
  1. S

    Sick gosling

    Hi there! My Chinese gosling is currently 1 week old and SO much smaller than it's sibling, I mean WAY smaller. The larger goose is only one day older. I've attached a picture to show size comparison. She barely seems like she's growing at all. I see her eat and drink and she actually eats more...
  2. McLovin_

    What's happening with the geese in my yard?

    Hello everyone bit of a long story but I have some questions about a pair of geese in my backyard (I don't know much about geese). My backyard has a fairly large pond with a little island in the middle about the size of an average room in a house. Ever since I was a little kid a pair of geese...
  3. M

    missing goslings and duckling

    my homeboy got me 3 little bitty goslings and 2 ducklings and i kept them inside for a while and then i would take them outside during the day wit a kitty pool and put them back up at night and Tain my neighbors Goose kidnaped them but im okay wit that because i got them for her because she was...
  4. lilolilman

    Super worried about the safe arrival of the two pilgrim goslings I ordered, they shipped out from Metzer Farms on Monday . . . Any thoughts?

    Hi all, I am new here and I have found this forum to be very informative and helpful so far, so I figured I'd join and make a post. My boyfriend and I ordered two pilgrim goslings (a male and a female) from Metzer and they shipped out Monday night from CA. I live in Long Island, NY. I got a...
  5. E

    goslings and chicks

    hello, recently i got 10 chicks and 2 goslings the lady at the store said it’s alright to keep them in the same brooder so i’m doing so but now i’m having trouble with what to do with water, because goslings need to dip their head in the water but chicks might drown any tips would be great thank...
  6. E

    my baby duck died

    we found this cute little duck on the road. It was abandoned and lost. it’s leg wasn’t in the best condition he couldn’t walk. we took him home and try to give him water. The next day he started chirping and we fell in love with him. he was less than 2 weeks old. I was so in love with him we...
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