
  1. W

    PLEASE HELP!! Almost day 33 and think my gosling needs help!

    HELLO! I am brand new here but have been DEVOURING everything from this forum trying to hatch this gosling I was given!!! Everyone here is so helpful, so I figured I'd give it a go! I am freaking out because I've fallen in love with this little guy and want him/her to hatch SO BAD- but...
  2. ElGoose

    They love cuddles!!

    Here is our polly getting as close as she can after crying to come sit on my lap lol. She’s a super cuddly Sebastopol goose and can’t get enough attention! Sometimes I consider bringing her into my room on a night to cuddle on my bed with me like a cat
  3. ElGoose

    Are my goslings too chubby?

    They are about 5 weeks now, we mainly feed them waterfowl starter, lettuce, and they have access to grass. The thing is we feed them quite a lot of lettuce as they just really love it and I mean adore it, it’s all they want really! they look quite large when they lay down so I’m really worried...
  4. S

    Gosling struggling! Please help!

    Our gosling was found on its back soaking wet and struggling with its legs by the edge of the pond. We are based in the United Kingdom. We dried her off been force feeding her and making sure she gets lots of water. She must be around 4 weeks old maybe older. She can’t walk at all she...
  5. S

    Gosling struggling! Please help!

    We rescued a Canadian gosling from our pond in our back garden. The family migrate here every year. The gosling was found on its back soaking wet and struggling with its legs by the edge of the pond. We dried her off been force feeding her and making sure she gets lots of water. She must be...
  6. katiebokbok

    runt gosling can't keep up with the others, developmental delay

    She turned 6 weeks yesterday. Little Midge started showing signs of delay in development some days back, falling behind her fellow goslings. She soon became unstable on her feet. This led to full blown instability and near complete loss of balance. Sometimes even ending stuck on her back. We...
  7. Deja_view

    Sebastopol Gosling Color

    Hello everyone, My husband recently asked if we could expand our flock of geese to include some Pomeranian and Sebastopol goslings. Of course, I had no problem accepting his request. I went on a 10 hour round-trip journey yesterday to acquire both breeds of goslings from two separate breeders...
  8. Deja_view

    Any guess on gosling's breed?

    Hello everyone, I recently went on a journey to pick up some Pomeranian goslings. I did get three of them, but I also came home with two mystery goslings as well. The woman I bought them from raises Pomeranian, Sebastopol, Tufted Roman, and Toulouse geese. She said she keeps her goslings...
  9. Rynoranch

    Any idea of the sex of these two African (I think) goslings?

    Can anyone tell me if these African goslings are male or female?I know it’s a long shot but thought I’d ask. They are around 3/4 weeks old. One has a much more pronounced “knob” than the other.
  10. G

    HELP i have 7 goslings and two are barely able to move, they seem really weak and they are only letting out two small chirps every couple senconds

    they can barely support their heads too and isk what to do
  11. martinkuantan

    American Buff Goose for Sale near Richmond, VA

    Beautiful and one of the most calm and friendly breed of geese. Ages range from 8 weeks to newly hatched. While geese do not lay as many eggs as layer and dual purpose chickens, they are more hardy, more predator resistant and forage a lot on grass saving substantially on feed bill. These...
  12. ElGoose

    Gosling temperature help

    So our 2 week old goslings have a small issue and I’m not sure what it is! one of our goslings is always trying to cuddle up to the other for warmth, and the other is always stretching it’s legs out and panting like she’s way too hot! Do they need different temperatures or does the other have a...
  13. ElGoose

    Another important feed question for goslings

    Hey! I’m just wondering what to do really as I have another 2-5 days until my actual waterfowl starter feed arrives (no place in my area sells it! The shops are useless here and this was the fastest delivery I could get) I know people say to mix brewers yeast in with chick crumb but they just...
  14. ElGoose

    Started feed suggestions!

    So our 2 baby goslings at the moment aren’t at all interested in chick feed which was originally suggested to us, but after doing more research it looks like people are against using chick feed because it’s not enough for them (don’t worry it’s not medicated so nothing dangerous in it) I’m just...
  15. katiebokbok

    Skin balloon, tag, growth

    I just noticed this on my 2 week old gander gosling. The hatchery said that it's just a growth. It's crusty at the base, they said to use antibiotic cream if needed. It's on his belly. We are taking him to the vet if and when he needs it removed.
  16. R

    gosling pulling siblings new feathers

    Please help, i have 2 goslings, still young. like 2 weeks max. the feathers are coming in on one faster than the other. the more fuzzy of the 2 is now biting and ripping out the new feathers on her sister. Clover came with splayed leg, and was repaired, and she was the more calm docile one. She...
  17. CassyGurl

    Help my sebbys.

    I bought 5 Sebastopol goslings over a week ago they’ve been doing good eating drinking running around but they had pasty butt I got it cleaned up all was well…they were a week old then..so just over 2 weeks old today 1 was acting lethargic/week I separated it from the other 4…went to get some...
  18. Sheepheart

    Toulouse goslings with different colored beaks?

    After three years one of my geese finally managed to hatch out a clutch. Toulouse female and male, she had 8 eggs, 7 hatched, 6 made it out all the way and are surviving. I noticed that two of the surviving and the one that didn’t make it have pink feet and beak and the grey feathers are...
  19. P

    Egg candling!

    any estimates how old this egg is??
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