duckling behavior

  1. Duck_Lover123

    Duckling not walking

    Hey guys, I am new to Backyard Chickens and this is my first post. My problem is that my (Muscovy) duckling hatched but has not been able to walk and is sleeping (It is alive because occasionally it moves and chirps) it is currently June 6 2024 3:13pm right now and this duckling hatched today at...
  2. P

    Duckling sounds and their meanings

    I just adopted a baby duck. It's only 16 days old and I don't know the gender. I am wondering about its behavior. I don't understand a lot because I had never been in contact with a duck pet So when I try to catch it and raise it. It looks scared. But the second day when I put it in my hug it...
  3. HollyBluefeather

    HELP! Duckling excessive head shakes with food/water discharge even when not eating/drinking.

    As the title states, I have a 2 day old khaki campbell ducking that hatched a day early. In total I have 5 ducklings. This particular KC has seemed behind the others and is the only duckling that was hatched with still some yolksac attached. Today I noticed this KC doesnt want to move around as...
  4. MotherDumpling

    Dumpling the Duckling

    Hi there, So this is my first post and question (besides the introduction when i became a new member). Let me give you a bit of back ground before i ask my question. On June 30th 2023, I went to go check on my broody duck Winnie, she’s a crested duck (has the little Afro’s) Like to note I have...
  5. C

    Duckling With Overlapping Legs!

    Hi everyone, I have a mallard duckling with protruding hips which causes him to keep his paws on top of each other when standing still. He struggles to move and trips because of this malformation. I hatched two broods inside a homemade incubator and three ducklings had crooked necks which I...
  6. hannnnnah

    Ducklings voice cracking? (+ bonus photo of my babies)

    Hi! I have four four-week old ducklings (2 pekin, 1 cayuga, and 1 swedish blue). One of my pekins was making a sort of honking (?) noise. I noticed it yesterday when they were playing in the grass, but today it seems more pronounced. It was between the little peeps, almost like a voice crack...
  7. H

    One of my duckling died leaving the other alone. What do I do??

    I recently hatched two ducklings. They are now three weeks old and suddenly one of the ducklings died. They were both happy and healthy. A day ago I walked in and found one dead in the middle of the day. I don’t know what happened to him or why. Though this left my other duckling alone. He has...
  8. J

    Help with duckling!!

    Help please!! My just over two week old duckling dropped in paralysis all of a sudden while walking on the grass. We had just come from a stream where ‘she’ swam and pecked around. I was hoping she would be better after the night but she hasn’t opened her eyes and twitches when I touch her...
  9. F

    duckling stomping

    My khaki campbell duckling has been doing this stomping motion occasionally after getting in the water. None of the other ducklings do it though. It’s SUPER cute and I’m wondering if she’s doing this because she’s excited, trying to swim, etc? Or maybe there’s no reason? Just curious. Thanks...
  10. D

    please help!!! i dont know whats wrong with my duckling

    i got my duckling from atwoods about a week ago. he is a good normal duck but today hes been panting , ive tried cold water but still the same. he lays down with his eyes closed but i cant tell if hes sleeping ? he drinks water normally but only eats from my hand. his eyes are slightly red:( im...
  11. C

    Is this normal?

    I have blown up this site the past week or so and I apologize! Y’all are very helpful 😄 Got 2 new Anacona ducks in today and one is laying down sprawled out(pictured on the left). I’ve only seen my chicks do this when they were sick in the past. When I saw it laying like this earlier today I...
  12. the_kitchen__drawer

    Ducks; Kirby in bird form?

    I will be getting my first ducks at the end of this month :woot:wee in my readings, I’ve noticed ducks put things in their mouth... a lot, like, i had puppy flashbacks! for my own anxiety and curiosity, did your ducklings really try to put everything in their mouth? Did they just want to...
  13. lunatik

    my two month old duckling barely walk

    I raised this baby duckling because he couldn't walk. it's legs were on the side and we always stood behind crying wanted to catch up with its brothers and sisters, one day he was left behind and picked it up amd start to raise it, tbh all your guys post in this forum helped me to raise my...
  14. C

    Is this a quack?!

    Hi all!:frow I hope everyone is well and having a nice weekend! My babies are now just turning 2 weeks old and a couple seem to have started making some new vocalisations... I would probably describe it as ‘VOOT’ if that makes any sense at all- haha :lau one runner is also absolutely massive...
  15. E

    Duckling tips and tricks?

    Hello!! My father brought me 2 sweet ducklings almost a week ago and I am very very inexperienced when it comes to feathery companions. So! I'm finally here to learn more about what to avoid and what to not do, so bear with me if I've listed things I shouldn't have done. (I'm still new to this...
  16. Roxyschooks

    The Curious case of the never ending duckling!

    Hi everyone! You all warned me my ducklings would grow super fast! But I dont think I was ready for how fast!! Sometimes I feel like I come and check them after and hour and I feel like they’ve grown even in that time 😂😂 it made me think - surely if a duck broods and hatches Say 6-12 eggs how...
  17. S

    Ducking advice needed

    Hi guys I’ve not long had my pekin duck he’ll be 2 weeks old in a few days (he currently has a sibling hatching right now) but I’ve noticed recently that when he’s eating he sounds stuffy? But only when he’s eating? He has proper duckling crumbs with added duckling grit and everything he needs...
  18. E

    My duckling is picking on my little guinea baby

    I just went and picked up two ducklings and a keet last night, and I already have one duckling. My yellow duckling is maybe a week older than the little ones I just brought home but it has a terrible habit of picking on the keet. Does anyone have advice on how to prevent this before my duckling...
  19. Maddog_photog

    False Alarms

    My two week old Blue Swedish Ducks came home today, they’re in the brooder together. One of the ducklings is “sounding the alarm” which is the noise I heard my Pekins make as ducklings when I would separate the two ducklings. The alarm from the BS stops when I walk over to the brooder or talk to...
  20. R

    My 6 week old ducklings...imprinting issues..?

    Hello! I have two 6 week old ducklings (Pekin) whome I have had since day 3 after hatching. They 100% imprinted on me and followed me everywhere, would get upset when I would leave the room, would cuddle with me, sleep on me etc... They have now transitioned to living in the backyard in their...
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