
  1. 20201225_094309.jpg


    Marcus standing at full hight.
  2. Tyrion


  3. Marcus


  4. Marcus and Flip Flop

    Marcus and Flip Flop

    Marcus obsession with my flip flop. He loves that Flip flop!
  5. Pumpkin testing

    Pumpkin testing

    Marcus and Tyrion seeing if the pumpkin is food
  6. Marcus and pumpkin

    Marcus and pumpkin

    Marcas helping me with pumpkin carving
  7. 20201101_162050.jpg


    Tyrion , fall wind
  8. Gerby26

    Goose with clicking sound when she walks

    I noticed my goose's foot is making a clicking noise every time she takes a step, should I be concerned she is 4-5 months old and she walks fine other then the noise with every step.
  9. amynw

    Gapeworm????? New thread, HELP

    This is a new thread for a thread I posted with questions a few days ago. Im hoping more people see this with advice. Background: male goose started "squeaking" and had diarrhea. Next day, began shaking his head as if something was lodged in his throat. Friday Update: *****HELP****sound of...
  10. amynw

    Squeaking sick goose????

    Hello everyone. We have 3 pet geese, and recently I kept hearing a squeak every so often. Sounded just like a squeaky toy noise. I finally figured out today where the noise was coming from, one of my male geese. I watched him for around an hour. He still honks like the others, but will...
  11. 0ddaudd

    Do Guard Geese really work?

    Hey! I’ve had this question for awhile. Does a “guard goose” actually work by scaring off prey? If so, does breed matter? What about gender? And will they try to attack humans? I’ve also heard that getting a black chicken can deter predators as well but that might just be an old wives tale. I...
  12. G

    Goose over heating??

    I have three 2 month old Chinese geese, that have their own little pool. This happened about a week ago as well and again today so I'm thinking maybe over heating but it seems weird for it to be off balance, anyway one of them lost its balance and was flapping its wings falling over and calling...
  13. G

    Geese aggressiveness questions

    Hi, I have some Chinese geese and they were handled a lot and brought up around my dogs since they were 3 days old and started chasing my dogs away and biting them since they were only a week old. They were brought up around them and are now 2 months old and bite my dogs and make them yelp so I...
  14. F

    Male or Female? Toulouse

    Can somebody please help? What number of males/females do we have? Sorry I couldn't get a video of them talking, they are very quiet.
  15. HorsesRMe123

    Male and Female White Chinese Goose?

    I have two 18, almost 19 week old White Chinese geese. I believe we have one female and one male. Daisy (the one we believe to be female) is 8.6 pounds and has a much smaller knob than Oliver (the one we believe to be male). Daisy has a quick, lower pitched honk. Oliver is 9.8 pounds and has a...
  16. amynw

    Wet Feather HELP

    Hello everyone, while my husband was changing his oil on Thursday, my goose Abby was hanging out around us and just as fast as I ran to the house to answer the phone, and my husband was wiping his hands off because the phone call was for him, my Abby plopped herself right down in the oil pan...
  17. S

    Is this bumblefoot on goose?

    We're new to poultry and water fowl keeping, and want to make sure they're all healthy! Is this black-ish growth anything to be concerned about on our 4mnth old goose? Maybe bumblefoot? It doesn't seem to come off with water and gentle rubbing. We're base in SE Qld, Australia.
  18. S

    Oral injury in toulouse goose

    I noticed some swelling under my goose's chin today so I checked out her mouth to make sure she didn't eat anything ridiculous, like they do, and what I found was odd. It almost looks like the fleshy bit under the tongue (lingual frenulum) was torn and is possibly infected? I don't have a lot of...
  19. zydrate

    Geese rubbing head/neck on grass

    I noticed an odd thing today that I've not seen my geese do before, I let them out to eat grass and a couple of them kept doing a motion to rub their head/neck on the grass in between eating pieces, the only way i can think to describe it is as if they were 'marking', like how a cat rubs its...
  20. r00bcub3

    I have a goose that thinks she’s a cat!

    Hello all! It has been a little while since we last posted. Our girl named Peeps is coming up on 5 months next week! She has a lot of cat siblings and I wanted to share what she has become attached to in the last week or so. I saw some “anti-anxiety” beds for cats online and I had to grab a...
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