
  1. Claires Poultry

    Rolling Hills Farm!

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Rolling Hills Farm! Here you will find out all about what I (and the rest of my family) do here on the farm. You will also see A LOT of pictures! :) We do a little bit of everything - gardening, growing exotic plants in the house, raising animals (cows, sheep, goats...
  2. Beccazon

    Poultrying...more than just chores.

    I have had my new flock of babies (10 chicks and 3ducklings) now for almost a month. Primarily we have them for eggs and perhaps eventually some meat. Of course they are cute and fun to watch so that is a bonus. I expected to hate doing the "chores". But I don't! Why don't I? I am not overly...
  3. C

    Hiya from Western MA!

    Hello folks! My husband and I just bought a small farm in western-ish Massachusetts. We've been raising hens for eggs (and fun!) for the last 8 years. One of our original girls is still with us and she still lays about 5 eggs a week! Cinnamon is a wonderful old girl :) We have had ducks in...
  4. TnJ_Farm

    Hello from East Texas!!

    Good afternoon! My family and I moved from Austin to ETX when we purchased land from my husbands family. We have been raising our three first generation farmers there ever since. We have chickens, of course! Black and blue copper Marans, Croad Langshan, Easter Eggers, Fibro Easter Eggers...
  5. T

    What are all the different Poultry and game birds that you guys farm for meat/eggs/etc.?

    I Don't have many birds at the moment, but I'm quite interested in what kinds of birds can be farmed. the birds I know of are: chickens ducks geese turkeys swan guinea fowl peafowl rhea emu ostrich partridge quail grouse pheasant JungleFowl pigeons/doves If there are any other birds you keep on...
  6. fuzzyMAn

    new set up

    I am working on my new poultry house for next season work. your contributions and advise will be sincerely appreciated. Hope this looks god for a 4 years experience farmer.
  7. NubbyRyuu

    Handsome Boi

    Just sharing some images of Slim, who appears to be a Swedish Flower Hen Rooster Mix.
  8. Pictorhens

    Letting chickens out

    So, currently my chickens are living in a very large stable, pleantly of room for exercise and lots of enrichment. I’m really wanting to get them into outdoor (either free roaming for the day times and then in for the nights or building a run for them) Does any one have any advice or previous...
  9. Karrie82

    New chicken mom

    1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? New to chickens, got them new year's eve their catch date was 12/26 (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 6 but wanting at least 6 more (3) What breeds do you have? Once Americona,2 buffs and 2 Rhode island reds (4) What are...
  10. animalyodelers

    Liability insurance for selling eggs

    I have found a couple threads about this, but they all seem to be 2-3+ years old. I'm wondering if opinions have changed. I'm looking into selling my excess harvest (veggies, fruits, herbs, and eggs) at a local market this summer. I've already researched all my state/county/city laws and...
  11. L

    Rehome Hens in Tampa Florida

    I'm looking for a nice place to rehome a couple hens, locals farms that may want them. I enjoy having them and they are well taken care of but after having my second baby and returning to work I just don't have the time and energy to devote as much time to them as I would like. We are also...
  12. awiswell2001

    Help name my farm

    hi everyone :frow I’ve been trying to think of a creative name for my small hobby farm for over a year now. Hoping some of your creative minds can help me! A little background that will help. I have a small flock of chickens (<20), a few small goats , 2 bunnies , dogs and a cat (2 young sons...
  13. Cluckerzfamilyfarm


    We are currently looking for speckled Sussex hens. If you just want to rehome them (free) and you have hens and roosters and want them all to stick together I can make room for the roos. I am really just looking for speckled hens. My family and I own a farm in Virginia (200 acres) so if you have...
  14. McIntyreAcres

    North Idaho Newbie

    Hi guys and gals, Wife and I just relocated to North Idaho on a 10 acres place. Currently have 5 chickens, 2 American Guinea Hogs and one dog. I am excited to learn more about my layers and soon some broilers. So you in the threads. -Jesse James McIntyre
  15. katelyn19

    More developed than the rest

    hi I candled my dozen chicken eggs from a local farm today. Two were infertile, and all the rest were good. But one of my eggs looks way more developed then the rest. Like i saw a big form and even a darker spot where the eye is. I am wondering if this is an egg that was being sat on whenever I...
  16. Flamens Farm

    Hello from Sumter, SC

    I have been raising chickens for about 5 years, added turkeys 2 years ago and a couple of ducks last year and 3 guineas. Incubated my first eggs last year with not very good results. it is a learning process. But so far have hatched out 24 chicks and 2 guineas this month so I am on a roll! Right...
  17. Chickens&duckies

    Everytime I Google a Chicken Question...

    Hey BYC friends! I'm of course new here! I have chickens and ducks. 1 Wyandotte and 2 Mallards are already big enough to go in the newly built coop outside, and I just received my Rhode Island Reds (8) just a few days ago. (Now I wish I would have gotten assorted, instead of just one...
  18. B

    New chicken owners

    Good morning! We have a dozen Buff Orpingtons, (9 black and 3 yellow chicklets (we are calling them that, since they are much younger, got them a week ago)) and now 2 roosters! My husband had chickens when he was a child and since we now own a small hobby farm we wanted to have some chickens to...
  19. W

    Eggs for Hatching Connecticut

    I am looking for a farm or anyone that will help me and my students hatch ducks in our classroom. We did it last year with a local farm and chicks, and it went extremely well. I am looking for a farm or person to take the ducks back after they hatch. It doesn't matter what breed, and of course I...
  20. A new feathery project, lots of pictures

    A new feathery project, lots of pictures

    This is just a description about my chickens. I had a friend give me,last summer, 3 bantams. They are 1 mille DE fleur bantam, he's a rooster named Newman and a set of golden sebrights, named Little Jerry Seinfeld and Elaine. He gave my sister a set of silver sebrights, they are now about 1...
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