
  1. TEaCup Acres

    Hi from Plant City, Florida!

    I am the chicken lady/goat momma of a bunch of little boys on TEaCup Acres. We have had chickens for a few years now, started with Japanese Bantam and now have a wide variety of backyard layers for eggs around the rainbow! We still need to get a pinkish egg layer and a dark brown egg layer...
  2. AnimalGeek23

    To 'save' or not to save?

    Hey guys, it's been a while since I posted a thread! :frow I recently visited a family friend's house(before coronavirus hit us), and I was surprised as I was greeted by a small goat. I believe it was an Alpine goat but I'm not sure. Not really a goat expert. They explained to us that they had...
  3. HappyFeetHens

    Reevaluating Boer/Meat Goat Feed - HELP!

    One of my Boer does is a yearling (born November 2018) and she’s just so small for her age. She’s a normal height, very long body and nicely built, and at fair, we were told she was built very well, with a nice long body and neck, but simple too small. She has no depth, little width, and I just...
  4. Ozarkhomesteader

    Is it dangerous to let ducks swim in water runoff?

    Hello everyone! I have a small flock of 5 ducks that are currently penned up near the house in a chicken tractor. This winter, I am working on fencing off the back half of the property (about half an acre) to give the livestock (ducks, chickens, turkeys and hopefully goats) more room to...
  5. Bird-Whisperer

    Moving To a Different State

    Hi everyone! Although I recently joined BYC, I have been using this site for a few years to help me with my birds. I finally decided to join and ask some personal questions that I'm hoping y'all can help me with :) My family and I will be moving from Colorado to Southern California in a...
  6. AMaggio

    Turkeys and Goats on same pasture

    Hi everyone, I'm new to turkeys and goats but I'm playing around with the idea of having them share pasture. I know housing chickens and turkeys together can come with its own challenges, such as them sharing diseases, especially Histomoniasis/Blackhead. Then I had this idea that perhaps I could...
  7. SlantedViewFarms

    Introduction from NC!

    I am an accidental farmer.... I moved to North Granville County in North Carolina 5 years ago looking for land to possibly have horses.... well... No horses; however, I have Boer Goats, 37 chickens (don't tell my hens, but I think my roosters are awesome!), and Bourbon Red Turkeys. I also...
  8. faeryshimmer

    Goat constipation

    My girl just got over a bad case of scours where she lost a lot of weight. There doesn't seem to be bloating. Is there any way to stop the constipation without starting up the diarrhea again?
  9. FarmrGirl

    Maryland Poultry Swap & Farmers Market - SoMD Edition

    This Farming Market features all things Farm related, handcrafted, or homegrown. This includes but not limited to poultry, pigs, rabbits, small ruminants (ie: goats, sheep, calves, mini jerseys, etc.), hatching eggs, incubators, local honey, produce, flowers, started plants, and fruits &...
  10. HappyFeetHens

    HELP! Skittish Show Goat/Regaining Trust

    This year I’m showing a boer meat breeding doe at my county fair. When we first bought her, she loved me. I has her to wear I could skip a halter on no problem and walk her without any big issues, just training her to stay where she needs to be and such. She was super sweet, was cuddly and...
  11. G

    3 Month old goat pregnant?

    I have 2 Nigerian dwarf kids they are about 3 months old, one is a weather and the other is a doeling. I shouldn't be worried about her being pregnant, right? I feel her udders and they feel like really small balloons when we first got her they were flat and felt like nothing. When we got her...
  12. B

    Pygmy goat advice

    The past few weeks I’ve noticed my 2 pygmys (who are 2 years old) seem agitated, i.e. feet stomping, low bleating, a bit lethargic. They don’t have bloat but I noticed they seem to have lice, I’m currently treating this with powder. I’m in the UK and the weather is starting to come warm, so...
  13. lexi234

    my dreams... a reality :)

    Hi guys! not only am I a chicken lover, but I am an animal fanatic! For years, my mom and I lived in a condo so we couldn't really own any animals other than some hamsters and a cat. We just recently saved up together and moved to a 7 acre farm! our farm has no previous barns or anything, so we...
  14. Chicks 'n ducks

    Are sheep or goats more picky?

    Hello, I am curious if Sheep or goats are more picky when it comes to soiled (like it touches the ground or gets poop in it) hay, slightly dirtied water, and other food, water, and mineral related things. Overall are sheep or goats easier to take care of? which ones are more fun? (in your opinion).
  15. pdonoho

    Goat pregnant- HELP- This wasn't supposed to happen.

    Help!!!! I castrated my only intact male back in Oct. I really thought I had made it through without a pregnancy-- I have 4 goats and they are simply pets. Well went to do their hooves today and noticed that 1 (only 1 ) of my girls now has teats and her vulva seems swollen or maybe just...
  16. NubbyRyuu

    Zombie Goats?

    There's been this thing in the news lately spreading like wildfire called Zombie Deer Disease, aka Chronic Wasting Disease. It says only deer, elk, and moose get this, but it has me thinking. Deer and Goats are kinda similar (mostly the browsing thing), but I do get deer that travel through my...
  17. GizmoTheChicken

    Goat Prolapse; Lute or C-Section??

    Let me start off by saying that this is a Nigerian Dwarf doe who had three 4 pound babies last year, two of which were born dead. This year she's been having almost constant moderate prolapses (about 2-3 inches out), which are more apparent when she lays down (about 3-4 inches out). Her mom had...
  18. Ninjasquirrel

    You've GOAT to be KIDding me

    My SO and I are trying to make the slow transition into a self sufficient homestead. Ive noticed that of our groceries we eat a lot of cheese. So Im toying around with possibly rearing goats in the future as our land is too small for a cow. However im completely ignorant as to anything about...
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