duck eggs

  1. NettyM

    Assist or leave

    we have 2 Indian runner duck eggs in a Brinsea advance mini incubator . Originally 4 but 2 weren't fertile . On day 30 we heard tap tap tapping but after 24 hours could see no pip so after much deliberation decided to quickly look and see if chick has pipped underneath and sure enough it had and...
  2. evan 66

    When will my Cayuga start laying

    2 days before Easter this year I bought 3 duckling from Bomgaars (who couldn't sex them). I ended up with 1 female Cayuga and 2 male ducks unfortunately. The duck has been fully grown for a while and I am wondering when she will start laying. And how can I tell if she is about to lay? Also if...
  3. 9Tiptoes

    Free Range Broody Rouen

    I'm looking for suggestions and tips. I have a mixed flock. 3 Rouen hens, 1 drake, 2 Muscovy hens and a herd of drakes. I have one Rouen hen who is especially broody. She's currently sitting on her second clutch this season but has yet to produce a single duckling. She's a good mama. Sits all...
  4. orangezenda

    Finding duck eggs in Yuma Arizona area

    Hello, I'm allergic to chicken eggs, moving to Yuma within a year and will be looking for a source of duck eggs. Are there any duck lovers in Yuma or is it just too HOT for ducks! Here in Pacific NW I've raised my own laying ducks,and the eggs are a nutritional part of my diet so I hope I don't...
  5. ReillyB

    Hatching Ducklings

    So I currently have a Rouen Hen who has been laying an egg a day in her nest and forming the nest each day and it looks like she might be sitting at night. She just laid 12 eggs but I haven't noticed her sitting on them. How do I know if she's going to hatch them herself or if I need to...
  6. Samibrainey

    About these eggs...

    I have a Rouen and a Crested that I got in February, and a Pekin I got in April. Yesterday, I found one egg, and today I found two more (pictures in order of appearance). I am confused because they all look the same; and by the timeliness. I figured that my Pekin would lay later than the others...
  7. J

    Incubating duck eggs

    I am new at incubating eggs. I had 3 duck eggs incubating. At the 28 day mark, the first egg hatched, 2 days later the second hatched. My question is about the 3rd egg. Today it has been a week after the 28 days. I tried to candle it and couldn't tell if there were veins. Do I need to go on...
  8. G

    Assist w duck egg that pipped (external) over 19 hours ago

    Sorry, nervous first-time "parent"! So, I need to know how much to assist w a duck egg that pipped (externally) 19.5 hours ago. I just removed the shell, not that inner membrane, to the edge of where the air sac was (I had the foresight to draw that before the duck pipped). The ducking pipped...
  9. Niche Flock

    When will my ducks start laying?

    My 12 ducks are now about 16 weeks old and I was wondering when they will begin to start laying eggs. Or rather, what the typical age is when most ducks of these breeds begin laying.I have Cayugas, Welsh Harlequins & Khaki Campbells. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you! :)
  10. A

    When do khaki campbells lay?!?

    I have a 6 month old khaki campbell and she still isnt laying, when will she lay?! Ps. Do they fly?
  11. caboodleschicks

    Nutrients and Benefits On Duck Eggs (Possible to be added on to)

    I love ducks! I want more ducks, but before I ever do so, I needed to know more about them and their eggs. So, I decided to write a little about my smarts on duck eggs. Yep, I got some smarts. :lol: :p Today I will guide you through all things, duck eggs. Nutrients: A duck's egg is around...
  12. HoldrenFarmgirl

    Should I bring in the unscheduled duck eggs?

    My cyuga duck (I know I misspelled ) hatched 8 babies but now is no longer sitting on her eggs. They are cold. I brought them in and candled. I only kept the viable eggs. Some are chirping but very cold. If I put them in the incubator will they be okay? This is the first time my duck has...
  13. Nanny Deb

    Lonely Widow Duck

    Just bought a farm in NC Mountains and seems I inherited 2 ducks.. Well they kinda come and go. I have been feeding them and giving them water but the drake went missing this morning. I found feathers so not a good sigh. Little white duck now all by herself. I found 8 white eggs in a bin by...
  14. Chevalia's feathered farm

    Has anyone had their hen raise a duckling?

    I have a couple of Silkies who have hatched some ducks for me and they are wonderful mothers considering they are a chicken and the babies are ducks, but they do really well! I was wondering if anyone else has done this before?
  15. The Duck Mother

    Think ducks are eating incubating eggs, but why?!

    So one of our ducks, Mama, went broody about a week ago for the second time. She's an Ancona and was a great mother to her first clutch she hatched a few months ago. This time, she was sitting on 8 eggs. A couple days ago, I noticed there was only 7 eggs in the nest. And then today, there was...
  16. S

    Help! Unhatched ducks!

    I have 6 Indian runner ducks incubating on day 30. They have not started hatching and haven't internally pipped. However, after candling I can see that they are alive and moving round a lot inside the egg! They are so late but also so alive, I don't know what to do! Help would be much appreciated!
  17. Ronie


    Hello all! I posted last night about my chickens and ducks not hatching. Today is day 23. I've had them in the incubator and haven't really touched them since day 18. There is no pipping, nada! How can I check if they are alive? What should I do? Should I do the float test? This is my first time...
  18. Ronie

    Help please!!

    Hello! I am BRAND new to this forum and hatching eggs as well! My daughter had the genius idea of hatching eggs as her 5th grade science project. The idea was to add 3 different types of birds in the same incubator and see if they will all hatch at the same temperature even though they have...
  19. ChickenMomma19

    Hatching/Caring for New Duck Eggs

    I have had ducklings before as well as baby chicks, but I have never hatched them until now! I have about two dozen duck eggs in my incubator. I kind of need a step by step DO and DO NOT DO list. I have read so many things, I feel like I am going to miss something. Is there an overview or a...
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