
  1. wilsonnickp

    Our Chickens and Goats are friends.

    Just thought I'd share his video of all of us hanging out last night. Our goats and chickens are separated most of the time, but they do seem to enjoy some time together every now and then.
  2. K

    Pygmy goat aggression

    Hi there, I'm hoping someone can give me some advice. I have 4 wether pygmies (horned) all a year old. They live together and are all very docile and tame. However recently, one of the goats is showing a lot of aggression towards me and the others. Whenever I go in to give them any attention...
  3. K

    Feral Goat Lice Treatment?

    I adopted an orphaned baby goat a little over one week ago, and lacking an outside companion for her, she is currently a “house goat” until we can transition her to living outside (hopefully with my mother’s pet sheep. I’m bottle feeding her and introducing her to a textured goat feed, alfalfa...
  4. DaisyFaye7

    Hello from a new member!

    Hello! I became a member yesterday! I’ve read through threads on the site several times during my chicken research, and I decided it was time to join. my family first got chicken when I was pretty small, maybe around 5? My brother became the main chicken caregiver, and maintained a small flock...
  5. AltonaAcres

    Too early to ultrasound goats?

    So we bred our four goats this Fall. We *think* they are pregnant, as they haven't gone into heat after breeding. However, we want to be absolutely sure they are pregnant, so we aren't feeding open goats all winter long. We also want to find out ASAP so we can re-breed them if they are indeed...
  6. Bird_Lover_17

    Round Bale or Square Bale?

    Hello people who have animals that eat hay! So, I know technically this should be on Backyard Herds (BYH) , but I do know that there are people here that also have goats/horses/cows/etc. This is your typical round bale (the GIANT ones) and the tiny square bales. So, cast your votes and feel...
  7. Weeg

    Horse supplies to have on hand for nay situation!

    I am building a vet shack with my family, where I can put lots of "vet" supplies, and treat my own, and my friends horses, and birds! I have a huge list of things to have on hand for chickens and ducks, now I jus need horse supplies. I am assuming the supplies are a lot alike, but I bet I am...
  8. Bird_Lover_17

    What's your goats favorite season?

    Hello Goat People! In my past few years of owning goats, I have noticed that my goats love autumn because of all of the leaves and acorns. :wee🐏 **Remember that we all live in different places with different species!** My other polls: Poll: Favorite Ice Cream Poll: Favorite (Sweet) pie
  9. kiskateara

    Goat appears to be sick/weak

    To sum this up, quickly: She was a bit lethargic, but improved today and has moved around more- never far into the pasture though. She may or may not have vomited, but I strongly believe she didn't since the only evidence I had was a wet/dirty jaw and mouth. She wasn't very vocal, but also...
  10. C


  11. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    New goats!

    Hello! I just got goats for the first time and just wanted to show them off. Feel free to read this small thread from BYH on before I got them: https://www.backyardherds.com/threads/getting-goats.41064/ Anyway, here’s some pictures of them. The white goat is Cleobelle and brown goat is Clementine.
  12. FastEddy22

    Chicks days 1-13, bonus goat photo

    Chicks are 15 days old today, holy they are getting big so fast! I only have two of my old girls left, I have to get a few pics of them to share as well!
  13. Myrshine

    Goats with Cocci?

    I’m familiar with Coccidiosis in chickens.. but with goats I’m not all much familiar with. How can we treat our goats for this disease? What medication? Dosage? If this isn’t where to post this, I honestly apologize..
  14. E

    Returning Member

    Hi, I would like to introduce myself. I joined about 2 years ago to ask a question about my Emus. I never introduced myself then. My name is Jim. I own what I call a gentleman farm in 84 Pennsylvania. 84 is mostly a farm country, it is where 84 lumber company came from, which now has 400 stores...
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