golden comet

  1. J

    Soft Egg

    We have a two year old golden comet that has laid a couple soft shelled eggs. We were able to pin point her today and gave her a look over. She appears to be of otherwise good health. Could this uptick in heat be messing with her?
  2. PantherWaltz

    Golden Comet female feathering in white?

    Hi, so I got some chicks on the first week of May when they were 1 week. I got 2 cinnamon queens and 2 golden comets, all of them appeared to be female (I had doubts about one of the golden comets but that one is definitely female as she's feathering in brown.) They're a little over a month now...
  3. PantherWaltz

    Male or Female Golden Comet Chick?

    Hi! Sorry if I posted wrong, new to actually using this site, but have browsed it for info before. I originally attempted to hatch some chickens but they died after I put them in lockdown. Luckily I was able to buy some from my boss and got four 1 week old chicks. Two cinnamon Queens two...
  4. K

    Pullet chicks for sale in Central Illinois!

    We have several baby chicks available for local pick up (Central Illinois). Breeds and hatch dates listed below. Happy, healthy, and strong. Vaccinated against Marek's Disease. Americauna pullet (hatched 5/7/2023) - $7 Plymouth Barred Rock pullet (hatched 5/7/2023) - $6 Americauna pullet...
  5. BlueHorse17

    Golden Comet Pullets - San Jose, CA

    I have 5 month old Golden Comet pullets available. They will lay large brown eggs. Please message for detail.
  6. HensAndFriends

    Butchering Hens Bred for Egg Production

    I need the high egg production from Golden Comets and White Leghorns, and was curious about other's experience concerning the fattening up (I know that they will never reach the weight and size of meat chickens) and meat of White Leghorns and Golden Comets. What is the average meat that is...
  7. G

    White Spots on Comb - Fowl Pox? (Golden Comets)

    My golden comets are about a year old. None of them appear to have any change in weight, and they're all a bit on the small side. I noticed about three days ago that the faces and combs of three hens in my flock are spotted with white. They don't have any injuries, but the three with the spots...
  8. P

    1 y/o hens not using roost in coop?

    Hi all, sorry if this is in the wrong forum. I recently got 3 almost 1 y/o (44 weeks I believe) Golden Comet hens that seem to refuse the higher roost ladder that I bought them. They used the ones that came with the pre-fab coop but they're only about an inch off the ground and a couple of the...
  9. M

    Golden comet male or female

    Can anyone tell if i have a male or all females?
  10. 99C0E481-2033-46C6-93AF-B8D5C3C5087F.jpeg


    Baby chicks 🐤 83
  11. buckock

    New Member Introduction

    Greetings! I got my first TS gateway chicks in March 2021. I purchased six, thinking a couple of the little leggers wouldn't make it. Well they did, and I shared three of the ladies with a friend, who's now also a proud new chicken mama. Then we got 3 golden comets, one of which was a cross...
  12. C

    Are my golden comets roosters?

    Hi everyone! This is our first year having chickens. We already had to re-home a Rhode Island Red rooster. I’m not sure if these golden comets are roosters too? They are 6 months old and not laying. Did we really get 3 roosters!
  13. John and Tiffany

    ISO 1 golden comet rooster

    Just moved to a place where we can have a rooster. Building a much bigger enclosure and wanting to expand our flock naturally. We need 1 Golden Comet Rooster to come join our hens and get it on. Knoxville area in east Tennessee. Can't drive more than an hour away. Willing to pay 15 for the...
  14. M

    My supposed Australorp and Golden Comet breeds

    So i got these chicks two months ago and they are now 4 months old ish. on another thread they suggested my chicken might be a copper maran? But i saw this thread and they look so similar to my chickens now! So i’m wondering if my two chickens are just mixed breeds...
  15. r_o_o_s_t_e_r

    pullet laying early or adult chicken laying twice a day?

    hi, i have 3 adult girls who lay brown eggs, and one pullet who will lay light brown eggs (golden comet and polish cross that i hatched). my pullet hit the 3 month mark on june 20th. my three adult girls lay every day, and about a week ago we got 4 brown eggs, and one was pretty wonky (i dont...
  16. FinleyMcChicken

    HELP!!! Is this Vent Gleet or something worse?

    I'm trying to figure out what this is--I've bathed her twice and poor bum is red and bare under all the diarrhea. Looks like regular color diarrhea but today I see more of the white. I have ordered Corid and Nystatin just wondering what I do next here. Today she is visibly not well, comb is...
  17. Chxlove

    Golden Comet or Starlight Green Egger?

    Just acquired a few new 7-8 week olds to my flock and I'm questioning the breeds. I was told the left 2 are Starlight Green Eggers, middle is a buff Orpington, next is unknown or possibly Golden Comet, and last is BR which is obvious. The buff looks nothing like my 2 buffs so I don't think she's...
  18. C

    Wyandotte and Golden Comets?

    I picked up my first ever batch of chickens(Tractor Supply) a couple weeks ago after the 15 I ordered online all were DOA. I got 7 total; 2 golden comets, 4 Wyandottes, and 1 Cornish rock. I cannot figure out which 2 are the golden comets or what varieties of Wyandottes I have?? Any help would...
  19. Harmoni

    16 week old Golden Comets, will they lay soon?

    I just read an article about their combs and waddles turning bright red right before they start laying. Is that true? My girl's are pinkish now. Should I expect to wait a few more weeks?
  20. K

    New Member from North Dakota

    Hi, everyone! I am one week into having my very first chickens! Me and my husband got 2 ISA Browns and 2 Golden Comets. They're doing very well and I am already in LOVE. I have 3/4 sleeping in my hand, and I'm having so much fun watching them run around their brooder. Let me know if anyone...
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