
  1. R

    4x8 Chicken Coop Help

    Hi Yall, My girlfriend and I are building the following Coop. We found the plans at We've pretty much finished all the framing and while we've been building we've come up with some questions and we were hoping you could help. - Being that...
  2. M

    Experienced owner getting at it again!

    Hello! I am a young college graduate living in South East Idaho. I had chickens when I was in high school but when I left for college my parents decided to follow, so we had to sell our house and our chickens with them. Now that I am getting my own house, I can get chickens again! I am very...
  3. S

    Free DIY barrel funnel for feed and water

    Maybe this is old news but you can upcycle trashed water jugs into quality barrel funnels. My local bottled water company has to pay the landfill to get rid of worn out bubbler jugs. They gave me a bunch for free. These things are polycarbonate and in my area are not recyclable. Cutting...
  4. floral_chickadee

    Building a chicken coop— waterproofing? +coop plans

    Ok so, I’m back once again with a new idea. Previously I was thinking about converting a playhouse into a chicken coop, but after talking with several users about how much “editing” would have needed to be done, I’ve decided against that since it would probably be cheaper and more satisfactory...
  5. CmmwlthAbbey

    ? About PT wood, converting playhouse to coop

    I found a children play house that I was thinking of converting to a coop but am concerned about a pressure treated wood. Here is the link. Any advice? TY!
  6. Low hoop coop chicken tractor PVC

    Low hoop coop chicken tractor PVC

    I built a low hoop coop that’s lightweight, inexpensive, and easy to move. Lots of photos below! 📸 It’s 8’wide x 10’ long x 3’ high at center. The arch uses seven 10’ 3/4” pvc arches and three 10’ 1/2” PVC for horizontal stabilization. The ends are wood built from free 2x2s and 1x3 i got...
  7. PioneerChicks

    DIY Flock Blocks - Share Your Recipes!

    Show me what you've got! I'd love to see everybody's recipes, and have a few questions besides. What do you use to make it stick together? Would molasses and peanut butter work? And what is a good grain-to-sticky stuff ratio?
  8. WallyBirdie

    Parrot stand/perch DIY

    The prices of bird training perches and playstands can be outrageous. $40, $90, $394, etc... Made this for $20, plus toys I already had. (I apologize for the lighting.) Round wooden base, $8 the dowels were cheap and I added sisal cord (bird friendly) Drilled a few holes and used some...
  9. Homemade Egg Incubator - No Gas! No Electricity!

    Homemade Egg Incubator - No Gas! No Electricity!

    Contents: • Abstract (Premise) • Blueprint (Conceptual) • Step by Step Methodology (Video Included) • Purpose (Significance of the project) ABSTRACT My Homemade incubator does not make use of gas and electricity; mimics natural incubation process(a hen sitting on eggs), this is dry...
  10. Kusanar

    Need ideas - compost / DIY related

    Ok, so, I have horses, they are going to be fed hay all winter in a run in shed which = lots of horse manure all in one place. Over the summer they have been wandering almost 10 acres so no need to clean any of it up but I will need to clean some this winter to keep them from getting their shed...
  11. My Sunflower Coop

    My Sunflower Coop

    Finally finished my coop. It's a walk-in, slant-roof design built largely of scrap lumber I found around town. Sunflower siding is from an 8 x 12' backdrop that I'd constructed for my daughter's graduation party (for photo ops). Built inside a 6 x 8 x 30' wire structure that previously was my...
  12. Mustafa Aamir

    adding a see through window

    anybody has any ideas on adding a see through diy plastic window on a diy plastic incubator... and that to during incubation, cause currently i have 24 eggs in the bator on there 12th day... any help will be appreciated
  13. G

    Yes, Christmas is 72 days away but...[DIY ideas needed and add your own you’ve done in your past]

    I’m on a pretty strict Christmas budget this year. My pullets are not laying yet but they will be within the month (squatting, two finger spaces and fluffy butt up and downs). I live in Florida so, I was going to give all 4 family groupings some eggs. But I don’t necessarily want to just give...
  14. Greystone farm

    Natural deworming

    Hey! I want to deworm my ducks before winter. I don't see any symptoms, but just want to be safe :) Does anyone have any suggestions for doing it at home, naturally? I do cayenne pepper and shredded carrots for my chickens, which I have heard works. Not sure if that works for ducks, too? Thanks...
  15. PioneerChicks' Farmyard

    PioneerChicks' Farmyard

    Because I have multiple coops, I decided to make a short article with links to my loft, chicken run, and coops, along with a few extra notes. So please check out the links and enjoy! The Triangle Coop A great summer chicken tractor for a small flock! The Tall Coop A simple and cheap build...
  16. Q

    Muscovy duck eggs-will they hatch?

    Hi there, so a family member of mine has a small holding and gifted me two Muscovy duck eggs (we THINK they are fertile) and a brooder. They were at ambient/warm temperature for 2 1/2 days after collection, and are now in my diy incubator. It is a rubber mat with an old fish tank turned upside...
  17. Simple DIY Pigeon Loft

    Simple DIY Pigeon Loft

    This is the first pigeon loft I have built. I have a small store-built loft for my pair of Birmingham Rollers, Cher Ami and Commando, but as I am expecting eggs and want to get some Homers I decided I needed to expand. We found an old open-top wooden box at a desirable trash station and took it...
  18. C

    Body Temp Thermometer in DIY incubator??

    Hi. I am building a cheap incubator but I don't have a room thermometer. I was wondering if I could check the temperature of the incubator by placing a body thermometer in the water glass used for humidity, and check the water in the glass. Would that work? Of course I would have to do it a few...
  19. BudgieKing15

    Has anyone ever drained any of their hen's first eggs and saved it?

    I decided to drain my first egg from my current flock, spray a clear coat of spray-paint on it, and keep it. Has anyone else done anything like this? (Also I'm attaching a pic of said egg.)
  20. jewelg

    Coop math + potential shed conversion

    Hello, Chicken People! :) So, I'm either doing this wrong, or every single pre-made coop you can buy wants you to pen your chickens in like large sardines in a tiny can. Help! And thank you, all, for contributing and building such an incredible resource. FYI, we live in Los Angeles, California...
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