
  1. Crazy Duck Lover

    Need Help Troubleshooting Late Deaths

    Hey BYC Fam. I have had it in the plans to start a small hatchery and sell fertile eggs online from my duck, but am thinking I need to push that plan back as I am running test batches and crunching numbers. I’ve noticed some things, good and bad: - Fertility has been 100% 👍 - Air cells have...
  2. Pheasant Run Farm

    Which poultry hatchery has the best quality birds?

    Hello! I was wondering what hatchery has the best quality stock birds. We’re getting some more birds next year and from the hatcheries I’ve gotten chickens from (Cal-Ranch which gets their stock from Hoover’s Hatchery and Dunlap Hatchery) we haven’t had the best quality birds. Some of them...
  3. The chicken nurd

    Questions about ordering online

    Hi So ignoring that I’m not getting chicks for a few months my question is this I’ve been considering ordering online so I’ll have more options but I’ve never done that before I’ve always just bought chicks from the local feed store Should I try ordering online this coming spring and if so...
  4. The chicken nurd

    What breeds should I get

    Hey everyone So ignoring the fact that I’m not getting chicks for a couple of months or until spring (I’m the person who likes to spend months planning on what to get and I’m feeling a little chick crazy sense my pullets started laying) I need breed suggestions My only requirements are doesn’t...
  5. So you want to start raising chickens? Here are a few things to consider.

    So you want to start raising chickens? Here are a few things to consider.

    Raising chickens isn't for everyone, but if you want to get started on bringing up your own flock, here are some things to consider. Space: Before even considering starting your new flock, you must make sure you have the space for them in the first place. How much space do you need? Well, this...
  6. lilmillefleur

    An idea for a possible article or database

    So I was looking at 2 of my d’Uccles today, one from breeder stock and one from a hatchery, and I couldn’t help but notice how different they looked especially in body type. Then I thought it would be nice to have an article that shows the difference between pet and show quality types of...
  7. D

    Silver laced Wyandotte Pullet or cockerel?

    Hello! So I have a SLW chick about 5 week old. It may be too young yet to know, but what do you guys think (any fun guesses on your expertise/experience). As I can only have 2 chickens, I am hoping it is a pullet. I got her from a feed store who got them from Ideal Poultry to keep this abandoned...
  8. Winter Creek Coop

    McMurray Hatchery Initial Review

    Hey friends, I just picked up a box of vibrant seemingly healthy chicks from the post office after an extra day of delay from the post office. McMurray packed them with a large heat pack plus six males for warmth. The only DOA chick was our free surprise chick which was some kind of blueish...
  9. Winter Creek Coop

    Hatchery Catalogs 2021...

    Which paper catalogs have you all recieved. I have only gotten McMurray. I expected Cackle by now. Just like seed catalogs they are some of my favorite reading material.
  10. N

    What’s best for a newbie to start - chicks or pullets?

    We want to end up with 6 hens this coming year, each one of a different breed (BCM, Silkie, Polish, Lavender orpington, EE, Cochin). Our plan was to get 6 chicks this Spring, but upon more research I’m concerned we will end up with some roos if we get them all as chicks from local breeders. I...
  11. Mustafa Aamir

    Any advice for hatching, brooding and selling chicks... Small Homemade Hatchery Business

    Hi guys, so i recently have bought a diy homemade incubator from someone. i have placed eggs of different exotic breeds (chicken ofc)... they are on there 12 day now... anybody wanna give me a few tips for hatching, brooding and selling chicks... especially selling chicks.
  12. T

    Should I raise pheasants for profit?

    I recently started a small family owned hatchery in Southern California. Right now I’m selling all the popular egg laying chickens and Coturnix quail. The quail in particular have been very profitable due to how quickly they grow start laying eggs. I recently saw some pheasants in person for...
  13. Feathers & Friends

    SURPRISE CHICK mayham!!!

    I am new to true blues! They are simaler to easter eggers/americaunas, etc. in the sense that they come in many colors and variations. I purchased them from McMurray hatchery. I narrowed down my mystery chick down to one of these three....Can you help me? Which 2 are true blues and which one is...
  14. chickenchicklady

    Mystery Bird from McMurray Hatchery

    Hey all! I got a mystery bird thrown in my order of Meat birds (If I could have, I would have opted out of receiving a mystery bird because I think it will be too cold for it pretty soon), and I’m wondering if anyone has any guesses on what it could be? I’ll update with pictures every so often...
  15. chickenchicklady

    Jumbo Cornish X Vs. Cornish Game Hens

    I ordered Jumbo Cornish X and Cornish game hens. 12 of each. I asked hatchery to separate them or mark them so I could tell the difference, they did not. Will I be able to tell when they are older? I know Game hens are usually ready before Cornish X. That’s why I’m a bit worried. I don’t want to...
  16. Verbon30

    Hatchpoultry are they a good place to order chickens

    https://www.hatchpoultry.com/ Has anyone ordered from them before? And how would you rate them
  17. Kloie Grace

    Starting a small hatchery ~ HELP

    Hi everyone. I have wanted to start a chick hatchery for a long time now, and want to sell my blue d' uccle chicks, and in the near future, quail. First off. What all do I need to start? I have found a 7 egg incubator (I also have a broody hen), we have a tall metal trough we have used for years...
  18. Tre3hugger

    Anyone have experience with welp hatchery cornish x?

    Going to be getting some meat birds soon, and welp has cornish x on sale all of june for $1.50. Any one raise any birds from them? experiences? Thnkas!
  19. TK421

    Caution about small order chicks-8 of 10 dead chicks in the mail

    Everything was planned out perfectly. I needed new chicks but I wanted to try to let mama raise them, but didn't have a broody. So I ordered 12 wooden eggs, and placed one per day into the nestbox. At day 10, my dominant hen went broody!!! After 2-3 days, we were sure the broody was going to...
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