
  1. Goosebaby

    Post random images only Poultry/ Farm people will understand.

    When you realize you’re missing skin but have no memory of when or how?
  2. PippinTheChicken

    What would you be if you were.....

    WHAT WOULD YOU BE IF YOU WERE A CHICKEN BREED I'm sure you have played this game before. But here are the rules. You must say what chicken breed you would be (not your favourite, what would you actually BE!) You can put a picture of the chicken breed (optional) and explain why you would want...
  3. Joyfillednomads

    I Love having Chickens

    From first chicks to first eggs, and every grain and pellet in between. I absolutely LOVE having and raising Chickens. The waiting for the first eggs and one by one filling an egg carton. Trying to bake something special with each one. The Rewarding factor is amazing, and best expressed in the...
  4. Lemon-Drop

    Lemon’s little flock adventures!

    Hey there! Finally decided to start a thread about my two little sweethearts! My twin, @Starburst, has chickens as well. They share a coop, but this *should* mostly be about mine. Not hers. (Sorry star!) Though feel free to share about you, if you want! There are also three other chickens...
  5. PippinTheChicken

    BYC creative challenge CREATE A BYC POSTER (no prizes)- join in!

    In my challenge, you must create a poster about BYC or poultry-keeping. In can be hand drawn, or done digitally. Tip: you can use to create posters. There isn't a winner or a prize but feel free to share your creativity. @SulkyBantam I saw your art thread so I mentioned...
  6. 5

    🐓How Big is Your Flock?🌸

    Chicken raisers can have flocks of 4 to 2000! What’s your flock size? You could even share some pics of your flock🐓💗
  7. CaliFarmsAR

    ~~~Muscovy Duck Club~~~

    I have seen a lot of duck clubs, but none on this awesome looking duck!! Who doesn’t like Muscovys? I thought I would start one, that way we can learn from others, share pictures, storys, etc. How I got into to them: I have just recently got into this breed and love them already. I was...
  8. Dawnwolf1234

    Horse Talk Hangout!

    Hey horse lovers! Here’s a thread where you can ask your questions, share your horses, tell us your horse stories and more! You don’t have to own a horse to talk in this thread but please don’t get horses off the internet and say they are yours. Thanks and welcome!!
  9. Wild-Turkey

    Most Underrated Poultry Breed, Variety, or Species In Your Opinion?

    Hello, this can include waterfowl, galliformes, or if you really want, parrots, parakeets, softbills, or other birds of your choice, for absolutely any reason. Hey, go ahead and stick a mammal or plant in there if you’d like! This is completely for fun so go wild! If anybody’s curious, I think...
  10. PioneerChicks

    Bickering Breeds - thread collection

    Here is the collection of bickering breed threads. If you have a new one, post the link here! Let's try to keep only the links here, and the actual breed arguments in their own threads. Please vote and enjoy! Cochins vs. Orpingtons...
  11. miiichaelnielsen


    I've had the idea to do this for a while (I've seen Zoos do this with koi, camel or goat food for visitors.) so when I came across this antique gumball dispenser at a garage sale last weekend for $10 I just about squirted in my pants! :celebrate This thing is all metal and glass so it's...
  12. Laura_BelgianBantams_63

    Well this is going to be fun!

    Hey! Found a small tiny cream egg in the run a few hours ago! It was warm, so I wondered if it was laid by one of my chickens as a false egg (you know, a little blip in their system). I have no incubator. Just a heat lamp. Should I try this? Yes. I surfed the web and found some great ideas. So...
  13. raccoonroom

    My ducks GO FISHING!! 😍

    Hey fellow duck lovers! I gave my eight week old Welsh Harlequin ducks some feeder fish in their pool for the first time as a special treat and they definitely loved it! I really enjoyed watching them "go fishing" myself so maybe the treat was really mine 🥰🥰 How do you spoil your ducks? ❤
  14. BudgieKing15

    Unofficial Chicken Show! All Chickens Welcome (Any age, any breed, etc.)! (Ends September 30)

    Feel free to share any of your chickens for my chicken show! The winner will get a digital drawing of their winning chicken done by me! Just post your entry in the replies, and tell me their age, gender, breed, and name. One entry per person please! Have fun!
  15. CHlCKEN

    Chicken Toys

    It’s been rainy a lot, and we have had a lot of workers coming to work on a fence and things, this stuff leads to us having to keep our birds in their run all day with nothing to do. What are some fun toys and things I can put in for them?
  16. WhatTheDuckingDuck

    Welcome to Insanity!

    Welcome to my Madhouse! Please join me in the insanity and feel free to share your insane experiences! I’ll start off with by listing my “herd” * 50+ chickens egg chickens and meatbirds * 11 Ducks 1 pekin, 5 mallards, 5 khaki campbells * 4 Toulouse goslings, more eggs in the...
  17. chicksonline

    cockerel/rooster fun!

    have ever wanted to do this with your cockerels wattles! i filmed this today (he might not be impressed but i defiantly enjoyed it! video here! his name is beefy tomato the wellsummer!
  18. WatkinsCluckers

    Fun Silkie Guessing!

    I just jumped on the Silkie train and I’ve been absolutely LOVING the Silkie life. I know the sexing of them is difficult, but they’re starting to show more of their nature and I thought it would be fun to see what everyone thinks the genders are? Check out the attachments! I have: 1 large...
  19. ShrekDawg

    Name a Band

    Saw this on FB and thought it would be fun to try here so figured I’d copy it and share here!!! Not entirely sure how it will work here since it’s a little different than FB but we can try it haha ignore the repost bit. Just reply I guess. Copied it straight from FB 😂🤣🙈 Anyway.... Name a BAND...
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