any longer and abandoned the nest...
  5. A

    First time momma duck

    So I have a first time momma duck sitting on eggs. The hatching process has started two days ago. So far four ducks have hatched, but three out of the four have ended up hatching perfectly fine but within 24 hrs have ended up dead. Two of them looked like they were stuck between the other eggs...
  6. MROO

    Rescued Duck Eggs - Not a clue what I'm doing!

    Hello all. Well, it looks like DD just may get her duck wish. My sister (an agricultural school bio teacher) received a batch of ring necked pheasant eggs to hatch for a school project. The gal delivering them "threw in" a pair of duck eggs she picked up on the way to the car. Sis had no room...
  7. CLovesDucks

    The Mallards HATCHED! Question about ‘wry neck’

    Hi BYC friends! 4 of my 9 duck eggs (mallards - runners are in progress) have hatched! I left them in the incubator for 24 hours and then put them in the brooder. Three of them are doing great and are cheeping and sitting upright. I have one, who is secretly my favorite, that can’t hold her...
  8. HenzandHoundzFarm

    Help Me Pick an Incubator

    I'm looking for an incubator to hatch duck eggs and hope to get it soon. I am going to list my requirements below and would love some input!!! $100-$130 Holds 6+ eggs but I'd love a bigger one Works well/has good reviews Has trays for duck eggs CAN BE PURCHASED ON AMAZON Is easy to...
  9. MarlyMonster

    Newbie needs help before starting hatching project!

    Hi lovely people! I just joined this site today and I’m already loving it! Posted a long intro message so if you want the long version feel free to stalk, however I’ll give a short blurb here before my questions. I’m going to be conducting an experiment on hatching twins from a double yolk...
  10. Jellybean05

    ~From egg to adult~♡

    Welcome to my "From egg to adult" journal!!:jumpy I will be putting six blue Swedish duck eggs in the incubator soon and I will be taking pictures of the eggs until they hatch and probably until they grow up. You are welcome to ask questions and give advice, although I may not be able to give...
  11. ChickenSweetie

    Cayuga Duck New To Hatching...

    I have raised chickens for many years, and have incubated eggs. This year I am attempting to have a Cayuga duck hatch some eggs. So far, she has a great nest, with 8 eggs. The other day she layed her next egg out of the nest, and did the same thing the next day. She is not yet laying on her pile...
  12. Seasonmomma

    Toxic Oven Fumes!?

    I know you should never NEVER run the self clean cycle on an oven when you have birds of any sort, or hatching eggs, in the house. My question needs a little background first. I’m going to try to hatch eggs next month or the month after, duck more specifically, not that it should matter I...
  13. annaBsChick

    Useful case story to read about a duckling who hatched with a hernia

    Hope is a two-week old Pekin duckling who Tammy refused to give up hope on. While she was growing within an egg, Hope spent the majority of her time under Pumpkin, a broody hen. The last couple of days, she was relocated to her mother’s nest. However, on day 28, Tammy noticed that her mother...
  14. D

    Day 29 runners just had first pip!

    So out of the 5 fertile eggs in the incubator, one died at around 18 days and one so sadly at day 28 (eggtopsy showed he was a perfect full term yellow ducking, I was heartbroken, what could have happened?) have pic but wasn't sure it's appropriate to post) But the exciting news is as of 10.pm...
  15. NettyM

    Assist or leave

    we have 2 Indian runner duck eggs in a Brinsea advance mini incubator . Originally 4 but 2 weren't fertile . On day 30 we heard tap tap tapping but after 24 hours could see no pip so after much deliberation decided to quickly look and see if chick has pipped underneath and sure enough it had and...
  16. hecken

    Muscovies dying before hatching

    Hi, I'm hoping someone can help. For the second time, I've allowed one of my muscovy hens to sit on eggs. It's now day 39 with no sign of ducklings so I candled the eggs. It looked like black fluid in the egg and it smelled so I took it and cracked it. First tap, the shell came off but the...
  17. TheGirlyGoatLdy

    2 Broody Hens Raising Chicks Together...

    I wanted to share something that I am witnessing on my farm, that doesn't seem to be anywhere on the web. I have 2 sets of chickens. The first group are those who follow the rules & live in the pens. I feed & water then, just like any other coop. My second group, are rogue! They refuse to live...
  18. G

    Assist w duck egg that pipped (external) over 19 hours ago

    Sorry, nervous first-time "parent"! So, I need to know how much to assist w a duck egg that pipped (externally) 19.5 hours ago. I just removed the shell, not that inner membrane, to the edge of where the air sac was (I had the foresight to draw that before the duck pipped). The ducking pipped...
  19. JavelinaFarms

    Duck Eggs Under Broody Hen

    Hey all, have been having a lot of broody hens and have hatched several successful clutches. We decided to try our hand at hatching ducklings and are having a lot of trouble. On the 1st clutch of ducklings, only 1 hatched and it died about 24 hours later. We thought that maybe the duckling...
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