
  1. MokiYoki

    A mutation! Stripes in a black bird

    The feathers sorta look like this and they are only on it's chest. Its mother is a blue mottled belgian d'uccle, and its father is a black silkie. There are also 4 others out of the same mother/father who dont have anything like this. Besides that the father has also been crossed to another...
  2. hpiechow

    Celadon Genetics

    Hey all, Quail question! I am hatching a few coturnix with the celadon (ce) gene currently. They are all hatching out of blue CE eggs. I am aware that not all quail that hatch from a blue egg will lay blue. I know the bird has to have two copies (one from mom and one from dad?) of the CE gene...
  3. T

    Blue Egg EE x Buff Orp Roo = Green Egg Layer?

    I've got a brown Easter Egger from Hoover's Hatchery that lays blue eggs. My only roo is a Buff Orp. EE's eggs are fertile and I'm getting ready to start an incubator batch this week. I'd like to put some of her eggs in with the purebred BO eggs to get little easter egger chicks with a chance of...
  4. HenHouse4Life

    Genetically Speaking....

    Hello everyone! I'm trying to understand the 'basics' of genetics for my future references. For an old fart like me the so called laymens terms work best...if you can :old I understand the BBS combos, got that down. I hear and read a lot of the 'recessive' and 'dominant' terms both on here and...
  5. MasterOfAllChickens111

    Need advice for pretty color chicks!! Thanks!!

    I have a Black Old English Game Bird Bantam, Names Alice. I want a daughter from her, but I want her daughter to be pretty. What breed and what color rooster would make a pretty type of chick?
  6. BGcoop

    Genetics in theory question

    Ok, I was reading a thread about the genetics of cream Legbars and I got to thinking. If an Ayam Cemani(which I am told is a white or tinted egg) is bread to a cream Legbar(blue egg layer) that Should produce a blue egg laying bird, correct? I have cemani roos that bred with my hens (rir, EE...
  7. MasterOfAllChickens111

    Mystery Gene?

    So, I have a very special chicken named Alice. Alice is a very important bird in our family. So, we have a monarchy in our flock and she is the queen. Well, when she started to lay eggs we started incubated them so she has a “heir”. So, her legacy will live on. She has her first baby and it was...
  8. MaliceAlexx

    The Late Bloomer

    So my last post about Lucy (aka Nubby) talked mostly about her weird nubby wings (which is still a mystery), as well as her lack of feathers. Well, today I found an article about delayed feathering in chicks. It's not something I've personally come across before raising chicks, so I thought I...
  9. Anime2lover

    What genetics by two favorite chickens have???

    These are my two favorite chickens, im curious what feathering genetics and patterns they have. Both of them are pure bred easter eggers. My hen, cookie (please excuse the bare back if you can see ). My rooster, big red Sorry if this was posted twice, couldnt remember if I posted it...
  10. Marme

    crossing a wyandotte and a cream legbar?

    So I'm completely new to chicken genetics and was looking up how olive egger chickens come to be. I know if you have a marans rooster and a blue egg laying hen like an ameraucana or legbar you can hatch out an olive egger. I was curious what you would get with a blue laced red wyandotte...
  11. A

    Where did this chick come from?

    Hello everyone. This is my 1st post. I have a small flock of chickens that are in 3 separate pens. I have a pair of black cuckoo english orpingtons in one pen, a chocolate English orpington rooster alone in one pen, and a black australorp rooster, a RIR hen, buff orp hen, BLRW hen, chocolate...
  12. MasterOfAllChickens111

    Japanese Bantam Genetics. Questions?

    I was reading about Japanese Bantams. They are True Bantams and all I see are smooth feathered. Do they have pure breed frizzle Japanese Bantams. Do they make them and if they do. How?
  13. rascal66

    Hints of blue down?

    I couldn't resist... Grabbed another couple EEs. Its an addiction i tell you. Anyways, I'm trying to nab some blue-ish EEs. While this chick below is clearly a brownish red color, I couldn't help but notice the blue/gray down on the shoulders. Does down ever hint at adult colors? Will she sport...
  14. Thatothercrazychickenlady

    Wyandotte genetics fun with colours sex linkage

    Hey guys, I was reading up on the sex linking genes in Wyandotte’s and was wondering what the outcome would be let’s say if the Roos parents are goldxsilver and the hens being silverxgold. I’ve been reading up on it and people say the birds won’t be set up genetically for sex linkage. What does...
  15. rascal66

    Help me understand color genetics and patterns along with how leakage works?

    I've been really interested in learning about chicken color genetics and patterns and such. Any good resources out there for a newbie? I've been breeding my backyard flock and since the rooster is white & black, majority of my chicks are white and black... (Hoping to see some colors leaking...
  16. Thornflower_gal

    Breeding coturnix quail color questions

    I am new to BYC and this is the third time I've posted this, (hopefully in the right spot now), but I have some questions about quail color varieties. I am not THAT new to quail and I do have some basic quail color knowledge, (pharaoh being dominant, italian incomplete, things like that), but I...
  17. rascal66

    My very own mixed chicks, share your mutts!

    I'm doing lots of hatching this year, and the breeding is all done here. With that being said, I would love to share what the chicks come out looking like! My main Rooster is a Light Brahma. He's a big boy and is over my 13 hens which includes: Easter Eggers, GLW, White Leghorn, Buff Brahma...
  18. MichelleKing

    Golden Italian - Brown Head vs Black Head

    I have two males I want to use for breeding and I have to choose between them. They both are very light golden italian quail, gorgeous birds, except for one glaring difference. One bird has completely light brown markings on the head, and the other bird has black. Does anyone know which...
  19. E

    Aloha Chicken Genetic Help

    I have a flock of Old English Game chickens and well our chickens a genetic mess. Even though they are all closely related since they all came from the same breed of rooster and hen they have started having genetically different chickens. One of my Old English Game hens had an Aloha chicken...
  20. chickenreyna

    Will a BB RED game banty crossed w. a MOTTLED=SPECKLED SUSSEX

    Looking offspring?? Not the breed but a similar pattern to a SPECKLED susseX, if that makes sense. And if so, how long will it take to show spots? Awhile like it takes a mottled breed? Heads up, I'm asking BC My Mother in law she seems to think a bb red game crossed with A Japanese mottled...
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