Which poultry hatchery has the best quality birds?

Pheasant Run Farm

In the Brooder
Nov 23, 2021
Hello! I was wondering what hatchery has the best quality stock birds. We’re getting some more birds next year and from the hatcheries I’ve gotten chickens from (Cal-Ranch which gets their stock from Hoover’s Hatchery and Dunlap Hatchery) we haven’t had the best quality birds. Some of them aren’t as noticeable, but our Brahma’s especially from Hoover are small, very lightly feathered, and are overall just not up to standard. If you know which hatchery is the best, please respond!
Generally speaking if you want birds bred to SOP you’ll want to go with private breeders. I have not personally done this yet, but there’s some nice folks on here who I’m sure can give you some tips there.
That said the APA has started a flock inspection program for hatcheries. So far it looks like only Murray McMurray has take part and has certified White Langshan, White Polish, Silver Pencilled Rock, Partridge Rock, and Buff Rock. But this only means that the APA is saying that this is a good spot to source breeding birds, not that you could necessarily take these birds to a show and win. That’s my understanding anyway.
Not thinking of showing my birds off, but from what I can tell there are lots of mixed opinions on multiple hatcheries on the quality of the birds, so I wanted to know which hatchery has the best “overall” birds closest to the standard.
I have been very happy so far with my birds from Ideal and from Welp.

In particular, my French Cuckoo Marans pullets from Ideal are laying eggs that, while not breeder-dark, seem to fall well within the breed standard for color.


Also, I've put some of my Welp chicks up to get help deciding on keepers and been told my people more knowledgeable than I am that they seem to be quite nice. I even have a possible Lavender Orpington pullet who doesn't have the shredder gene (she may not be an LO, she might be a Splash Australorp).
It's going to depend on the breeds you want. One hatchery might have very nice wyandotte but other breeds look more like crossbreds. No hatchery will cull ruthlessly like a private breeder will so the birds will deviate from the SOP. Wrong comb, poor lacing, sparse leg feathering, size...
If hatcheries are your only option to get chicks, buy 10. Grow them out to POL, select the best 3 and sell the rest. With selective breeding you should be able to up the quality of your birds in a few short years.
Agree that what breeds you want will matter. The MMcM birds that passed that certification program should be pretty nice. Years ago i liked the buff Plymouth Rocks we had from that hatchery.
The Cackle birds we have have been good: white Chanteclers, French Marans, and some others. I love their bantam EEs too.
I also don't show my chickens, but like to have birds that aren't far from their breed standards, and who lay a reasonable number of eggs.
Some show breeders care about looks not egg production. Ask!
Hello! I was wondering what hatchery has the best quality stock birds. We’re getting some more birds next year and from the hatcheries I’ve gotten chickens from (Cal-Ranch which gets their stock from Hoover’s Hatchery and Dunlap Hatchery) we haven’t had the best quality birds. Some of them aren’t as noticeable, but our Brahma’s especially from Hoover are small, very lightly feathered, and are overall just not up to standard. If you know which hatchery is the best, please respond!
Cackle is the best IMO, you might take a gander at their website and see if they have what you’re looking for.
Hello! I was wondering what hatchery has the best quality stock birds. We’re getting some more birds next year and from the hatcheries I’ve gotten chickens from (Cal-Ranch which gets their stock from Hoover’s Hatchery and Dunlap Hatchery) we haven’t had the best quality birds. Some of them aren’t as noticeable, but our Brahma’s especially from Hoover are small, very lightly feathered, and are overall just not up to standard. If you know which hatchery is the best, please respond!
Hoovers hatchery is a good one they buy show breed chickens from people and breed them I have had chickens from there and all mine lasted 10 years atleast unless they were killed by an animal or something stupid that I did. Also on a side note they are unvaccinated..so dont mix with the vaccinated if you already have a flock of vaccinated

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