duck eggs

  1. Quacking ducks

    Trouble with nurture right 360 Incubator

    Hi I was wondering if anyone else has had trouble getting your duck eggs to fit in the Nurture Right 360 Incubator? This morning I just started my new incubator, I had 10 duck eggs to put in but 5 out of the 10 were too big for the egg turner tray. I thought this incubator was supposed to do...
  2. MartinFamilyHomestead

    When will ducks lay??

    Looking for everyone’s experience on when their hens start laying. I know it’s typically 5-6 months (per google) but ducks can be so temperamental and vary flock to flock so just looking for personal experiences on when your young hens first started laying. Also according to weather/time of...
  3. S

    Cayuga duck eggs, busted yolk?

    So this is my first time ever incubating eggs or even seeing fertile eggs. I have 9 Cayuga duck eggs and one of them looks different from the rest. None have any veins yet, that I could see when candling today, we’re on day 5 of incubation. Is this egg okay? I think there is a vague smell. No...
  4. X

    Duck egg pipped but not zipping

    Hi all! I’ve looked at other similar threads but wanted direct advice. My duckling externally pipped about 40 hours ago but has not started zipping yet. I haven’t seen the egg rocking and am not sure if it passed away inside. The other duck externally pipped 24 hours ago and seems like it’s...
  5. T

    Please help! Duck eggs air cells is worrying on day 24

    Hello it's my First time hatching duck eggs, I have 3 incubating and I am currently on day 24, (almost 25) and they are growing big and moving a lot when I candled them, however there is a problem, one of them the air cell looks a perfect size, but the other two are concerning, one is way too...
  6. Kariann

    Can I hatch eggs that were bought at the farmer's market today?

    To clarify, my daughter inlaw bought them with the intention to eat them, and gave me 3. They are very clean, so I assume they have been washed, and I believe that eggs sold at farmer's markets are required to be washed around my area (Tennessee). I do not know how long ago they were laid. So, I...
  7. L

    Why are duck eggs making my husband sick?

    I am new to raising ducks, although we raised chickens when I was a kid and we currently have 7. We bought 3 Cayuga ducklings along with the 7 chickens in April. They came from a large local breeder, although not so large as to be national or to mail chicks out. I have no knowledge or...
  8. E

    First Time Hatcher. Is my duck embryo dead? So much conflicting information online!

    Hi, I've had a black pacific duck egg incubating for 30 days (usually 28-30 day incubation period) and I think it may have died but this is the first time I have ever incubated an egg so I am rather unsure how long I leave the egg until I investigate. There is a lot of conflicting information...
  9. The Best Duck Breeds For Egg Production

    The Best Duck Breeds For Egg Production

    The Best Duck Breeds For Egg Production Ducks are wonderful animals to have around. Despite the thought that duck must have water, they don't. Actually, if you give them access to water, they will lay their eggs in the water. Ducks are just funny, quirky, wonderful and just all around great...
  10. C

    14 day old duck eggs.

    Hello, I am really upset. I'm on day 14 of hatching duck eggs and I'm taking them out to cool down for up to 30 mins a day. Earlier on I put an alarm on my phone as I always do, to put them back in incubator. The time my alarm went off I had a visitor and I completely forgot about the eggs...
  11. P

    Will my ducks lay this year

    Hi everyone, my three khaki campbells ducks hatched April 20th 1 boy and 2 girls, I’ve notice this week that they’ve started to display mating behaviours and wondered if this could indicate that they will begin to lay anytime soon? That said, it’s nearly September and I wondered if that means...
  12. M

    Duck Egg Incubation 6h Power Outage Day 23 - 20C Temp - Looking for input

    Hey, title puts it pretty clearly, but for more details, I'm using the Brinsea Mini II EX incubator to incubate some duck eggs, everything had been going perfectly up until last night, when, due to an odd electrical fuse setup in our home, we lost poweer to the incubator ~01:30, I'd had a late...
  13. P

    Duck egg grey bruise ring

    one of my duck eggs on day 24 has a grey ring around the outside of the shell. It lines up with where the airspace is. I can also hear tapping coming from inside l? What should I do
  14. chicken mother

    Does it matter what kind of drake I add to my flock?

    I have 4 welsh harlequin hens and 2 silver appleyard hens. I want a drake for the purpose of fertilizing eggs. I was worried about the sizing of the ducks. Is it hazardous to my ducks if I get a heavy breed? And if I get a light breed, will it be able to fertilize the silver appleyards? Would an...
  15. M

    Dead embryo? - Duck Eggs 25 days

    Hi there! I rescued a couple of Mallard duck eggs from my garden a few weeks back. The mother had been sitting on them for about a week before the nest was attacked (these two eggs were the only two left intact). The eggs seemed to be doing well in our incubator up until today, when I checked...
  16. P

    Duck eggs day 28 yet to pip

    Hi everyone, My duck eggs are on day 28 of their incubation and I haven’t seen any pips yet at all. When I last candled them on day 25 they were all well developed and moving lots
  17. Andypapeisaduck

    Duck Eggs Internal pip but no External pip. Should I Be Worried?

    Hello BYC! I’m a first time Hatcher of our pekin/mallard or Mallard ducklings. They are being naturally hatched and are 33 days old, there is life in everyone(12) and almost all of them are internally piped, one of them piped yesterday about when I got home about 19 hours ago or earlier, I don’t...
  18. S

    Day 31 is it time to help?

    I incubated 3 mandarin duck eggs and 2 call duck eggs 31 days, 2 hours and 40 min ago. They have been trying to get out for 2 days has their shells continue to move when I speak to them through their incubator. I just candled them cause I needed to see what was going on. Eggs were shipped so all...
  19. MotherDucker3

    Hi, I'm new here :). First time incubating eggs and concerned with humidity

    Hello, I am new to incubating eggs. Currently I have 4 duck eggs in my EZ simply incubator. This incubator does not have a build in hygrometer so I bought one to try and keep track. From what I have read online, humidity for the first few weeks should be about 55%. I have been having issues...
  20. MartinFamilyHomestead

    Buying incubator for duck eggs

    Looking into an incubator for duck eggs. I obviously want something that will work and not break but I also want to spend around $100 or preferably less as we are just starting out and will only be using it for our own purposes and not constantly having eggs in it. Does anyone have...
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