
  1. M

    Helping a goose and gander bond

    Hi all, I have a goose bonding question. I have a Brown Chinese goose (Lucy) who’s a little over two months old who I’ve raised alongside my ducks. I tried to be really intentional about hand-raising her so that she wouldn’t be afraid of people, but I think she integrated with the duck flock &...
  2. N

    Goose pond ideas?

    Hello! I have 4 three month old (approximately) geese and I'm looking for pond ideas. They currently have a large kiddie pool and an old bathtub so we are good for this summer but I would like to start figuring out something more permanent for next year. Looking to see what you guys have that...
  3. ElGoose

    Are my goslings too chubby?

    They are about 5 weeks now, we mainly feed them waterfowl starter, lettuce, and they have access to grass. The thing is we feed them quite a lot of lettuce as they just really love it and I mean adore it, it’s all they want really! they look quite large when they lay down so I’m really worried...
  4. Britt417

    New Geese Mom

    I am new to raising geese and I have two Toulouse geese. I got them as guardians for chickens and ducks. Any advice, pointers, guidance, recomendations?
  5. S

    Gosling struggling! Please help!

    Our gosling was found on its back soaking wet and struggling with its legs by the edge of the pond. We are based in the United Kingdom. We dried her off been force feeding her and making sure she gets lots of water. She must be around 4 weeks old maybe older. She can’t walk at all she...
  6. katiebokbok

    runt gosling can't keep up with the others, developmental delay

    She turned 6 weeks yesterday. Little Midge started showing signs of delay in development some days back, falling behind her fellow goslings. She soon became unstable on her feet. This led to full blown instability and near complete loss of balance. Sometimes even ending stuck on her back. We...
  7. blackbox

    Swan (Chinese/African) Goose Breeds?

    I'm pretty new to learning about geese, and one thing that really surprised me was the apparent lack of many different breeds of Swan Geese. African, Brown/White Chinese, and some of the very heavy variants like Lion-headed Geese seem to be the only ones. Given the natural tendency of people to...
  8. Deja_view

    Sebastopol Gosling Color

    Hello everyone, My husband recently asked if we could expand our flock of geese to include some Pomeranian and Sebastopol goslings. Of course, I had no problem accepting his request. I went on a 10 hour round-trip journey yesterday to acquire both breeds of goslings from two separate breeders...
  9. Deja_view

    Any guess on gosling's breed?

    Hello everyone, I recently went on a journey to pick up some Pomeranian goslings. I did get three of them, but I also came home with two mystery goslings as well. The woman I bought them from raises Pomeranian, Sebastopol, Tufted Roman, and Toulouse geese. She said she keeps her goslings...
  10. Brink

    Question regarding how you feed grit.

    Hello everyone! I was just wondering what is your preferred method for feeding grit to your flocks? Do you guys set it aside in a separate container for them to pick what they need? If you do this method, what containers have you found works the best so they don't scratch it out? Do you mix it...
  11. ElGoose

    Gosling temperature help

    So our 2 week old goslings have a small issue and I’m not sure what it is! one of our goslings is always trying to cuddle up to the other for warmth, and the other is always stretching it’s legs out and panting like she’s way too hot! Do they need different temperatures or does the other have a...
  12. ElGoose

    Are my 2 adult geese actually Steinbachers?

    We were new to geese when we moved to this house, and there were 2 on the land that used to be owned by an abusive squatter but they’ve taken really well to us! The guy who says he “owns” them (more like stole) illegally lives on the land next to us and is being taken away soon so we are...
  13. ElGoose

    Introducing my goslings

    So since we had 2 goslings hatch out of the 6 eggs we got I figured I’d make a post about them since they are just so darn cute and have so much personality haha The larger and day older of the two (we call him seb or Sebastian rn but he’s probably a girl although we’ve taken too much to calling...
  14. ElGoose

    Baby goslings hate staying in the brooder! Help!

    We have 2 baby goslings right now (literally newly hatched about 1/2 days ago) which were the only ones to hatch out of 6 eggs that we got, they seem very happy and healthy but the only issue is.. they hate staying in the brooder! No matter what we do they cry to come out! Actually one of them...
  15. ElGoose


  16. katiebokbok

    Skin balloon, tag, growth

    I just noticed this on my 2 week old gander gosling. The hatchery said that it's just a growth. It's crusty at the base, they said to use antibiotic cream if needed. It's on his belly. We are taking him to the vet if and when he needs it removed.
  17. Goslingmama

    What happened to the gosling?

    I rescued some baby gosling eggs a couple weeks ago, and had one hatch Sunday night. After about 12 hrs of no progress but still breathing I decided to go ahead and help assist it. I removed the top portion and they were able to get out on their own, yolk sac absorbed. We named this one Meadow...
  18. D

    911 Exploding egg. Are the rest dead too? Should i ho back and get them??

    So there is a pair of geese I visit every day. I noticed the female laid five eggs and had been sitting on them nonstop. About. Two days ago I walked over and there were only 3 eggs left and it smelled I only saw one shell on the side of the nest and one inside. There were flies everywhere and...
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