
  1. A

    Gander throwing up!

    Hi my 2yr old gander throws up clear liquid once or twice a day it’s been happening for the last week with no obvious cause, sometimes it’s more liquid and sometimes it’s like egg whites but he’s fine in himself still eating and pooing still walking around fine and still his sassy self, I’ve...
  2. CaptainCrossthread

    Geese, Ducks, and Roos

    I have a question about mixing a flock and also what to expect from a roo (or two). Currently, we have 2 Embden geese (f). We also have 2 mallard drakes and a Rouen female, which wasn't intentional or ideal. We are going to expand next year. Flock size, pen, and water pools/pond. 2 more geese...
  3. ElGoose

    Adding brahma roosters and Muscovy ducks to my goose flock?

    My first post outside of the goose forum! So this week we will be taking on some new birds, we are getting one adult brahma male and 2 younger males plus 4 young Muscovy ducks. We have only ever handled geese before so this will be very new to us! Any advice is incredibly welcome. We don’t...
  4. E

    Looking for Fertilized Geese Eggs

    I know it isn’t the typical laying season, but does anyone have any fertilized goose eggs they’d be willing to sell? I want to add 1-2 geese to our flock. We have appropriate accommodations indoors for goslings. TIA!
  5. LouisChickon

    Goose laid 1 soft egg then stopped

    Hello, My goose laid her first soft egg on 10/26/23 and I have not seen an egg since. They are at the pond most of the day and locked in their pin at night. I have looked around the yard/pond and cannot find any evidence of a 2nd egg being laid. These are my first geese and not sure when to get...
  6. K


    Was wondering what everyone is using to worm their geese
  7. H

    Geese legs

    Hi i have 2 geese..i noticed my girl’s legs are like a dry brownish color while their feet are orange, they eat, drink, and poop normal. They walk fine too…my Chinese is laying and I suspect my sebbie is going to soon as well. We still have their pool out and it’s been cold here during the day...
  8. ElGoose

    Anybody else have a thin faced goose?

    I always notice this about our Polly but it’s like she has no cheeks like our other geese, her head basically just blends seamlessly into her neck. Does anybody else have a goose like this? Is it normal? She’s definitely not underweight, I wonder if it’s just a facial feature.. both her and...
  9. ElGoose

    Goose injured from fight 😢

    Not sure what happened between our two ganders but it looks almost as if a blood feather has been ripped out? How should we handle this? He’s not bleeding out but it looks very sore!!
  10. Jennifer Rogers


    Hi everybody! I just joined BYC not long ago! I loveee it here, and everybody is so kind! I have a pet duck named Smokey, and he is known for his unique and loving personality. He really enjoys cuddles! We have our own YouTube channel as well! I would really appreciate if you subscribed, as it...
  11. N

    Goose ponds in winter?

    Hi guys! I was wondering what people do about geese in winter? Do you still let them access their ponds? Mine sleep in their kiddie pool (in an enclosed run) and I'm not sure if I'll have to introduce them to a building to sleep for winter. I'm in NC usa so we don't get super harsh winters by...
  12. N

    Goose eye infection?

    Hi! So this happened overnight with my goose's eye. Yesterday I noticed her eye was slightly closed, I immediately rinsed her eyes with saline solution and put ACV in her water. This is the picture from today. Whatever it is got worse. She can’t see from this eye at all, from what I noticed. Her...
  13. ElGoose

    Goose wing situation getting worse 😢

    So our Sebastopol who’s 3 months old hurt her wing on Tuesday getting out of the little pool since she fell in without meaning to. There was one feather down which was causing her some pain when I moved it up but when I got back home on Friday it had disappeared and my mum said that since it...
  14. ElGoose

    Sand as bedding???

    My mum is saying she’s seeing goose owners use sand as bedding but I’m not sure, what do you guys think?? She wants to switch to it because apparently it’s easier to clean but I didnt mind shovelling out their poop all the time 🤣
  15. ElGoose

    Bonded pair help

    Something really horrible has happened. Someone has taken one of our older geese and left the gander as they couldn’t grab him. Our 2 older geese kind of freely roamed around on the land and had a nice life, but this guy that parked his caravan ass on the land told someone they were his and that...

    Sick Goose (Diagnosis?)

    Hello, I have a sick goose for about a week now and am attempting to diagnosis him. He is eating and drinking still. He went to the vet and got a blood test and heavy metal test. The blood test came back and said he had anemia which tracks considering his beak is looking poor. Still waiting on...
  17. Flawedprophecy

    Goslings pulling out feathers, mites? Allergy?

    I got two goslings last week and they have taken a turn the past couple days. I know that preening themselves and others is normal but they seem irritated and itchy. One has a perpetual wet spot on his back even when i dry him off he fusses with it almost immediately. The girl plucks her wings...
  18. Shanna_rae_bae

    Looking to rehome 2 geese

    Hello! I am looking to rehome my two American Buff geese, here is a little about them: - I believe they are 1 male, 1 female - Approx. 4 months old - People friendly, can be picked up (although the female is very vocal about her distaste for it :)) - Currently raised on Purina flock raiser...
  19. M

    SOS— heat exhaustion??

    Well, I have an awful question. I’m out of town and my duck/goose watcher forgot to let my birds out of their coops this morning; another person went to put them back in their coops for bed this evening and saw that they were still in there ☹️ I live in Central Texas and it’s ABSURDLY HOT! My...
  20. FalseToast


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